Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Be aware that the KCL does not provide kashrus, they are a "Mafia"-type organization that provides "protection for a fee".

To KCL, et al

This is to serve as an Official notice that you have been in violation of the Anti-trust act, Federal Rico Act,  Anti Sherman/ Anti-Clayton acts.

When I put in a paid ad and others i.e. KCL et al threaten in any manner that they will restrict others from any action or in action, etc.  is a direct violation of one or more of the above mentioned Federal acts.

"Persons injured by reasons of a RICO violation have a civil cause of action under the terms of the act. 18 U.S.C. §§ 1962(c), 1964(c)) provides for liability in civil suits brought by any person injured ‘in his business or property’ by a RICO violation, with a compulsory award of treble damages, costs, and attorneys fees and makes it unlawful for ‘any person’ who is employed" 

I intend to enforce fully my rights and the rights of others that may be affected.

There is "Dina-Di'Malchusah" and I have a obtained a Hetter Bais-Din to enforce the rights.

Sincerely yours,

Yehuda Shain


Notice: To KCL, you should be aware that restricting others from giving a hashgocha or any other service at affairs under the KCL, is also a violation of the above Federal Acts, and will be enforced. Be aware that treble damages must be awarded by the Courts, they do not have discretion.

Notice to KCL; Your Kosher certification may be charged Federal Consumer Fraud. The Federal Consumer Fraud act also provides for treble damages.The treble damages remedy is mandatory under N.J.S.A. 56:8-19 

Note: Beth Medrash Govoha was not aware when they set up this division that this would be the outcome?


  1. A Heter from from the “Bully pen”.
    From Left field - gor left.

  2. Who had damages here except Toisav Monsey who will collect for every offer he made to every store in between Monsey and Lakewood.

  3. For your information, My Rav told me that in Lakewood, one must know if the owner manager are reliable then my family can eat there, because there is no hashgocha in control.

    I asked him if that is for all places? simcha halls, pizza stores, restaurants, etc. He said yes, and otherwise only eat at home.

    I asked him why he doesn't publicize it in our shul to all of the mispalilim? He said he doesn't want to be ostracized by the establishment, but if one asks, I tell them. Most don't ask they just assume, nebech.

  4. Sounds like your Rov is Reb Yudel shlit’a.
    (He knows more then lots of other Rabbonim in town)

  5. A group of 3 spoke to our Rav regarding eating in Lakewood establishments.

    The Rav advice to was, in Lakewood establishments we can't say that there a hashgocha on the eateries. The way it should be in Lakewood is that each establishments should have the Owners Rav should be the one in charge of the kashrus.

    The Rav's first area to verify, would be to ascertain if the Rav really feels comfortable with the erlichkeit of the owner.

    Then, he'll review the ingredients, the management, the setup for no Bishul akum, infestation, etc.

    Sometimes, understandably the Rav would rather not give him his Hashgocha, and the owner will have to settle for the current ones.

    That type of setup, the Rav felt is what a Kolel Shtut is entitled to.

  6. That's a very interesting and practical set-up for reliable kashrus. The fee should go to the shul, so there is no negius, but the Rav is to remain the exclusive authority on all kashrus related matters.

  7. Rav Landau, Z"L, in Bnei Brak did not personally get any money for the kashrus, it was a Kehila Hashgocha.

    In all previous Kehilas, that's what the set up was.

  8. If someone doesn't have a regular shul that he davens in? A floater that davens wherever there is a minyan when he gets up, what is he supposed to do?

    I guess, no Rav will give him and that's the price you pay for not being part of a Tzibur.

  9. Try to give Hashgachas for free claiming its a K'hilla thing.
    Yudel will have a field day. So will every one else.
    BTW: since when is Lakewood a Kehillah????

  10. What if the shul Rov is unqualified?! Just because someone opens a minyan doesn't mean he knows anything!

  11. Nisht a Leidigeyer who is grada from outside QueensThu Apr 11, 02:04:00 PM 2019

    If you think Lakewood is bad, you should have seen what Chaimel Schwartz's boss Shoinfeld wrote in his Queens Vaad propaganda magazine.

    After some dark secrets about the lack of kashrus standards started getting leaked here, Shoinfeld was raving, trying to vilify and shoot the messengers & made the bewildering statement that "kashrus was never from the yesodos of Yiddishkeit" (!) so what are the critics hocking about

  12. https://pix11.com/2019/04/07/nj-sex-offender-tried-to-get-explicit-videos-from-young-oklahoma-girl-prosecutors-office/

    KCL is a very understanding & not discriminatory kashrus agency. They give everyone including offenders a chance. It figures Yudel would beat up on them. Have a heart.

    1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6917795/Senior-rabbi-55-caught-having-inappropriate-association-married-woman.html

  13. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:D71GsKkYaxcJ:https://www.jewishlinknj.com/community-news/middlesex/18400-chef-shmuli-schwinger-to-lead-rutgers-chabad-s-kosher-dining-program+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    Chef Shmuli Schwinger to Lead Rutgers Chabad’s Kosher Dining Program

  14. Shmuli Schwinger has been a listed pedophile for the past 10 years. he's been working under the kcl for the past 5 years. He was nebech arrested last Friday for additional pedophile issues and they also charged him with possession of drugs.

    1. Nebach arrested?Do you have daughter's? If he is a rodef the Torah H'kdosha tells us how to deal with such a person. The nebach is on individuals who have mercy on dangerous individuals!

  15. Every Rav could avail himself with the expert advise of the OU Rabbinic Coordinators that reside in Lakewood.

    Rabbis Yosef Grossman, Yitzchok, Mincer, Nosson Neuberger, Morrison, /d/ovid Rockove, Yitzchak Twersky, etc.

  16. All of you Queens complainers about your Queens Vaad Standards, just check out the Lakewood's KCL and you'll stop complaining.

  17. I was new to Eretz Yisroel Last Zman, I asked my Rosh Yeshiva, I'm particular about kashrus, what should I eat in Eretz Yisroel?

    You are from Lakewood? You ate the local kcl? I said "sure".

    Then, you can eat everything here, but by Rabanut, take maaser, etc. again.

  18. KBLD save the QueenTue Apr 16, 08:55:00 AM 2019

    The Londoner menuvol was quick to attack Kedassia a few years ago.
