Monday, May 25, 2020

STAR-K is to blame for the high rate of "Intermarriage" [per Reb Shlomo Zalman Aurebach] ! !

Reb Shlomo Zalman said "Intermarriage is caused by non-adherence to the halachos of Bishul akum and wine, of which the star-k's "choch'mas" (see Rashi-Kaheles, perek 1, posuk 16 "yudati")  is the main cause of the high incidence of intermarriage" end of quote.

From an Email:
Hey - Let's continue to beat the dead horse!
The (above) article was brief and to the point:
New contemporary "heterim" which the recognized gedolim do NOT approve of:

1- Light bulb for Bishul Yisroel
2- Mashgiach lights boiler once even if non-Jew shuts off and turns on.
3- Fish does not need Bishul Yisroel, because Sushi has raw fish.
4- Grama circuits Shabbos/Yom Tov- an Issur Di'oirasah (Zomet style)
5- Etc.

I've twice seen the need to comment and explain to those interested (not those UN-interested, v'hamaivin yavin) why this is necessary to call out, and how one must be wary of whom he talks to/listens to regarding negative reporting l'to'eles, and how outsiders are absolutely FORBIDDEN to read the same reports!

Reb Yudel is only quoting here the words of Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zatza"l, and Ybl"ch Harav Mosheh Shternbuch shlit"a. Any attack on Reb Yudel here is merely a disguised attack on THEM and their Torah!

In addition - CHAZAL teach us (in Chagiga 14 is it? somewhere in seider moeid) that in the days before Mashiach those who hold severe issurim lightly will openly disparage those who hold light issurim severely...

To be properly faithful to HKB"H and His Torah one must (especially in our day!) make himself IMPERVIOUS to personal interests and attacks!

It is interesting how (aside from "revising" Rav Auerbach's Halichos Shlomo to delete this "inconvenient" issue) you irate commentors "throw the book" at Reb Yudel - going so far as to (100%!!) invent new "rishonim" and "acharonim" who re-wrote the issues of light bulbs and boilers to your satisfaction!
Per Reb Shlomo Zalman Aurebach and Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita, et al
It's the fault of the Baltimore based kashrus agency.
They allow unacceptable "Heteirim" by Bishul Akum, and wine; among them are the following;
1- Light bulb for Bishul Yisroel
2- Mashgiach lights boiler once even if non-Jew shuts off and turns on.
3- Fish does not need Bishul Yisroel, because Sushi has raw fish.
4- Grama circuits Shabbos/Yom Tov- an Issur Di'oirasah (Zomet style)
5- Etc.
6- Rav Rubin's report on the Galil poultry Shechita certified by Star-K concluded that 20% of them are actually Neveilos/Treifos, etc. The Star-K "doctored" the report with numerous changes in order to entice Rav Rubin  to write to the OU that the report is a "forgery".

See Rav Sternbuchs letter, re Wine
 See Halichos Shlomo (not the Baltimore based agency doctored version) re: Intermarriage
for copies, send email to
subject- Rav Sternbuch, Halichos Shlomo


  1. I love when rabbanim, no matter how "great" they are, no matter that the only thing they have going for them in life is their yichus, make up things about why this or that terrible thing happened . . . as if God whispered this into their ears. Who is to blame for the high rate "intermarriage by Jews?" Any person who thinks that their way is the only way in life, and anyone and everyone else is wrong.

  2. It could just as well be all the Loshon Horah, rechilus and moitzee Shaim rah promoted on some or all of these heimish and not so Heimish sites.
    Including but not limited to this one right here!!!!

    The excuses and the weakest loopholes relied upon to print, promote or otherwise disseminate this kind of halachakly foul language is much more likely the root of intermarriage, divorce, agunahs, yesomim and almanahs occurring in this generation. Especially in the locations where these divray osur are posted or otherwise approved.

  3. Is there anything new under the sun?

    To DIRECTLY target Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach ztz"l and ybl"ch Rav Moshe Shternbuch Shlit"a you won't do, so instead you fire all your arrows at R' Yudel?

    I mentioned this in the past: This website was never intended for children, leitzim, or mussar-haters!

    So move on - all of the above - instead of giving the classical musssar- hated retort that those who admonish the public are being "mekatreig"...

  4. Tue Nov 05, 11:30:00 AM 2019


    Now we got some Serious Loshon Horah sponsers.

  5. Bs"d

    Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach was known during his lifetime for upholding the Chazon Ish's view that the main bulk of non-observant Jews today are to be considered tinokim shenishbu; and that WE who acknowlege and observe Torah with all its Halachos must be especially careful not to flaunt them.

    (By example - a corporate owner who steps into his factory and finds the workers loafing off - who will he censure? The workers or their manager? It's obviously the workers themselves whom are directly harming the business, but the main bulk of responsibilty belongs to the manager himself to perform his function.

    It's obviously his duty which will be charged with neglect! WE who understand and keep Torah and Mitzvos are the managers here, and our commitment and areivus towards others puts US in the driver's seat. Any "slacking off" from our Mesorah on our part is CATASTROPHIC, r"l!)

    But - in regards to all you leitzim and mussar-haters who "just happen to be observant" - yes, you are correct - this is all "loshon hara" to you, and you have no fundamental right to be reading it!

  6. OH, you don't want to hear Loshon Horah, etc.
    See why we fast on tzom gedaliah;

  7. "U", don't want to listen to "Loshon-Hor-ah", contrary to the Rambam, the Chofetz Chaim, etc.
    so you must have some level of apikursos floating in you from consuming that which is forbidden, what a nebech on you?

    1. Beautiful “Heter” for your Loshon HoRah urge.
      But most people would not touch meat or chicken with this kind of “Heter”. Kal Vochomer vegetables checked with this kind loophole.
      We say loophole because you are 100% abusing the Rishonim and Achronim by extending their words to non applicable situations.
      And you know it but can’t resist your TayvahS

  8. Some more Loshon Horah fans here.
    Some more ‘triple murderers’ available for the right price.

  9. The main cause for intermarriage in Lakewood is the fact that so many kids are not in school and none of the schools or so called mechnchim who run these schools don’t even care about them.
    No frum person would marry such a candidate so of course they’ll intermarry. What would you do different???

  10. And for the kids who managed to get a spot in yeshiva

    Hashem should protect them from the long list of ainam hagunim so called rebbeyim & teachers.

    The gedolei Achronim bring a Chazal that in this dor there will be Eirev Ravniks infiltrating into positions of authority in yeshivos, etc

  11. At what point did the intermarriage issue shift to Rabbi Heinemann????
    There was intermarriage before Rabbi Heinemann came into the hashgacha business. In fact there was plenty of intermarriage before Rabbi Heinemann was born.
    Did it stop and then start again???
    Obviously Rav Shternbuch knows that as well.
    And so did Rav SZ Auerbach.
    Obviously their words in this kind of case is not to be taken as literal as Yudel makes it ( that’s why Yudel is getting the flak)
    The OU, the OK, the Chof - K also directly cause intermarriage according to this literal Yudel logic. They all serve outright tarfus by giving hechsherim to Cholov Stam or as Yudel calls it Cholov Treif. Why are they not the cause of intermarriage?
    If you hate a Rabbi and or his hashgacha there plenty of Yudel style Loshon Horah to go around.

    We can’t omit that Reb Yudel does serve a great service to Jews at large and to us frum Jews looking to keep kashrus ‘ al tzad hayoser Tov’
    But he should focus on what you can eat ‘lechol hadayos’ vs. telling the world what’s no good with others.
    He is great on Passover with his ‘yes’ list (although even there he throws in some uncalled for comments)
    He should keep us all informed of what is YES and
    most will eventually follow his recommended lists without any badmouthing others.

  12. The 'chuchem' at 5:07 pm doesn't get it that in every dor there are those who through their bad behavior are goirem intermarriage, which if he ever looked inaveinek in Minchas Shlomo he would see that RSZA is directly criticizing someone that could only be Heinemann, which is exactly why Heinemann was FUMING ANGRY at the time the teshuva was published, that how dare the gadol hador criticize a chusheva opinionated Agudah macher such as himself who awes the gantz Baltimore mit zein shmoyne begodim.

    Since the teshuva was published, Star K has sunk to the Nun Shaarei Tumah by sending undercover mashgichim in baseball hats & denim jeans to certify toyevah "weddings" in freya temples that are too disgusting even for the OU to get involved with. Everything is just 'great' as long as the Heinemanns can keep stuffing their pockets with all this filthy profit, like when they were caught with that freya bar mitzva at Yankee Stadium with all the chilul Shabbos.

  13. 82-54 BEVERLY ROAD LLCTue May 26, 06:02:00 PM 2020

    Chaim Schwartz, at congregation "Ohr Shor Habor" in Kew Gardens, in a multi-million dollar mansion at Beverly corner of Audley, is running his self-described "Mehadrin" hashgocho for his Modern Orthodox masters at the Queens Vaad. The Leftist Young Israel rabbis in Queens recommend the area kids be educated at the likes of Ramaz who after the $45,000 annual tuition, more than half the kids in that co-ed high school are mechalel Shabbos with texting and worse. And as one of Ramaz's rabbis lamented to a newspaper, almost 100% of them have hashkofos like pro-toyevah that are kefira min Hatorah r"l! If these kids even make it to YU, the Right Wing segment there has been complaining there's a dating system that does not differentiate between the Jewish and non-Jewish students to keep them apart.

    Then again, the essen is not nearly as kosher as Schwartz claims (which regardless of how FALSE it is, he needs to make that "MEHADRIN" claim for that LIVING WAGE). According to the Pri Chodosh, eating food with kashrus concerns is exactly something that would make kids be mechalel Shabbos to begin with, if not chalila to outright intermarry.

  14. Tue May 26, 01:06:00 PM 2020

    Noch ah Krankeh Neshomo. Nebach. Yoi.

    Tue May 26, 06:02:00 PM 2020

    This Chosid-am-haArtez has not addressed that the OU, Ok Chof-K and most other non chasidish
    Hashgacha serve cholov Treif. Only Chaim Schwartz is trying to make all mehadrin but all others is just fine and dandy for our big time chosid-am-haartez.

  15. The know-nothings criticizing R' Yudel are actually just shooting the messenger while being mevazeh R' Shlomo Zalman alein

  16. Yes Cholov Treif is fear chasnus or intermarriage b’laaz.
    Good thinking.
    Not following a Posek, even a big one as the Charon ish for example, is not a bizoton at all.

    Even though it won’t fit into your predetermined agenda.
    The are many pesokim fromRav Elyashev and Reb Shlomo Zalman that not followed by most. In spite of the fact that this pushes back on your Heinemann venom.

  17. Kashrus Fairy Tales LLCThu May 28, 12:31:00 AM 2020

    As the blog's resident grogger already knows, the reason why Chaim Schwartz is being called a faker for the pirtzos in cholov Yisroel is because he falsely claims his Queens Vaad restaurants are cholov Yisroel. Schwartz nebich has an identity crisis tied to his living wage crisis so he continues to insist places are cholov Yisroel when they are not.

    The complications IF Chaim Schwartz told the truth instead of telling any lie on behalf of his Modern Orthodox masters are many.

    What would Schwartz do without that LIVING WAGE & all the other Queens Vaad perqs. ie home improvement loans, special "upmachen" for his kids tuition, etc, etc?

    What would Schonberger think on whose largesse of the $3.5 million mansion Schwartz relies on for Cong. "Ohr Shor Habor"?

    What would the Agudah machers at 84 William St think after they propped up Schwartz into the farcical shteller of Rosh Agudas Yisroel of New England?

  18. Kew Gardens nomad in search of social distancing minyanThu May 28, 12:31:00 PM 2020

    What's this Congregation Ohr Shor Habor all about? Is it safe for me to daven there?

    I don't know what to think when considering where Chaim Schwartz used to hang out in Monsey. He would show up & hock a tcheinik about his big kashrus yedios (sic) at the Kolbosover Rebbe's shtiebel. The Rebbe is a nice guy & a talmid chuchem but there are a bunch of Tuna Beigel batlonim who loudly yap through the whole davening and are mevazeh the Rebbe when he asks for quiet. Besides that the place is in the basement which provides poor ventilation in the pandemic age.

    Did Shabsy Schonberger shtup Schwartz in the Kew Gardens basement? Or the ground floor of yener mansion?

    And the Boro Park yenta types who sell all the snake oil "remedies" (similar to the one who once threatened R' Yudel years ago when he caught her making false claims) are saying that Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz of the Mansion is the g-to posek for all the Corona-fighting compounds like zinc & edible flowers (aren't those infested?). So what's the exact story? Is Schwartz only being dan on which non-Pesach approved compounds the oylam can fress on Pesach? Or are they also using these compounds a gantz yohr to scrub down & "disinfect" Schonberger's mansion for the mispalelim?

  19. R' Chaim Volozhiner said that the poel yotze of aveiros comes with the same or similar characteristics as the original mayseh. So avadda R' Shloyma Zalman is right on target that being poretz geder in chasnus chalila leads to chasnus.

    But R' Yudel's adversaries are just like Liberals that the truth means nothing when the tachlis is Never-Yudel.

  20. The situation at Rockland Kosher is completely out of control.

    The store is violating all kinds of laws because they simply don't care.

    They let the heimishe peasants come without face masks. Instead of one person per family & no kids, it's a gantze family outing and they stand around yenting, cracking jokes & guffawing out loud which releases as many virus particles as coughing.

    While the Mexican workers wear face masks because they have a somewhat fear of dying, some of the heimishe employees do not. One heimishe unmasked peasant cashier is even yelling at customers if they don't crowd together more tightly in the checkout line!

    The store has continued allowing use of the filthy kelim mikva which rabbonim in many cities assered these boyros after consulting with doctors.

    The greedy fresser owner is taking advantage of the pandemic to deny refunds. And he violates laws on bait & switch, false price advertising. They challenge customers to go ahead & report them. And he doesn't care that he's oyver on halachos, even announces it out loud.

    On the magazine racks outside the sliding doors they allow the crazy anti-vaxx PEACH roytzchim to leave their propaganda magazines which have more takers than the other magazines.

  21. Other then the outright lie about Qveens restooranten there is nothing wrong with taking care of your employees and helping them financially.
    Something that out Hater has no clue of.
    Chesed and Loshon Horah usually don’t go together and our beloved hater is no exception to this rule. How would he know otherwise if all he does is Sheker V’ Chozov.

  22. Whenever the Queens Vaad is caught with ANY scandal they say it's a "lie".

    They DENY, DENY, DENY through their internet troll wannabe who "works" for the OU. And you will hear it from the mouth of Chaim "Bechor Shor" Schvartz. And Joel Shoinfeld alein has gone on the pages of the Queens Vaad propaganda magazine to rant to the clueless oylam about boogeymen "liars" that he invented.

    Everything that's been said about the restauranten has absolutely happened just as the eyewitnesses reported & provided evidence to rabbonim outside of Queens - yes Queens residents, there are rabbonim in this world who don't cover up.

    Loooong list of scandals not limited to cholov Akum and not limited to restaurants per se. Remember when R' Yudel had the VHQ shakronim nailed with the cholov Akum at supposedly "cholov Yisroel" ice cream store "Max & Mina's"?

    And the fleish scandals with not a shomer Shabbos Yid in sight.

    And letting the "Bucharees" have their music & mixed dancing that everyone driving by the restaurant on Queens Blvd can see from the street.

    Chaim Schvartz running around to shuls with his FAKE light box tutorials when it was proven with videos released online that there is no checking for bugs. This drew condemnations from rabbonim as far away as Los Angeles.

    And on & on, which you try hard to cover up when you are exposed.

    You of course harassed & tried to destroy all kinds of feineh yungerleit who you even remotely suspected may have spilled the beans. You bully any Queens rabbonim who dare say one word, terrorize them so that it's the last word they utter.

    And cut out the act of playing dumb about Schwartz's "fringe benefits" when you know darn well he is an eager participant in all the corruption, precisely so he can cash in on them, vee a chamoir in pursuit of his carrot!

  23. Just like the Queens Vaad goes in areas where there is no reliable hashgocho to just fill it up with their own worthless, Conservative level "kashrus supervision" (Queens, Long Island, Westchester), Chaim Schwartz starts a shul just a couple of doors down from the corrupt Rebbela who the richest guys in Kew Gardens were davening by him

    or at least until the corrupt Rebbela fled to Eretz Yisroel because the FBI was hot on his trail

    Usually when a void or vacuum is filled, it's with episs. But the Queens Vaad manages to fill vacuums with veiter more nothingness

  24. Sun 2:26:00
    Hate at its best.
    It’s after Sefirah. All engines go now full blast. (As if Sefirah makes a difference. As usual they’ll terrorize some poskim until they get their psak)
    More coming..... Just wait a bit.

  25. It’s ah maudneh zach.
    On this site there’s alotta talk and no action.
    Why is it that Le‘mahesh no one talks to this sites boss? And even if they do it’s never straight talk?
    Most info posted here is Klee chamishee if that.

    How many hashgacha does this sites boss have?
    And if he finally gets one how long does it last?
    How much business does it pick up? After all he’s the biggest mimcheh! Reb Shneur said so. If I can believe it.
    How long did he last in the Yeshivah? Running the kitchen and claiming to be the in-house-working- mashgiach oib se’iz Emes.
    If it’s all true there would be a line all the way down Forest Avenue breaking down his door to apply.
    Something just don’t add up here.
    The ‘Reid’ don’t jive.

  26. Deh Yerushalmi Rov would never talk about any wrong doing in Klal Yisroel. He was way too eidel for that.
    Intermarriage is the term used when Chasidim marry litvaks - Yeshivish marry non yeshivish (boy or girl shteiged on their own) - when hungarians marry poilisheh and so on.
    To even conteplate that The Rov blamed anybody for the street definition of intermarriage just proves that you did not know Reb Shlomo Zalman Zecher Zaddik Liveracha.

  27. June 10, 1:22 pm has no clue.

    RSZA was too aidel for that? He wrote it in his sefer! DUH!

  28. Learned from you that when something is in sefer you got to read between the lines (usually to justify your agendah). Like drei with the grubbeh finger, which in this case is unnecessary since is a 'davr yaduah' that they never ever spoke like that (except to agendah filled people who will not admit to not knowing them that well).
