Friday, February 14, 2020

UPDATE: Reb Shlomo Zalman said-Re: Star-K & Intermarriage

 "The rest-of-the Story"
The Star-K couldn't fathom that it will be public knowledge that Reb Shlomo Zalman, Z"L is pointing his entire hand at the Star-K for the high rate of Intermarriage R"L in our generation, so they resorted to their professionalism in other areas.
The Star-K changed everything on these pages in the Halichos Shlomo (by Reb Shlomo Zalman, Z"L)to a different topic altogether, then they got Hershey Friedman to sponsor a new Edition of this cheilik of Halichos Shlomo, without the 2 pages about the Star-K being faulted with the intermarriage. This was done without the knowledge of the mishpacha. 


  1. Interesting. OU allows Aish meaish... Star K... Does not!

  2. So the right loophole might help intermarriage?

  3. Is there any kashrus agency that follows, or makes a sincere attempt to follow Rav Shlomo Zalman's directions?

  4. Ah yes! "Star K" is "STARK" about "aish me'aish" despite the fact that it does actually have a basis from some of the Acharonim (unlike the light bulb idea).

    Maybe this explains the most common excuse for intermarriage, "She (the shiksa) is more Jewish than him"!

  5. Soon we will hear how Reb Shlomo Zalman said, wrote or otherwise communicated that “shabbos ovens” caused all the chillul shabbos in the world at large and in America in particular.
    As if there was no intermarriage and or chillul shabbos before the star-k came around.
    As far as tweeking with newer editions of old seforim they did the same or worse with the shmiras shabbos khilchaso and forced changes down Rav neuvert’s throat as well down Rav Shlomo zalmans throat as is very well known.
    Check out old editions vs newer ones.
    That’s the style today. You abuse your halachic adversaries until they crack under the imagined public opinion.

  6. Re: Anonymous Mon Feb 17 4:55

    "As if there was no intermarriage and or chillul shabbos before the
    star-k came around."

    Your own words... Please re-read the exact wording of Rav Shlomo
    Zalman and try to understand his Daas Torah before spouting off like a

    "As far as tweeking with newer editions of old seforim they did the
    same or worse with the shmiras shabbos khilchaso and forced changes
    down Rav neuvert’s throat as well down Rav Shlomo zalmans throat as is
    very well known."

    What ignorance!!! R. Neuworth was called to task some 30 years ago
    based on several kullos he had printed in Shmiras Shabbos K'hilchasa.
    Some of them he changed; others he continued to uphold. His subsequent
    edition was even more accepted than the original (before this issue
    was raised), and the shailah arose as to what should be done with the
    original (as it was essentially valid piskei Halachah, but with a few
    erronous rulings which could chas v'shalom present a "takalah" to the

    Rav shlomo Zalman zatza"l was definitely among the most respected
    Gedolim in our times, - a legendary rodeif shalom, and simultaniously
    firm and unyielding in his Piskei Halachah. You will not easily find
    any significant criticism voiced against him - from any source (other
    than your ignorant retort against his psak about the light-bulb

    To misread our Gedolim is one thing, but your slamming condemnations
    towards them carry with them the echo of Korach and his multitude!

  7. "R. Neuworth was called to task some 30 years ago
    based on several kullos he had printed in Shmiras Shabbos K'hilchasa"

    'Called to task' - must of been in a "Aharon Hakohen's" ways of peace and Shalom - not a terroristic shoveing down his throat. Don't forget, he quoted his Rebbe on these "so called kulahs' that may of caused TAKALAHs to many C"V.

    "You will not easily find any significant criticism voiced against him.."
    except this one, as is well known. His pesharah (Since he was A Genuine Rodef Shalom as you B"H admitted) was to move the the 'Kulah" from the main text onto the footnote and move the footnote (Chumrah - as that is exactly what it is according to him) to the main text.
    In no way EVER was He or his Talmid EVER EVER machshil ANYONE with a potential Takaklah.
    He is still one of the main Hilchos Shabbos Poskim - old version or new version.

    Last but not least, since when was Reb Shlomo Zalman matir "lightbulbs" ?? And for what was he matir it ???

  8. Korach was just like today's Ignorant Halachic deciders (not the Gedolay Haposkim).
    Heard something and extended it to his own agendas.
    Heard that a talis is Chayav in Zizit and extended the theory to 'talis shekolo techailes.
    Heard about Mezuza and extended it to 'Bayis shemalay Sefarim'
    This sounds so familiar with today's "halachic Deciders" that we should all cry how they use halachah as a "who can outsmart me" with my new innovations of how to be froomer then you.

    And lots of other ignorant frum people fall for this stuff - 'pook chazee....

  9. Chronicles of an OU mashgiachSun Feb 23, 05:27:00 PM 2020

    Tue Feb 18, 11:56:00 AM, otherwise known as Yanky,

    At least Korach had some kind of lesheim Shomayim kavonnah, no matter how krum it was.

    You on the other hand are a very sick person who loves to bash everyone. And you will resort to any low tactic to defend corruption at your employer and affiliated hashgochos & avadda if anyone might make things uncomfortable for dein molester mechuton.

  10. Sun Feb 23, 05:12:00 PM 2020

    Is "the Kranke" the same as 'a very sick person' ???

    Just wondering if you just looked in the mirror and didn't realize it was a mirror.

  11. האדמו"ר מסעטמער שליט"א הוא מצדיקי יסוד עולם של הדור הזה, אם לא הצדיק הגדול שבהם. חייבים לזכור שהציונים העמלקים "המדינה" גנבו ילדים, את ילדי תימן, היה עדיף שימיתו את היהדות המפוארת הזו, שהעבירה מסורת טהורה מאז ימי בית שני, בתאי הגזים, ולא המיתה שהמיתו אותם המדינה. זו הריגת הנשמות, בשואה מתו מות קדושים ועלו ישר לגן עדן, פה בארץ הם הרגו דורות. עד היום לא יודעים איפה הילדים, וגם עוד אחד מהמשפחה, מכרו אותם. האימהות שלהם בוכות עליהם כבר 60 שנה, מכרו אותם לגויים, לחילונים, זה מותר? הרב עוזי משולם שהיה צדיק נסתר, הרגו אותו כי הוא גילה את האמת. זה לא בחינם – יש פה מגמה להשפיל את כבוד התורה ולומדיה עד עפר
