Monday, March 04, 2019

Tzitzis warning!!
 Feb. 28, 2019 
Dear Friend,
 I have become aware that there are those who are wearing hemp ציצית on cotton and linen garments.
 One doing so, has not fulfilled his obligation of ציצית. He is actually transgressing the mitzvah of ציצית, by wearing a four cornered garment that requires ציצית, without wearing ציצית that fulfills his obligation. In addition, if he makes a ברכה on the ציצית, he is making a ברכה לבטלה!

The halacha is that only linen and woolen ציצית may be put on any type of garment to fulfill his obligation (excluding of course, woolen ציצית on a linen garment and vice versa which would be shatnez). In regard to other types of ציצית (which is called שאר מינים), they can only be used for the same type of garment, as cotton ציצית for a cotton garment, as stated in Shulchan Orach 9:2-3.

Although, hemp which is called קנבוס by Chazal, is closely related to linen, it is not linen and does not make shatnez with wool. Likewise, it is considered שאר מינים in regard to ציצית.

Therefore, hemp ציצית can only be used for a hemp garment; you can see this brought down in Mishna Berura 9:2.

If someone would want to use hemp ציצית for a hemp garment, he would have to first verify that the garment is actually of hemp, as stated in Hilchos shatnez. This may be very difficult to verify as it looks very very similar to linen. 

Please publicize!

Rabbi Moshe Bresler
Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez

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