Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"Tripple-Washed", = infested, otherwise why tripple wash?


  1. Triple washed makes it more comfortable for the mefunokim among the thrips, aphids & leaf miners.

  2. Zev Schwarcz's IKC starts contracting mashgichim from the 770 shluchim network


    Maybe they will even handle Zev Schwarcz's mechalel Shabbos 'basar basar' restaurants considering how many Chabadskers are Rachmuna litzlun maysis umaydiach today to leave their Chabad house parking lot open on Shabbos & Yomtov while encouraging (wealthy) freya to drive on over. I had heard about it for years & finally saw it this past Yomtov by a BIG name in the Lubavitch hierarchy. And he was such a pathetic money grubber that he bought a super expensive bottle of bourbon which he personally doled out while making sure to only approach those with lots of money in the bank, for example a senior partner at Weil Gotshal & Manges, etc, while avoiding eye contact with everyone else. I wasn't missing anything because I don't drink if it doesn't have hashgocho. Even some of the Chabadskers who are not oyver fort have no backbone so they are machriz that the parking lot is closed "for security concerns" (potential danger from terrorists)

  3. Dirt. For sure.
    Sand. For sure.
    Insects? Maybe yes. Maybe not.

  4. Tue Nov 12, 12:59:00 PM 2019

    Sounds another lakewooder with a STRONG tradition.

  5. Old school Lubavitchers have been lamenting this outrage with some of the Chabad house parking lots. We are not afraid to accuse the portzei geder of acting like a neo-Conservative movement. They would never get away with this when the Rebbe was alive.

  6. Can’t believe that ‘old school Lubavitchers” and “old time Lakewooders” are on the same page.
    Something is majorly wrong here.

  7. Maybe Pinny Lipschutz opening his shul in Lakewood was the last frontier in his binge to sanitize Lubavitch.

    It was al kol ponim a brilliant move as far as profits that he made Rubashkin into the 2nd coming of the Messiah. Chabad removed their cherem on the Yated that had prevented it's sale in most out of town supermarkets & Judaica stores. Yated copy sales & ad sales went through the $$$ roof $$$ since then.
