Sunday, October 27, 2019

Alert: Lakewood Kesubos / Gittin correct spelling of Lakewood

The attached newly discovered מעשה בית דין  written by Maran Harav Moshe Feinstein זצ"ל, clearly shows his opinion that the correct spelling of the name of the town “Lakewood” in Hebrew is ליקבוד”. As such, all כתובות written in Lakewood should be spelled ליקבודaccording to this ruling of the פוסק הדור.
Regarding the writing of Gittin which is much more חמור than כתובות, the spelling of the name of the town must be decided by the גדולי הדור. The Chasam Sofer in Teshuvos states, that before starting to write Gittin in a new town, the גדולי הדור must convene and decide how Gittin should be written in that town. This includes both the spelling of the name of the town and the rivers that must be written in a גט, as well as the spelling of those rivers.  
It should also be noted that at times both Roshei Yeshiva of Lakewood, Maran Harav Aharon Kotler זצ"ל and his son Harav Shneur Kotler זצ"ל spelled Lakewood in Hebrew, ליקבוד, exactly as spelled by Reb Moshe זצ"ל


  1. We already have the gedolim ( or Godol) on this site so we can establish the correct name and location for Lakewood right now.
    Then we can run it by the poskim in EY and decide whom to quote.

  2. באגרות משה בב' תשובות בשנת תשכ"ג כ' ליקוואוד (או"ח ב' כ"ז, וחו"מ א' ע"ד). אף שמתחילה כתב בזה ליקבוד, ודאי חזר בו
    וכן כשסידר קידושין החופה של ר' יהושע קרופעניא שליט"א כתב ליקוואוד

  3. 5:33
    It’s a error in the Igros Mosheh ( or maybe It’s from the last volume).
    Since Horah Hagon moirainee Reb Yeedle Shlit’a didn’t quote it or find.
    Otherwise your a Kofer.

  4. To say R' Moshe was ודאי חזר בו is pretty irresponsible. I think those without נגיעות that would see the Maaseh BD and then the תשובות would say the same thing that I am saying.

  5. To say R' Moshe was ודאי חזר בו is pretty irresponsible. I think those without נגיעות that would see the Maaseh BD and then the תשובות would say the same thing that I am saying.

  6. The earlier unsigned paper from r Moshe or the later dated two signed teshuvos and a publicly available kesuba which was used when Rav Elyashiv himself approved the current spelling kevius for Lakewood???

  7. in the book on reb ahron there is a picture of reb shneur's invitiation and it clearly says ליקבוד

  8. Sorry Rabbi anonymous,but Rav Elyashiv NEVER approved the writing of Gittin in Lakewood. He actually stated publicly that before they start writing it must be decided by the leaders of the generation.

  9. Based on the above discussion there is plenty plenty room to be mevatel many more Kedushins and save lots of people much aggravation. And of course to promote and justify some of the current Gedolims views and actions.

    Oy meh hayah lanoo.

  10. The correct spelling of 'wood' in Hebrew is not just a Lakewood issue, it is in Woodbourne and Woodridge too. And it was always a machlokes between Reb Yaakov and Reb MOshe.

