Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Weis's- Glatt Organic poultry- The rest of the story- Alert! not-reccomended for the educated kosher consumer

Weiss organic poultry (aka- Glatt Organic) was processing at an OU facility, with the OU

certification. After accumulating an outstanding unpaid "high 6 figures", Weiss Organic opted to process in a different OU facility. Weiss Organic asked the OU for certification. The OU had the parties go to a Din Torah. Weiss was ordered to pay up the high 6 figure amount. They refused. The OU took the position, Weiss Organic is a " Loi-Tzayis-Dinah", therefore also dishonest, untrustworthy to kosher certify them.

Weiss Organic, naturally went to the Star-K (BTW-Star-K was told the OU will not certify till they comply with the psak bais din). The Star-K gladly accepted to certify them in the OU certified poultry plant.

We are of the opinion that the kosher consumer should only purchase (especially meat & poultry) only from upstanding honest purveyors that comply with ruling of a Bais Din.

For a copy of the Star-K shechita "attributes" report from the Debreciner Rav, Rav Stein & others, send us an email to kashrusy@aol.com


  1. Contact - Wise Glatt-Organics

    "Wise Organic Pastures chicken (which is both kosher and organic) is by far the best chicken I have ever eaten, and in fact has “made” me more observant because I can’t bear the thought of eating a non-kosher “non-Wise” chicken these days."

  2. Glatt Organics Brooklyn NY, 11211 – Manta.com

    Glatt Organics LLC is a privately held company in Brooklyn, NY . Categorized under Natural and Organic Foods.
    Location: 314 Penn Street, Brooklyn, 11211, New York
    Phone: 8452059000

  3. That's VERY straight:

    Address: Brooklyn (Holy Wiliamsburg)
    Phone: 854 area code - Upstate NY as Monsey, Monroe etc.
    Yes. Its a Cell. Neverthelss - Unreachable at will.

  4. Yudel, we both know that they had both our and star k for a good while... they also had and still have hisachdus ... Are you afraid to bash hisachdus?

  5. CRC's Hisachdus, to date never dropped a hashgucha for kashrus or any other valid reason, ONLY If they don't get their "bak'shish" on time.

    It never had the star-k and OU.

    How could you even say in the same breath OU and Star-K? The OU has values, the Star-k is one that thrives on NO values at all.

  6. 90 Heiligeh yiddishe yeshivishe neshoomes don't have a School and Reb Yudel Shlit'a, the unofficial caretaker and overseer of this town, has nothing to say ???

    Did you do anything about this behind OUR (us, the avid readers and followers of your site) Backs ??? I'm so sure you did.

    Please please let us know what the Matzav is about this issue. Or at least the causes of such important issues.

    What do or did the gedolim in Eretz Yisrooel attribute this 'tzooreh' to?
    Anything to do with kashris?

    What do the Local Lakewood Raboonim say or do? Not your favorite Vaad Rabbonim.

  7. OU & STAR K certified wise's slaughterhouse together with CHK in Stevens PA after Wise left David Elliot ... Now they are at birdsboro.... This is a non issue. We all know the OU has little to do with these places they are run by the others

  8. Perhaps this website should close down at least till the conclusion of the Yomim Noraim??

    What you all say?
