Sunday, August 13, 2023

Eventually you should install a dual or triple lens dashcam ASAP, and avoid many legal issues.


  1. Police depts are supposed to use a device that scans the phone to prove if any calls or texts or apps were in use.

    They have no proof otherwise & unless the judge is corrupt he should throw the ticket out

  2. Instead of enriching that anteh-Semitt, pro-toyava askan Bezos through Amazon, wait a few hours for Black Friday & Cyber Monday when everyone drops their prices.

  3. or buy it or a similar item for b&h

  4. B&H doesn't carry the 3 camera VIOFO T-130


    No tax for US customers of this Canadian supplier.

    Why buy from Amazon when baal habos Bezos is a za anteh-Semitt? His latest controversy, going on right now, is he refuses to stop selling the anti-Semitic video produced by Black Hebrews that led to the downfalls of entertainer Kanye West & Brooklyn Nets player Kylie Irving. Several public figures along with the ADL & NBA have demanded Amazon take the poisonous video off the website. Bezos is being slammed for not even responding, hoping they will stop complaining if he ignores everyone. This is the one time Bezos is quiet. He is always quick to open his big mouth for defending toyeveh and the like.

  6. This is confusing. Pupa made a lot of noise that they separated from Sachdis.

    But now they are not only touting to be part of Sachdis but that they merged with Global Kosher of Florida which is Rabbi William Ovadya Tank, who is Rov of an oylam from Hispanic countries. He once claimed to give shgooche on KCL's Smokey Hill restaurant in Lakewood.

  7. One of the Satmar Zaloini Mafia thugs, Shia M, became the administrator of Pupa so he pashtus worked out a cease fire between the sides

  8. I thought Tank was a Sfardi or a Chabadsker or both. How does he come to Pupa that they even appointed him to run their kashrus?

  9. Asiatisher Marmorosher FerdSun Aug 13, 08:09:00 PM 2023

    If Shia made shulem beineihem instead of instigating more machloikes there mu$t have been $omething in it for him. He's one of the roidfim of a Rebbe who the Satmar Mafia made run for his life & they are building a mikvah with the more than half million dollars they stole from the Rebbe & the menadvim. When shecheinim complain of the hezek reeyeh from the mikvah, it's veiter brutal. Shia's friend told one veibeleh, even though she is Satmar, to go mach her tzruchim, with or without beis hakisey.

  10. The Vaad to Expose the Queens VaadSun Aug 13, 11:32:00 PM 2023

    Ironic that "Ralph" Zohn is mazmin his shver Danny Benedict to Beis Din of America instead of running to Peretz the ******* at the Queens Vaad. How loud did Danny have to yell that any Queens Vaad "psak" will be an inside job worthy of Peretz's shutef Mendel Epstein & "Ralph"'s old man, the stolen kevorim & tachrichim scam maniac?

    Queens Supreme Court
    Index Number: 706031/2021

    Arkoios has the beis din tzettlach uploaded

  11. Perfect news to into Elul.
    Oh. Forgot, its a Mitzvah. Hope its a BIG mitzvah.
    Oh. The Bais Hamikdash is now much much closer to being rebuilt with this news.

  12. Elul also means that the memorial day for Gedaliah ben Achikam is coming. But 'You Know Who' still hasn't gotten the message thousands of years after Chazal were mesaken a Tzoim for nudniks like him that he's supposed to realize that one of the biggest avlos of all is covering up lashon horah that has toyeles. Cover ups are his 24/7 arbet that go way beyond bashing "Shain" who 'dares' to shed light on kashrus scandals.

    Now as far as the Queens Vaad's Kangaroo Court "beis din", it also doesn't help that 'You Know Who"'s buddy Chaim Schwartz inserts himself as Safra Dedaynah. Mendel Epstein alein couldn't do better with all the predetermined outcomes dort. It makes the Schwartz Pizza Cartel pale in comparison.

  13. Eenterlander EenterveltnikTue Aug 15, 10:25:00 AM 2023

    This Satmar mafia also buy a shtik karka mit de geganvent gelt near the mikveh to build new beis medrash. They flipped it for big profit to the new Ruv they bringing, making him pay for it. "Nice" guys!


    Page 42: Vaad Hakashrus Kiryas Breslov on the year round fish store in Liberty, NY.

    Of the various shnits calling themselves Breslov, these chevra in the Hurleyville section of Liberty are one of the loonier & more dangerous ones. Because they are marrying off bucherim not much older than bar mitzva to very young meydelach, they have been in trouble with the NYPD & had to flee from the City limits in Willy.

  15. The Ashkenazi rabbis of Queens, by their silence, have baalut with Schwartz & his Vaad father behaving like listim mezuyanim to make mafia control of the pizza sales.

    Maybe we should start referring to Chaim Schwartz as the Vaadfather.

  16. Mon Aug 14, 10:45:00 PM 2023

    If that what Elul means to you, you may as well read the megillah and drink grape juice (Wine is too hard for your softy neshama).

    For you its Purim.


  18. "For you its Purim"

    Farkert! It's your letzonus to be doiche toichacha. YOU refuse to recognize toieles even when it's Loi Saamoid!

    1. Your definition of Toeles is the biggest joke there is.
      You seem to enjoy badmouthing people that itself according to you is letoeles.
      But it’s only a joke here …..
      After 120 you’ll be in shock.

  19. R. Amnon jumps ahead of Yudel by stating, in Monsey, that there is no kosher Shchita in all of America.

  20. The only joke is you. And it's a bad joke how you cover up EVERYTHING. You never allow for ANY toeles.

  21. Allowing for “any Toeles” is not good enough it’s got to be 100% Toeles for sure not your definition of Toeles. Also Toeles alone does not allow the LH to be spread if the rest of the conditions do not apply. One of the conditions is that it has to be first hand source. A second hand source, especially from non reliable sources as in surfing the internet won’t allow LH even if Toeles is involved.

  22. There goes 'You Know Who' again. "Any toeles" means that YOU never, ever allow toeles when others are speaking. (Although when YOU want to bashmutz many who you dislike you hypocritically have no gedorim whatsoever). So stop playing your word games.

    And a 2nd hand source is allowed by most Rishonim-Achronim if it's from a government document or even a newspaper. But nice try, your umpteenth try, of trying your hardest to shut down any exposure of evil that you wish remained covered up.

  23. Gov’t .. or newspapers. In todays day and age.
    Your Toeles is a bigger churban then the actual curbinous.

  24. YOU always falsely claimed that no newspaper, no government, no source of any kind is reliable to expose your beloved child molesters & ganuvim, a bee to cover up. What better way to protect der gantze mishpooche?

    Besides that today's Woke agenda is to let all criminals off the hook. Therefore when they still convict someone & report it, it REALLY showcases guilt!

  25. ...Besides that today's Woke agenda is to let all criminals off the hook. Therefore when they still convict someone & report it, it REALLY showcases guilt!...

    Nice Sedom logic. It does not stand up in accepted Halacha. Then Again with your 'pick and pay' poskim anything and everything goes.
    You know in Sedom they also had 'poskim' and 'gedolim'. And they all had a 'poonim' like you and your cohorts.
