Monday, February 04, 2019

Update: ALERT: Royal Clothing Bekeshes may be Shatnez

Buyer Beware:
Due to all of the false comments by Royal clothing affiliates, they are not to be trusted in their clothing re: shatnez or any of their other statements.

Others are considering a complete boycott of these clothing manufacturers. It will work if we publicize some new names of reliable clothing manufacturers.

Royal Clothing was
put on notice of a pending lawsuit for "consumer fraud" to be filed in Federal Court.

Anyone interested in joining in the lawsuit as a plaintiff, should contact us at

Note: Consumer Fraud In Federal Court, damages are trebled.

We met with all of the Dayonim of those that are certifying the Shatnez Lab of Williamsburgh. All the Dayonim were asked indivuidually if they know the practical part to distinguish linen and wool?, they all responded they have no clue.

I offered to teach them, they refused.

Royal wants to hide behind that Bais Din.

Who would purchase a bekeshe from Royal with that serious issue of Shatnez? We wouldn't.


  1. Its false all their garments are checked at the shatnez lab or Brooklyn and are full mines free

  2. Royal clothing to their detriment uses the Shatnez lab Williamsburg that has proven time and again not to be reliable in shatnez testing.

  3. Yudel keeps putting up all kind of Hazmannahs and Seirufim about those that, in his opinion, do not show up to Bais Din. Of course, the names of Nitanim are posted but not the to'anim "in order to protect the toain's privacy". Which is ALL mutar - free for all - based on a line in the Rambam and the Chofetz Chayim, according to Yudel's interpretation, which of course in taken out of context (as usual).

    Never mind what happened in the past - right or wrong.

    But for Reb Yudel Shlit'a, B'chvoidoy V'atzmoy, to threaten to go to court ?!?!?!?
    To threaten to go "class action" ?!?!?!?! Thats pretty low. I'm sorry Rabbi. To us "grubbeh" Baaleh Batim" that is a hypocritical as it gets - lets not even discuss this Halachacily.

    (And we just finished laining parshas Mishpatim.)

  4. bes din right???? oy vey

  5. I checked my 2 royal bekishes at the boro park shatnez laboratory and its 100 percent kosher no linen at all
    This looks like it's a duel between 2 shatnez labs

  6. Is everyone shatnez? No.

    But when some are found to be shatnez, one may not wear them till they are checked by a qualified shatnez lab.

  7. לא קיצצו את התכנית
    עולם כמנהגו נוהג. בית המשפט דחה את פניית המוהל יהודה גיאת שלא לשדר הערב את התכנית "כלבוטק". התכנית תשודר כמתוכנן
    תגיות: כלבוטק
    ענת קם
    יום רביעי, 27 בפברואר 2008, 13:03

    רוצים לימודים עם עניין ותעודת הוראה? זה החוג שלכם
    בית המשפט המחוזי בירושלים אישר הבוקר את שידור תחקיר המוהלים של כלבוטק. התחקיר עוסק במוהלים שמשתמשים במכשיר שצורב תינוקות לאחר מילה כדי לעצור את הדימום, מכשיר שעל פי נהלי משרד הבריאות מותר לשימוש על ידי רופאים, אך אסור באופן מפורש לשימוש על ידי מוהלים.
    יהודה גיאת, אחד המוהלים המופיעים בתחקיר, פנה אמש לבית המשפט המחוזי בירושלים בבקשה למנוע את שידור התחקיר וכן להפסיק את שידורי הפרומואים לקראתו. בדיון שהתקיים היום בשעה 11:30, קבעה השופטת נאווה בן אור כי מבחינה משפטית אין סיבה למנוע את שידור התחקיר ובכך לפגוע בחופש הביטוי ובזכות הציבור לדעת. השופטת פנתה לגיאת ושאלה אם ירצה למשוך את בקשתו. לאור החלטתו הצפויה של בית המשפט הוא עשה זאת והתחקיר אושר לשידור. את התכנית כלבוטק ייצגו במשפט עורכי הדין פז מוזר ותמיר גליק.
    גולן יוכפז, עורך כלבוטק, אמר לוואלה! ברנז'ה: "אנו שמחים ששוב בית המשפט איפשר למערכת עיתונאית לבצע את תפקידה ולהביא את ממצאיה בפני הציבור."

  8. Checked my bekishe no shatnez at all
    Looks like some false rumors
    somone will pay a hefty price for these false claims after his 120

  9. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachTue Feb 05, 12:01:00 PM 2019

    It's not so much that the mashgiach needs an education on how class actions are commenced because he was slacking on the job yesterday at 1:54 pm in one of his fits of anti-Yudel grepssing, no matter what the merits of anything are.

    Or maybe he wants to graduate himself from the ranks of grubba baal habittim to chosuve rebbinim with an uphat & frock and found that Royal is the only manufacturer to offer his size at a reasonable price. Der mashgiach is lichoyre muchroch now that his hero Pinny Lipschutz has upgraded his wardrobe.

    There are terutzim how there is no issur arkoyos but the mashgiach doesn't like to be confused with facts that don't fit his agenda.

  10. I heard its completely false no shatnez was found
    Shatnez lab of boro park confirmed that aswell
    I would think twice before posting this rumor

    1. I fully agree with this
      מוציא שׁם רע דאורייתא

    2. Boro park lab is much more reliable and consistent over bressler
      They claims it's all false and all bekishees are completely linen free

  11. The facts are as follows: Shatnez was found in a few of the bekeshes manufactured and sold by Royal Company.

    All of you commenters are not experts in Shatnez.

    The fact that some were checked and were found to be non-shatnez does not in any way change the facts that some of Royals bekeshes do contain Shatnez.

    BTW- Yudel, learned shatnez testing by Mr. Rosenberger himself and worked for over a year at the Shatnez Lab.

    1. I asked shatnez lab of boro park and every item that royal puts in their bekishe is checked prior with the shatnez lab
      You can go to royal yourself and verify it

  12. What does Royal charge for a bekeshe?

    I mean the ones that are shatnez free.

  13. Welcome back. How are your the crony friends doing?

    Sounds like the Kranke is out of a job yet again.

    It also seems like HIS version of "QueensRabbonimLogic" caught up with him - Aye, he is 'Krank'.

    'There are terutzim how......' Exactly. Terutzim. Terutzim. Terutzim.

  14. Sorry the evidence is there, it's shatnez.
    A reminder, Yidel Shain is a qualified tester by Mr. Yosef Rosenberger.

    Shatnez is a fact, not a myth.

    Royal Bekeshes (not all) do contain shatnez.

    Before wearing a royal bekeshe have it tested by a qualified shatnez lab.

    Use labs that are certified by the International Shatnez testers, Organization.

  15. Pinny, mit zein 10 gallon up hat, appointed himself Ruv of a new shul he just opened on "Shady" Lane, south of the Lake.

    In Monsey he is on the Yevonishe "Olympia" and in Lakewood he veisst oiss admits there is something finsterra.

  16. If I wear a Royal Bekesheh can I buy at Bingo????

  17. I would assume that those who wear a bekeshe out of concern for shatnez, would take the time to have their Royal bekeshe tested at the shatnez lab. Doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to have a garment tested at a shatnez lab!

  18. this is a myth no lined was ever found
    you can go to royal and check any bekishe and see for yourself
    this is pure a extortion act of mosshe bressler from lakewood

  19. This is pure false claims
    Somone bressler is trying to make money here

    1. I heard about this moshe bressler is trying to extort money from ppl

    2. Bressler is a long time scam

  20. what a false lie you are very inaccurate
    Royal uses shatnez lab of boro park!
    how can you lie if you never went to check for yourself?

  21. all beksihe stores use the same trimmings and shoulder pads
    no one has a issue

  22. No need to bash others! If you have an issue taken it out with the company itself. How can you make such a general statement without bringing proof. Some of the above comments are so full of hate!

  23. Out of all bekishe stores in Boro park MR Royal is the most realiable and machmir evan if you would pay him for shatnez he wouldn't
    This is absolutely false

  24. It was re-confirmed by a very reliable Shatnez Laboratory.

    Just be aware that your tefilous are not accepted if you wear shatnez, R"L

    Don't believe all of these planted positive statements, they are all bigeder,
    a DIAPER trying to cover up, but ess shtinkt shoen.

    1. Boro park shatnez Lab is trusted for years they say all kosher
      So why make false claims?
      I belive That god that will punish you for this

    2. You can see for yourself
      Check out your bekishe and you will see it's all false claims

  25. Looks like they didnt pay the extortion money for these 2 clowns moshe bressler and yosef sayga

    1. This crook needs to be exposed

      Moshe bressler

    2. Moshe bressler is known for these dirty shtick

  26. Stop this crook?, Royal is not the only one that's deceiving the kosher consumer G&G, among other ones as well.

    But why is mostly the Chasidishe vendors only care about money, not deception, etc.

    We know there are Chasidishe sweater manufacturers that it's full of shatnez, yet they keep selling it to the heimish oilum.

    Why don't they sell just to goyim? cause they don't buy bekeshes?

  27. All of those nasty comments are all coming from Royal clothiers, so just grin and laugh.

    Buy your bekeshes by mendy Sacho clothing in crown heights, forget Royal & G&G, etc.

    1. Chaim duvid rabinowitzFri Feb 08, 02:11:00 PM 2019

      How can you be מוציא שם רע ?
      You know?
      You have inside info?

    2. I'm a simple concerned yid who lived in Lakewood and is fed up of this so called rabbi bressler who works as a so claimed rav

  28. What a scandal, Royal clothiers selling to gullible frum consumers clothing that may contain shatnez.

    What in the world do they want from this Rabbi Bressler, he only discovered by Royal as is know at a bris, the mohel declares נתגלה העטרה

    1. I'll explain you what the problem with bressler is
      The shaltnez lab in boro park which is long trusted had confirmed that all is kosher and ok.
      Here comes bressler is says it's not ok because they dont use him

  29. Ok guys, time to get serious.

    Let's find other honest clothiers to produce bekeshes, clothing for the heimish tzibur with using Royal, G&G, etc.

    We are sick and tired of being raped by these money hungry shysters.

    They blame the messengers, what a chutzpah!

    Boycott Royal clothing.

    Anyone know of other erlicher manufacturers, please publicize here.

    Someone said Mendy Sacho in crown heights, where, what, telephone , address,?????

  30. Do we have to keep crooks like Royal in business?

    Let them close shop.

    We want honest vendors only.

    1. MR bressler looks like you have a personal fight with royal.
      I know the MR for 21 years he is the most trusted person in the line. I heard about this story last week I called the Williamsburg and boro park shatnez laboratory and they both confirmed that all is kosher

  31. I checked my stuff by rabbi sayag and all was kosher

  32. It sounds like due to yudel’s Discovery and publishing his number one discovery that the named Bebkesher place lost ALL his business and is closing down.
    Yudel. Mission accomplished.
    Or am I lying???
