Tuesday, December 03, 2019

May a marketing agency publicize and profit from "treif" businesses?

One may not do "mischar" (business) with treifus.  Kosherica cruises has been machshil thousands in not providing 100% kosher according to any standards.

 That practice is "ossur" and must end.
 You can't say "I didn't know".


  1. Rav Osher Weiss, is moving into place as one of the OU's senior poiskim-בואכם לשלום

  2. Nah, Reb Osher Weiss's phone number is 1-800 d-i-a-l-a-h-e-t-e-r.

    He knows how to dance on all chasunahs. chasidic, mizrachee, and all in between. A very polished Rav.

  3. So that's why the OU needs him.
    He could even out do Rabbi Belsky in heteirem.

  4. You are also profiting from Kosherica by always truing to get people to your web site when they hear Yudels has more 'stuff' on Kosherica.
    Also how do you know what goes on at Kosherica? Did you see it or did you hear it or do you assume things? Did you ever go on a cruise with them?

  5. R' Osher Weiss is good friends with the mishpocho of the OU's posek from YU, Hershel Schechter. He even stays by Schechter's mechutan on a regular basis when he comes to America.

    He hangs out in wealthy modern orthodox places when he visits NY. That may be to get funding for his seforim.

    This is perfect for Genack's complicated criteria. A rov mit shmoyna begudim that is palatable to the modern orthodox.

  6. Yudel, do you do work for any hashgocho that allows any kind of infested fruit or vegetable, even if they don't allow it on the occasions when you work for them?

  7. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Kosherica's rabbonei machshir tell Rav Wikler they are doing one standard in kashrus while implementing something that is less?

    Like you've never seen something like that happen elsewhere?

  8. The OU has had it with Belsky. They tried to sweep his various scandals under the carpet like defending the indefensible ie Yudi Kolko and Yossi Kolko. But the makka bepatish seems to be the 5 Towns & Far Rockaway rabbonim, both yeshivish & modern orthodox, who condemned Belsky in a public letter and told him he is not welcome to visit their shuls & yeshivos after he attacked them on behalf of Dovid Weinberger. They cancelled the Torah Vodaas fundraising Shabbos which is estimated to have cost the yeshiva $200,000.

    But the OU is still officially keeping Belsky on so that he does not drag them through dinei Torah.

  9. R' Wikler didn't ask Kosherica anything about their kashrus, only about the charge for the full page add. Plus perhaps for a write-up as well by kashrus magazine, so kashrus magazine can entice the gullible kosher consumer to eat treif on kosherica?

    Not everything is the dollar.

  10. Rabbi Shain,

    Whenever Rabbi Wikler lists a kosher certifier in his directory he asks the particular rabbis what their standards are because he likes to know for various reasons. So maybe he didn't speak directly to Kosherica but he did speak to the rabbis. How many chassidishe rabbonim do you know for instance who claim to maintain a level of mehadrin min hamehadrin when it is anything but?

    I can tell you that he kept one ad that I know about out of the magazine because he found out about a kashrus scandal with that company and their national certifier would probably attack him if they knew if he was blacklisting it.

  11. Does R' Osher Weiss hold of Schechter's feminist meshugassen that have no basis in hilchos gittin?

  12. I did have individuals on the kosherica treif tours that observed some of the treifus served to the kosherica clients.

    I don't if you realize that the non-kosher cruise ship has something like 5000 people and only 2-300 are kosherica patrons. The cooking facilities & refrigerators, freezers are spread out on a few floors.

    Bottom line the people are taken for a ride "literally".

    I also spoke to a devastated former mashgiach that confirmed what I knew already.

  13. I'm pretty surprised that you have long claimed that R' Manish Spitz is such a superb hashgocho when he certifies Kosherica.

    Kosherica for this reason alone is mamash despicable. They have a long list of rabbis who are their "scholars in residence". Never mind that some of those rabbis are krum. They lump together with the rabbis the well known Harvard legal expert Alan Dershowitz who went off the derech after graduating the old Eitz Chaim Yeshiva of Boro Park & who today is a big menuvol advocating things in his books that are so disgusting they cannot even be mentioned on a family friendly website.

  14. Biting the hand that feeds?Wed Jul 09, 08:27:00 PM 2014

    Why are you attacking Rav Wikler of all people when he has not gone along with the "establishment" routine of attacking or at least belittling you? Did you first go to him privately about the specific knowledge you have of Kosherica?

    I have supported you and even suffered retaliation from the "establishment" over it but now worry you might also attack me one day without any warning over something I lav davka know about.

  15. The Shayleh is even greater.
    Can I do busuness with Reb Yudel since he is profiting (non-financial is also profiting) from bashing (maybe correctly) Kosherica (Treif Business)
