Thursday, September 05, 2019

Star-K says "figs can't be checked", yet .......hashgocha says "check them"


  1. All of a sudden Star-K is "ah daiyeh zoogeh" ?

    What does Minchas Chinuch Hashgacha have to do with Star-K ??

    What does R. Vaye say is what matters. Or even 'Ah Zoog' From Rav Elyashev or Rav Auerbach or Rav Shternbuch. But Star-K on this site ???

    You already could of used % Towns or Queens guys standards.

    Just trying to keep this site on its 'self made' train tracks.

  2. The Lakewood & Monsey fish Chevra say that the star-k and minchas chinuch accepted the pledge of allegiance re: worms in fish, so all of their infested products are therefore acceptable.

  3. it became a new trend to use fresh figs by parties
