Sunday, May 05, 2019

Update: Ande Boy hearts infested De Ja Vu


  1. A hashgocho considered respectable was using Andy Boy exclusively in a hotel this year with minimal washing & checking while boldly asserting that "Andy Boy is known to be very clean".

    Sounds like someone got a good price at the wholesale market & there are some very "clean" hands after they "washed" the others.

  2. the head mashgiach in the andy boy hotel was displaying a common type of lubavitcher arrogance that their minhogim are the only valid shita in klal yisroel. it was ad kdei kach that he went digging after people looking for opportunities to lay on provocative criticism. if only he had a clue that 5 issurim from the Torah on each bug is far more important than any chumros of his rebbes

  3. Andy boy never was never never will be clean without washing. "Dovr Pushut". But it may be a good starting point to some.
