Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Is this a choshen mishpat or Yoreh Dayah issue?

As is well known, people have their kashrus preferences in the meat and poultry they eat.
If your butcher department carries also the brands that you do not use, yet he uses the same uncleaned tables, knives, grinders, slicers, etc.

So in essence you are getting THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR!

Make sure you ascertain in advance what brands they carry and process.

A " Sefardi" would have those issues as well re: Bet Yosef.

We recently became aware that Kosher West starting using, processing AGRI, etc.


  1. Its not Choshen Mishpat or Yoreh Dayah. Just ask the Mashgiach what the story is.
    If he is not 100% truthful about this (as you imply) then you should not buy water there either.

  2. Which store butcher departments do you currently recommend?

  3. Therefore buy at ;

    Kosher village



    Butch Epstein

  4. Wed Sep 18, 09:12:00 AM 2019

    You can buy in those stores on the assumption that they are 100% truthful.
    Assumption being the key word.

  5. In kashrus, one should never "assume", you know why!
