Monday, May 25, 2020

ALERT! Non-kosher ORB certified- OU chicken hearts being sold in Boca Raton, Florida

None of the kosher certifiers, certify chicken hearts.
So who was the  hearts from, (shevach?)


  1. Were they not Kosher or Just not OU?
    Were they Kosher but from Em....or non Kosher at all?
    Just because its not OU does not mean its not Kosher (as headline seems to imply).
    Maybe it was Pella or some other real real holy Brand noy under the OU.

  2. One can buy anything thats not allowed out of a shlacht hoise today (Miltz, Kidney etc.
    With connections, anything happens.
    Maybe you have some issue with the store or with their Hashgacha. ?????

  3. Reb Yudel Shlit'a. This is Taylor made just for you:
    Go to:
    Tiny worms squirming out of strawberries gross out TikTok users
    at (not Vosizneis)
