Monday, January 20, 2020

QUINOA highly infested- מוחזק בתולעים

מוחזק בתולעים
most brands are infected, even with Hashgochas.
Don't use "QUINOA" Infested all year .

La-Bonn'e brand Quinoa (white & red) was checked by experts, and was found to be clean, not-infested at all.


  1. Feingold fishy group-As long as it's not in fish!

  2. I dumped a bag of quinoa out on a lightbox and didn't see anything crawling around.

  3. totally sealed but it WAS open before.

    someone wants to make money here.

  4. בהסכמת החרדים יש חילול שם שמים ברבים
    בהסכמת החרדים יהיה כדורגל בשבת
    בהסכמת החרדים חברת חשמל עובדת כל יום בשנה
    בהסכמת החרדים רשת 'טיב טעם' מוכרת נבלות וטרפות. חמור מזה, היא מתפרנסת ברווח
    בהסכמת החרדים אנשים הולכים ברחוב בחוסר צניעות מוחלט
    בהסכמת החרדים מלמדים כפירה ואפיקורסות בפקולטות מסויימות
    בהסכמת החרדים יש כמה מליוני יהודים שאינם שומרי תורה ומצוות, לצערנו, בריש גלי ובפומבי. זהירות, מוקשים לפניך בהסכמת החרדים, וזו סכנת חיים אמיתית! חכי"ם ועסקנים, אתם צבועים, על מי אתם עובדים? למה הם רעים וחטאים? את כל התורה מכרתם בשביל נזיד עדשים, ולא זו אף זו שאתם רודפים את היהודים האמיתים

    אנא: תישמרו את השבת כדי שהיא תגן עלינו כשנצטרך... ושנית הסירו את הפאות הנוכריות, וליבשו כיסוי צנוע, כדי שנעשה נחת רוח לבורא יתברך שמו, כן ירבו מקדשי שם שמים בישראל

  5. Just walked thru Rami Levi today and saw a nice sized package of quinoa - with a Badatz Beis Yosef KFP on the front.

  6. Yitzy Hisiger in last week's Yated was touting quinoa for Pesach.

    No clue. Not even aware that Rav Elyashev holds it's kitniyos.

  7. No potatoes on peasach.
    No potatoes on peasach.
    The biggest oisek in his time, the Chayay Odom said it kitnios.

    MAke waves that don't exist

  9. Bs"d

    RE: Comments: Anonymous Thu.; Anonymous Fri:

    Cool it and stop comparing apples and oranges!

    When potatoes came to Europe the main concensus of the poskim (200 years ago) was that the lack of clarity regarding the ashkenazi minhag of not eating kitniyos on Pesach precluded them from assuring potatoes as well. The most viable explanation for the minhag - which still applies today - is that the sacks in which legumes are kept are frequently reused between legumes and various grains; thus there is a constant fear of wheat/barley kernels mixing in without being noticed.

    This may be of major concern regarding rice, corn, millet, peas, beans, etc., but much less for potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and onions which are larger and readily discernable from grain. ("Kitniyos" comes from the word "katan", and would not be applicable here.)
    The Chayei Adam was machmir nonetheless regarding potatoes; but, similar to some of his chumros regarding bishul yisrael, the consensus of the rest of the poskim in his time was - as I stated - not to be machmir.

    Another reason given is that starchy foods may produce flour which could easily be confused with regular flour within much notice. (This maybe would exclude corn flour; nonetheless corn is definitely kitniyos. A third opinion is that anything which grows in a pod will also constitute kitniyos. Here - cocoa powder may be different - as it is tree-based and not a regular legume. Tragically, though, the fear here is not altogether far-fetched that wheat flour ad-mixtures would be fraudalently added in - as happened in the past...)
    Quinoa clearly fits the criteria of kitniyos, and there is simply no basis to declare it to be anything else.

    [The Aida J-M considers it Kitnious, Rabbi Belsky considered it kitinious and was also concerned about real chometz issues, as they do "re-use the packing sacks from wheat & barley for quinoa., also the storage silos, and the truck transports, etc. are not cleaned properly. The crops are planted in the same fields one after the other, also one field next to each other in certain areas, etc.]

  10. 9:22:00AM

    You defined this site on the money by saying:

    ... the consensus of the rest of the poskim in his time was - as I stated - not to be machmir...

    On this site that concept do not exist:

    If the few poskim that this site owner chooses say something then all have to follow even if as you say ... the consensus of the rest of the poskim in his time us not to be machmir...

    On the money.
    On the truth.
    Off reality.
    Off the halachic mainstream.

    Thank you

  11. Bs"d

    You defined this site on the money by saying:

    ... the consensus of the rest of the poskim in his time was - as I
    stated - not to be machmir...

    No sir - the comment was mine, not Reb Yudel's. I have zero monetary
    interest in leaving comments on this site - to say the very least. I
    only wish to separate Halachah from hype; popularity is certainly not
    my aim either...

    I deliberately stressed that "... the consensus of the rest of the
    poskim 'in his time" - long before "modern poskim" would seek to
    deliberately complicate Halachik issues in order to extract from them
    non-existant "hetterim".

    Like it or not - the gedolei hora'ah of today likewise understand
    quinoa to be kitniyus, as there is no way to treat it differently than
    rice, corn, or millet.

    Reb Yudel is simply doing his job here - and taking all the flack for doing so.

    (Of course - there is today no lack of powsy-wowsy "kosher" consumers
    who will converge upon any new modern day "revisionist posek" - in
    their mad frenzy to drown out the voices of the "old fashioned" poskim
    such as Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Elyashiv and ybl"ch Rav Shternbuch, -
    but revisionists have historically come and gone; by contrast, our
    Torah and mesorah has, and always will surpass them all!)

  12. Chayei Adam assered potatos??? I thought it was the Aruch Hashulchan

  13. Not all people follow all "old fashioned" or "new fashioned" Poskim.

    Many p'sokim of Reb Moishe are not followed by all people - i.e. Cholov Stam, Eiruv and many others. Just as well, not all P'sokim from Rav Elyashev or YB"L Rav Shternbuch are followed by all.
    Thus to take p'sokim from these poskim or any other which may or may not be accepted by all people and say 'you MUST kasher your home' because this and that or to imply or state that when people are following p'sokim from others its 'apikoorsous' etc. is more then "...simply doing his job here...."
    Yes, its his site and he can post whatever his heart desires. But don't make it sound like there no other poskim or p'sokim out there.
    Your not a "sheigetz" for asking your Rov and following his p'sak in spite of what Yudel says or posts.
    In other words, Yudel picks and chooses his Poskim and his P'sokim and thats final and binding - All others all null and void.

  14. Acording to agronom's(Those that study agronomy) Quinoa is Definitely not Kiniot.In addition there is no Mesora of Quinoa being kitniot.

  15. Quinoa was and is "Kitniot", according to the Bais Din of the Eidah Yerushalem, and Reb Shlomo Miller, and that was the position of Rav Belsky as well. Most Rabbonim without "negi'ois" considered it kitnios.

    It's also packed in re-used sacks that were used for grains e.g. wheat.

    But it's infested, so who cares about the chometz issue at this point.

    No consumer is qualified to check for the mites and book lice that are in the healthy (full of protein) quinoa.

  16. Good news! I just discovered that agranoms have determined that rice, corn, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, and buckwheat are also not kitnius (if they ever learned what the term means)!

    If we can't find agronoms who understand basic Halachah maybe we should then "re-educate" rabbis to understand agronomy...

    Bon appetit'! Until one properly cleans up his negiyos from altering his understanding of Torah, well then...

    There's also no "mesorah" against watching pornography on the internet (some open-orthodox rabbi from somewhere said that - strictly speaking - pictures on screen don't have the full "din" of pictures etc.) so (fill in the blanks)....!

  17. Some Rabbis "Poiskim" say when one may use a computer on Shabbos & Yom-Tov if the screen is off.

    One may also use the Shabbos friendly appliances of the Star-k with their so called Gramah whish one is transgressing a "di'oiraisah" by using it on yom-tov.
    I guess that's another way the Star-K is the main cause of Intermarriage according to Reb Shlomo Zalman Aurebach, Z"L.

  18. CRC's Hisachdus Harabonim of Brooklyn policy re: size of insects is 1.3 mm, less than that is not visible, so there is "never" any infestation in any product. All optometrist Associations, Rav Eliyashev, Rav Wosner, Reb Shlomo Zalman, Eidah Y-M, Reb Moshe Vaye, etc. all go by the .3mm size, therefore these items are considered infested.

    WOW, What an eye opener.

  19. Rambam

    Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it,

    nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.

  20. This web site is also highly infested.

  21. @ Tue Jan 21, 02:19:00 PM

    Yes, highly infested with obnoxious trolls who are upset their corruption is being exposed so they come here to grepps.

  22. Which ones are the upset greppsers and which ones are the Calm non-greppsers?

  23. ! batch checked (must of forgotten the batch/date code) and the whole company (ans all its products ??) are good ??????
