Friday, November 01, 2019

Wedding alert: My private mashgiach's guidelines

My private Mashgiach's guidelines call for among other items, "all prep and cooking must be done on the day of the affair and the mashgiach is present".

The caterer notifies the Baal Simcha, "you want all fresh food?, there is an additional $3.50 charge per person".

Enjoy your re-heated freezer wedding, bar-mitzvah food.


  1. Not really.

    Its like cooking for Yom Tov in your home. You don't do EVERYTHING on Erev Yom Tov.
    You prep a day or 2 earlier. As in cutting all you vegies, Portioning out meat or Chicken etc.
    Preparing doughs for the hot appetizer turnover etc. Preparing dressings. The list goes on.

    There are many many things done earlier and does not indicate in ANY way that its from the freezer.

    If K'vod K'disha Reb Yudel Shilt'a insists on preparing A to Z the same day only in order to save the Baal Simcha another of "Mashgiach Fee", the caterer is VERY entitled to be compensated for his extra costs.

    Don't be fooled by 'Experienced' know it alls.

  2. That’s cheap.
    If a Host wants Yudel there he should be charged a extra 25.00 per per person.
    And the careered still may lose on the deal.

    Anyway, since when is it the Mashgiach’s business what the menu is or what he serves? As long as it’s Kosher to his standards, which it usually is.

  3. Theater of the AbsurdTue Nov 12, 09:43:00 AM 2019

    The REAL issue that has a couple of corrupt hashgocho cronies crowing here against R' Yudel is that the 'establishment' hashgochos don't want ANY secondary hashgocho keeping on eye on them, whether R' Yudel or anyone else, to prevent exposing their cutting of corners.

    A primary example is the Queens Vaad with their OFFICIAL RULE of no secondary hashgocho. While no doubt part of their attitude problem stems from the pegiah in their ego-mania, most of their acting up against secondary hashgocho is they are terrified of their weak to non-existent "standards" being exposed to outside rabbonim & kashrus pros. So watch out for the all antics & drama via Queens Vaad PUPPET Chaim Schwartz if you dare float the secondary hashgocho idea to them! One of the excuses that the PUPPETCHKA has WHINED out loud about is that a secondary rav hamachshir who managed to squeeze in had shnorred some Queens Vaad scotch tape. Oy nebich! Grow up already! But the Queens Vaad has also engaged in some really dirty tactics too like the time they were smearing one baal simcha who wanted secondary hashgocho after he found out the Queens Vaad is so shvach that it doesn't even come close to OU standard.

  4. Queens Vaad's Schwartz says that everything he learned was all from kvh. Is kvh that bad?
    They do have many issues, but does it go so far? Perhaps?

  5. Let’s get things very clear.
    The one and only hashgacha without any issues at all, no issues ever is “Yudel Shain Hashgacha”.
    And that is why EVERYONE uses him.
