Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Contrary to Agudah's "Chaim Aruchim" who work with hospitals & doctors to have the patient die "with dignity"


Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Spearheads Battle to Preserve Pro-Life Values for End of Life Care.
        It occurs in doctor’s offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers every day - away from the eyes of the public: Life-and-death medical decisions are forced, or subtly encouraged, against the wishes and values of patients and their loved ones. Decisions over whether to provide lifesaving treatment to the elderly or chronically ill are made solely on the grounds of saving money and/or the secular liberal value that some lives are less worthy of saving than others.

This battle isn’t new; there are many families of all stripes who have endured it firsthand. However, the battle is continuously getting more difficult and contentious.
The world watched in horror as 1 year old Alfie Evans was forced off life support against the wishes of his parents, as decided by UK bureaucrats and judges. On one level or another, similar events occur countless times a day across the United States. Recently, a prestigious NYC hospital worked to limit access to Jewish community volunteers who assisted their patients, in part due to the fact that volunteers would sometimes advise on behalf of prolonging life against the will of hospital hierarchy.
“As an organization representing a cross section of families and corporations, including many in the healthcare field, the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce and our partners are working tirelessly to protect the integrity of medical providers and institutions, and improve relationships with patients, families and communities,” says Duvi Honig, Founder and CEO of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce. 

Among the Chamber’s partners in this endeavor are the Friends of Zion organization, which has a close relationship with the Trump White House, particularly on issues of religious liberty; and veteran Jewish community activists, including Tzvi Gross, a New Jersey healthcare executive. “We will take our message to all levels of government and the medical community,” says Mr. Gross. “We will not rest until we are confident that the law and medical community culture fully respect the lives and religious values of their patients, and prioritize their needs over any financial or political concerns.”
“The key issue is religious liberty and freedom,” explains Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, Executive Committee member, Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce; and Executive Vice President, Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim, “permitting a patient to consult with his or religious authority to help ascertain what steps should be taken to preserve life.  Sadly, the religious and medical definitions of end of life often collide; and an institution cannot deprive patients the ability to make a proper determination based upon their religious values.”

 The Root Challenges

What would encourage an otherwise sincere medical professional to encourage decisions that hasten death? There are many factors at play, including these two very powerful, yet little known, ones:
Conversation Protocol: Unfortunately, physicians and other medical providers have financial incentive to working against the prolonging of life. When they have discussions with patients and families, the discussions are oftentimes slanted. 
The devil is in the details: What kind of conversation are doctors required to have? Is the POLST (Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) form too complex and slanted in a way to encourage the “you don’t have to suffer” mentality? The POLST form talks about all the horrifying ways to die and then asks someone if they want that. What about asking if they want the wondrous treatments innovated by our amazing medical system?
To the objective observer, this process seems to skew toward “ending it” and in fact the data bores this out clearly. Add paying doctors to do this and you have a potent cocktail that would scare any anti-Death Penalty advocate.

Financial Penalty: To the average America, “readmission penalty” sounds like the fact that you need to buy another ticket to a baseball game once you’ve exited the stadium.

In truth, this is a provision in US healthcare law that ostensibly requires hospitals to reduce unnecessary readmissions to the hospital. However, for practical purposes, it basically considers all readmissions unnecessary. The penalties are extremely severe. Penalties can be as high as 3% (and rising each year) of Net Medicare revenue for “unnecessary” readmissions. For a hospital with a 10% profit margin, that means that as much as 30% of profits are penalized if fragile patients are encouraged to remain alive and then take up the hospital’s bed capacity in the long term. 
Hospital CEOs across the nation begin their business meetings with this topic. Whether consciously or unconsciously, it weighs on every medical decision made, at every level. 


  1. Anonymous said...
    The Agudahs "chaim Aruchim" is a strictly money making cow for Agudah. Chaim Aruchim has all of these big constant front page ads for chaim aruchim, it's a money cow for them.

    When someone signs up to chaim aruchim, have the family get together to say their final fair-well to the person.

    Oh!, you are too gullible to figure out how they are milking that money cow.

    Don't sign nothing with them, right Chaim Dovid?

  2. All medical care is driven by money!There are what's known as short stays and long stays in a hospital. It is based on the severity of the diagnosis. Once an individual completes the pre-determined allowed stay the facility losses money on them. The administration is consistently looking into how much money each hospital bed is generating. Additionally, how a procedure is preformed or what tests are administered effects the hospital's pay. It's for that reason they often order a whole "battery of tests". Bottom line.....Let the buyer beware!

  3. Another sort Agudah Death PanelWed Jun 03, 11:37:00 AM 2020

    Who are the loser doctors who the Agudah cobbled together to vouch to government officials that it's "safe" to open overnight camps?

    The first is Moshe Shmuel Lazar, a YU guy who is not an MD, he is an Osteopath. Osteopaths are not recognized as doctors in most countries.

    Osteopaths believe in quack medicine

    Osteopathic medicine has been highly criticized for lack of research & lack of scientific inquiry

    Moshe's brother Chaim seems to have had important shtellers wherever Shelly Silver had influence. And he is mechuton of a shady Silver associate who some say is even more corrupt than Silver himself.

    The 2nd loser doctor is Seth Kurtz.

    One website says he speaks fluent Hungarian. I think I already don't like him.

    Kurtz is a product of co-ed Yeshiva of Flatbush, who has practices in many frumma neighborhoods including KJ. We all recently saw what happens in KJ - doctors are driven out of town if they tell the truth about contagions.

    When Seth Kurtz was named Medical Director of the newly open Care 365 walk in clinic in Monsey, he was forced to tell NY State some uncomfortable facts that he hates to advertise, so you will not see these facts anywhere except a government website. He apparently couldn't get into even the lowest tier med school so he went to the 3rd World country Grenada where the Veisseh population of that island nation is only seven tenths of 1%. He only came back to the States to finish up & graduate which you see him touting without any mention of Grenada. Kurtz also had to reveal to State officials that he is being sued for malpractice after a patient who was under his purview passed away.

    Care 365 is a weird & unprofessional place in the opinion of walk in patients I asked.

    Meet Agudah "winner" Seth Kurtz

    Hachut hameshulosh lo bimehaira yenataik!

    Der dritter on the Agudah Death Panel is also Modern Orthodox, Dr. Moshe Schlusselberg of the 5 Towns.

    What may be very notable & telling here is that Schlusselberg is on the Board of Young Israel of Woodmere. Could it be that Schlusselberg is a contrarian because he is trying to show up the shul's associate rav Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt? Rabbi Glatt was from the first to sound the pandemic alarm while the Agudah Fressers completely ignored him, pushing everyone to get infected at Purim mesibos. And Rabbi Glatt continues to take the path of cautious harchokos that appear to be the diametric opposite of Schlusselberg.

    Schlusselberg attended a Mexican med school. That's interesting considering the Gringo has zero Spanish accent & thus likely did not grow up in Mexico.

    Patients tell me Schlusselberg's practice has slimy rules to nickel & dime them with dubious fees.

    Someone adds Schlusselberg once tried to use him for something which gave him a little glimpse into his character.

    So Agudah Fressers, what is going on here? With all of your eigener doctors you still had to outsource from the Modern Orthodox? Could it be you shopped around very hard for doctors with the most reckless shitos which even your own physician-gourmands who religiously attend every Agudah Fresser Convention did not make the cut?

  4. Wed Jun 03, 09:19:00 AM 2020

    Tell your family to let us know when you 'kick the bucket' so that we can sell your body parts and make lots 'cow" money.
    There is a whole line of guys like me waiting for guys like you to take their permanent '6 feet under vacation' since guys like you will never come back home we may as well make lots of 'moolah' on your parts.

  5. Can we extend our good news about Chaim Aruchim to the Fresser's game of stealing graves and killing people (via Mafia) to the Chaim Aruchim agenda too or is that the reserved compliment for some other local rabbinic organization ONLY ????

  6. Although stealing kivrei yesomim was strictly a Queens Vaad endeavor, the Queens Vaad's shutef David Jacobson had the benefit that the head of the Agudah Fresser beis din covered up for him because he was the richest guy in his shul in Flatbush. The Agudah Av Beis Din had the gall to smear the yungerleit who took the evidence to Rav Elyashev that they are "roidfim" for ruffling the feathers of his wealthy congregant Jacobson who paid a handsome sum to erect his big new shiny Agudah Fresser binyan. Jacobson's shoichad with the binyan was actually it's own scandal & the reason why half the mispalelim left the kehilla & stopped talking to the rov.

    Any other questions from troublemaker Yanky? Get back already to your OU "job".

  7. Rebbi Michabed Ashirim.

    Thats the part they left out when running and crying and stamping their hands and feet by Reb EY or by his shamoosim - if its b'ch'lal true that they even made it in to Reb EY.

    For the KG Yenteh lets get something straight. Your pretty normal for a guy who does not like a bais din's Psak. According to you there are no botai dinim - each and every one is more corrupt then the other - and the only rules you follow - if you follow anything in general -are the ones you make up in the name of deceased gedolim or poskim that can not be verified.

  8. Nursing Home InsiderWed Jun 03, 08:18:00 PM 2020

    While it's true that the rasha merushe Sar in Albany channeled all the elterra to be killed off in the batei zikna, probably so that the billions in (Medicaid, etc) savings from their disappearance helps balance the massive budget deficit, don't think that he is the only villain in these redifos. The hospitals are guilty for their own greedy reasons and so are unzerra Agudah askonim!

    Except for a yochid here & there like in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, who shreyed gevalt because he wanted to save neshomos from certain death, the vast majority of the askan administrators-owners have no shame & no morals. They sat by silently not uttering a peep as the Sar & his Kapo Commissioner of Gezunt murdered thousands, many of them Yidden r"l! The askonim were silent because if the word got out of an infection breakout, mishpochos would arrive in droves to extract their parents. So while the Sar was inflicting a financial hit on the gesheft, public knowledge of the facts would cause an even bigger loss of profit. The askonim also did not merely remain silent. They lied to mishpochos & they forged documents to hide infections, sometimes reversing course because an outside doctor would start questioning suspicious records.

    The nursing home industry already had the bad reputation that Agudah askonim bounce checks, disguise all personal expenses in many layers of LLCs, karg zich on medical supplies for patients including in ways that are so disgusting they might not be fit to print on a family oriented website, outright commit Federal fraud, etc. Lehoraya the little big mouth Agudah askan Lefkowitz was a convicted fraudster and you could spend a college semester poring over the court papers on Elly Kleinman. This is just getting warmed up.

    Noch the pandemic we also know that the Agudah chevra have no remaining scruples even after wading through the above swamp! Remember this the next time someone is honored at the Agudah dinner or gives an "ethics" lecture at the Fresser convention. That Fresser nickname deserves a Pulitzer prize. It's not clear if it originated in Brisk or from someone in America who says it out loud all the time.

  9. Dayan Ausch at Chayim Aruchim - is he the Ausch in early 90s BMG who learned downstairs in the otzar?

  10. The Politically Correct Gestapo is now outing people & getting them fired from their jobs for saying "All lives matter" because you see only Shvartzas are allowed to be racist to non-Shvartzas and only Shvartzas are allowed to monn rachmonnus for themselves by both peaceful and violent means, vos meh vilt, and even if the rachmonnus for them is misplaced.

    Lawrence, Cedarhurst & Atlantic Beach were under State of Emergency lockdown last night with a 5 pm curfew and massive mobilization of Nassau & State Police because the Shvartzas announced a 6 pm protest in neighboring Far Rockaway. The Shvartzas asked the Yidden to join the protest. Because the Yidden were smart enough to read between the lines that the 'request' doubled as a strong suggestion or subtle threat, they were held hostage into showing up to the virus-intense farce so that their batei medroshim, gesheften & homes should not be ransacked. Poor Yanky Brach who the Shvartzas recognized as an askan, if there was ever an example of high risk zolt er zein gezunt, was even having the microphone forced on him to address the mob. These Shvartzas are the new North Korea that it's not enough to be obedient, but they force you to speak up with shvochim of them, or else.

    A za crazy velt. The Minnesota "martyr" was jailed for 5 years for armed robbery. He was involved in many other crimes. He was arrested on that fateful day for passing counterfeit money at a store. Until after the tummel from his death it was takka mutter for police to knee the neck of a criminal if police shotz him up as dangerous. The guy was I think 6'6" & weighed a lot. The oylem goylem has been enriching his estate with $2 million A DAY on GoFundMe. His funeral is going to be a propaganda circus mit Al Sharpton, Sleepy Joe Biden & who knows how many other mushchossim.

    A business owner in the Midwest was angry over all the looting & vandalism in his geggen so he commented "then they wonder why they get knees to necks". The PC Gestapo jumped to cancel all his contracts & forced him out of his own company. The only way the contracts are being renewed is after he sells back to the original owner who is then flipping the gesheft to Shvartzas only. This is Totalitarian takeover of private property.

    These 'protesters' were first empowered by Obama. This is another thing he did to engineer America into it's own destruction. The Ribono shel Oylam should enable President Trump to put a stop to these savages.

  11. The Agudah are trying to manipulate Cuomo & other Govs to open up the overnight camps to start another round of infections.

    If you'd like to give a piece of your mind to Chaim Dovid Zweibel & Leon Goldenberg, their cell #s were unmasked here during an investigation. See the image of the de Blasio email

  12. Dayan Ausch at Chayim Aruchim - is he the Ausch in early 90s BMG who learned downstairs in the otzar?

    The difference between you and Dayan Ausch is;
    He is a Dayan - adhering to his mission on this world.
    Your a web surfer wasting your life and doing nothing down here.

  13. 3:25 pm, last time I checked someone would himself have to surf the web to be able to post your nasty comment against yenem asking a legitimate question.

  14. There are SOME people on the world who go straight to Yudels site to keep abreast of the latest Kashrus. While there they get inundated with all kinds of looshin haureh mit alle gitteh zachen.
    In most PEOPLE's book that is not surfing.
    Surfing means you hang out on the internet day in day out and discover new sites and search more sites etc.
    With some commentators its obvious they surf all day and night and know all or think they know it all. They quote and post every shtus, every court case, every piece of media (not considered news which would be more plausible but not acceptable either), every Looshin Haureh, every A'Z G'A and shfichas doomim available.
    Good luck on your bitil toireh, and bitil zemahn 4:07:00.

  15. Ein zach vus iz klorMon Jun 08, 11:02:00 PM 2020

    When it's EVERY court case, article, etc, that is only when it's in response to OU mashgiach Yanky in KG who in the course of when he attacks & mocks EVERYTHING R' Yudel & followers have to say, Yanky also completely denies ALL the shmutz about his own mishpooche when readers see right through him as a big mouth hypocrite & question him about it.

    Yanky also likes talking in 3rd person & being ridiculously rhetorical which is why Jun 8 at 1:08 pm is Yanky's gazzillionth comment vos er redt shtussim.

  16. Wow. The Guy (goy) hasnt stopped posting fictional shmutz about all others its time to start looking into his mishpoocheh (if he wasn't picked up somewhere).

  17. 1:31 pm,

    Are you thinking that Yanky may be adopted, considering all the shmutz he was blogging about dozens of people that only slowed down somewhat after he was outed?

  18. Fictional Yanky your talking about ??
    Outed as in fake news ??
    Whenone is so sure hes right that another sign of someone who is yichusless.

  19. "Whenone is so sure hes right that another sign of someone who is yichusless"

    Yanky, you hit the nail on the head for a change! You are always sure you are 100% right when you apply labels like "apikoires", "WORSE THAN HITLER", etc, and for all the other shmutz you were blogging on dozens of people you don't like. When you were called out as blogging on your cellphone from the morning "kollel" in the eastern Queens basement & then your OU afternoon shift in shgoochos, the quantity of your worthless comments vandalizing the blog suddenly had a dramatic reduction.

    You were actually in gantzen quiet for a while until you started crawling back in to mock whatever R' Yudel has to say. It makes you more insane than you already were that your own shver agrees with R' Yudel! Vehamayvin yovin!

  20. It seems the CooGadin Krankeh didnt get it ot tries to shoot back all his none original Shreiouts.
    Your so so sure that you outed and bouted and hounded and wandered and founded and pounded this fictional Yanky guy that its at the point of no return. The more you comment the more 'Chelemeh choochem' you sound like and that should be a compliment for a yichusless being such as you...

    The mirror is already up for you to try to shoot back the same this way. Keep it up. It makes you you looks 'gohr shtookey' material.

    Enjoy you aimless day and pointless life.

  21. Chronicles of an OU mashgiachThu Jun 11, 04:47:00 PM 2020

    Everyone knows it's you, Mr. 'holier than thou' OU mashgiach Yanky. You just weren't smart enough to hold back many clues while you blogged like a madman. And the makkah bepatish was when you started blogging with your "WORSE THAN HITLER!" trademark outburst that you use against your enemies, like how you started mouthing off years ago offline against R' Yudel.

    There is simply no one as tzedreit as you who talks like that.

    Many targets of your bashmutzing looked into it as well when you were outed & felt it makes sense it's you. This includes JBAC and your old "buddy" Feivy who you liked to slander him online nogeya sexual orientation. Hey, don't you agav tayna that "it takes one to know one"?

  22. Talking about Feivy. Boruch HaShem “meh hehrt shoin nisht fin eim”. Just like hashem told Moishe’s rabeinee when he asked him to return to mitzrayim - ‘and don’t worry about those ‘Feivys‘ their as good as dead. Boooorich haShaim.
    The ‘worse then Hitler’ phrase is used day in day out by your mentors in Yerusholayim ir hakoidesh.
    The Auerbach and Peleg chasidim have made it their motto. But the others are not far behind.
    Thus no one understands why a ‘mishichmoy ulemahlah’ nudnik as in coogardin Proud Krankeh Neshamah would have objections to the very motto he was trained with in deh Ir hakoidesh with all the Rebbehs zicheesoi yogain oleInee’s big brother models.
    Your Brisk won’t actually say it but they truly believe it as well (but won’t admit it ‘Kedarkom hakoidesh)

  23. Oy nebich Yanky do you EVER need to get a clue.

    Feivy took a break. Even the gedolim in der Heim had their spa in Oesterreich. Then Feivy came back with a new format. Because he means business & showed he can influence politicians and have criminals thrown in jail, the Agudah Fressers finally agreed to meet with him off the record. Even Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was reading Feivy's blog and certainly many elected officials. Lefkowitz was even whining at one Fresser convention that the Agudah has lost clout because politicians have been finding out what phonies they are from the blogs so he was calling for retaliation against mishpocho of blog owners. Paysach Krohn was an even bigger baby about it, angrily fuming they "should be put in cherem". But Krohn of course has thin skin and was angry about the revelations on him that started on this blog that spread to others. The Fressers had previously tried every dirty trick including using a weird criminal BT from Chaim Berlin to sue to unmask 1000s of blog commenters. But the judge of course threw the case out without even listening to it. With no other choices left, the Agudah Fressers met with Feivy & gave their word (let's see how much it's worth), that from now on they will not allow kinder to be harmed, but then expect him to slow down his blog from trashing & exposing them. Slow down the blog he did with the dire warning that if they don't keep their word, he will come right back at them mit a vengeance. Being mazik kinder is not just in the oyfan of Yudi Kolko. Feivy had to reactivate the blog because Philly & some of the Chassidusen under the Fresser umbrella are not behaving, first trying to kill kids with measles altz a retarded agenda and now with coronavirus. Feivy knows Cuomo personally & warned him he will litigate to death if he caves to Agudah death wish demands to open the overnight camps.

    Feivy is fighting the fight of the gedolei Eretz Yisroel who have been trying to stop the Philly hijacked Agudah. Especially the roshei yeshivas Slabodka who angrily ripped the Agudah Fressers bichsav. Brisk agrees & so does Rav Edelstein in Ponivitch.

    Now stop following in the footsteps of Chaim Schwartz who in his paranoia & wild imagination attacked countless people as having leaked Queens Vaad cover ups. You takka have more misnagdim than you realize but I am not the Peleg guy nor do I agree with Peleg hashkofos.

    You started acting deranged with the Hitler shprach way before Peleg existed. And don't put words befi Brisk. Don't twist around that Tzionim choshud on retzicha meint that frumma Yidden you illegitimately despise zeinen "WORSE THAN HITLER!"

  24. What's that you just spit out of your keyboard "The Auerbach and Peleg chasidim have made it their motto?"

    Never mind the fact that every single faction contains its own "rotten apples" (except yours of course); Chaza'l explicitly teach us that in the days before Mashiach chutzpah will prevail, youth will lambast the older generation, people will splinter into factions - each one claiming that the true "derech" is exclusively theirs; but above all - those who turn away from evil will be contempted as vagabonds (i.e. "extremists").

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman ד' ינקום דמו had chosen on his own to return to Europe from fundraising in America, explaining that a spiritual threat to one's yiddishkeit is worse than a physical threat to one's body. It was in this context that he declared Stalin ymshv"z WORSE THAN HITLER ymshv"z(as the latter threatened the physical community, whereas the former threatened their neshamos).

    In this context Harav Shmuel Auerbach zatza'l (without repeating this "slogan" of yours) repeatedly admonished his talmidim to actively resist any disguised attempt from today's hellenists to pick off ANY of our youth. And it's certainly no feat for one or more loudmouths to take the guise of his name to lambast anybody who's not in alliance with them, nothing new under the sun... Political divisions aside - absolutely NO talmid chacham today will have the audacity to derisively call this gaon adir by the mere term "Auerbach" - even though they may not have agreed 100% with his policies.

    (It is well known that the Chazon Ish, Rav Shach, and the Steipler zichronam livrachah repeatedly stressed that they have NO FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE in hashkafa with the Satmar chassidim - only some level of practical divergance of opinion.) Such bad-mouthing is left to YOU and YOUR cronies alone!

    (It's been a while since I last commented here, but the bizayon hatorah here leaves me no opportunity to remain silent!)

  25. There is never an excuse to call anyone a nazi or worse then hitle.
    If your Talmidim or your rotten apples use this term for anyone let alone those people who they disturb their daily routine to go to Kollel or to yeshivah by blocking streets and public transportation and their leader says nothing to them it’s a reflection in their gadlus. The same Charon ish, steipeler, Rav shach as well as Reb elchonon would never condone such protests - with name calling.
    Don’t shtup arain lobos hatorah here when this is the biggest and worst bizoyon hatorah ever committed.
    Maybe it would a good idea for you and the likes of you to just keep quiet if that’s possible.

  26. "Agudah", Who in the world is that?
    There was an Aguda formed by the Gedoilim of yesteryear that represented "Yahadus".
    Now, Agudah was hijacked by some Shvitzers looking for jobs, it's just a club.

    They put up a big fight for the camps, (they have their hands in the camp pockets), but for shuls and yeshivas to open or parks, etc. we didn't hear a peep from them.

    It's not a kasha, it's a "rayeh".

  27. By the way, How many innocent souls were buried from corona in the nursing homes thanks to Chaim Aruchim?


    create a problem like all the overeating at the Fresser Convention & then have one of your machers show up as the Knight in shining armor to profit off the fix

  29. What does Chayim aruchim or any other frum program have to do with the fact that mr Cuomo and his liberal legislators forced each and every nursing home in the State of NYto accept ALL patients from hospitals with or without Corona???

  30. Jun 14, 9:42 pm: "What does Chayim aruchim or any other frum program have to do with the fact that mr Cuomo ..."

    Jun 3, 8:18 pm, Nursing Home Insider said: "... he is not the only villain in these redifos. The hospitals are guilty for their own greedy reasons and so are unzerra Agudah askonim! ... they karg zich on medical supplies for patients including in ways that are so disgusting ..."

    So you see, while there is a good chance that alter mentchen who were "resettled" by Kommandant Kuomo were going to die. Some of them managed to live but were anyway killed through negligence or even outright maysei yodayim of unzerra greedy fresser askonim. And because Chayim Aruchim is by the greedy fressers & for the greedy fressers, their psakim are not in the best interest of the choylim which sometimes means the difference between life or death.

    The insider is alluding to something which while I may not be aware of all the examples, I do happen to know a little bit about it. Someone who I trust quit working at a nursing home for various moral reasons. The home was owned by a big name Agudah mishpocho and mostly managed by a lesser Agudah mishpocho who are pathetic wannabes. The manager was ganvening from the baal habos for many years & was finally thrown out. One thing the manager was not responsible for was doling out medications. One of the owners was personally micromanaging it to skimp on every penny to the detriment of patients. What went on was so disgusting it's almost unimaginable. Several patients require a medicinal cream to be shmeared on & inside their privatta parts. The owner gives the head nurse a single tube for a set period to be shared among all the patients. The owner has a special tool to keep squeezing mamash tiny amounts from the tube. The nurses use the tube from patient to patient that every time their hand goes to the tube for a shmear, it is contaminated by that patient's privatta parts & muchan v'oymed to contaminate the next patient, and on & on. The patients are therefore catching each others filth, bacteria, viruses, vos meh vilt. And one more kicker with the tube, if it's misplaced the owner yells at the nurses & announces ok no cream at all until next week, the patients will suffer because of "you"!

  31. Mon Jun 15, 12:17:00 PM 2020

    This brainless comment speaks for itself.

    Agudeh Mishpoocheh. what does that mean??

    If a guy gives money to Agudah you can bet your life he is giving to many many other place as well.

    Chayim Aruchim is run by gedolim and poskim. The fact that this brainless guy hates Agudah and all gedolim as his venom keeps indicating and as all his inside and trustworthy chelemeh stories confirm there is nothing to say to a Jew hater as such.

  32. I am a talmid of Brisk. R' Chaim who had a bezunder high madraiga of ahavas Yisroel refused to join the Agudah then, explaining that today it would be run not by the gedolim, nor ober by sekretarren. The alter Mirrers also really had no use for the Agudah. Hu hadin the much smaller alter Novardoker oylam. The biggest Galitzianer chassidus today never joined. And neither most of the Ungarisher.

    Agudah mishpocho means they run to all the events, especially the ones with food. The ikkar by them is takka the food as R' Avrohom Yehoshua points out.

    The wannabe guy means he doesn't give much money but he does love to come running up to stick his face in every photo op. And me red nisht fun Sol Werdiger.

    The big name Agudah mishpocho I'm not so impressed if the gelt they give is tainted revach from hurting people. In Brisk there is scrutiny who is rauy to give mammon hekdesh. They refuse gelt for less than this. And it's all al pi Choishen Mishpot.

    Now if Monday 4:18 pm is finished pontificating his ignorant yedios, he can do what he's good at and go fress episs.

  33. Anonymous
    Mon Jun 15, 12:17

    The answer to one realistic smear .. is another smear?!

  34. "If your Talmidim or your rotten apples use this term for anyone, let alone those people who they disturb their daily routine to go to Kollel or to yeshivah by blocking streets and public transportation and their leader says nothing to them it’s a reflection in their

    "The same Chazon Ish, Steipeler, Rav shach as well as Reb Elchonon, etc.would never condone such protests - with name calling." [never mindyour typos...]

    -Not exactly. They actually DID condone and even DEMAND such protests- but obviously without the name-calling. All of the above did, at some point instruct their close talmidim to avoid all forms of counter-productive "provocatzia". They did not go public with such
    condemnations - for the obvious reason that it would further fuel the anti-Torah diatribes of the secular media. (v'hameivin yavin).

    Rav Shmueil Auerbach zatza"l was NO DIFFERENT than his mentors in this regard - as is known to those close to him.

    "Don’t shtup arain lobos hatorah here when this is the biggest and worst bizoyon hatorah ever committed."

    And what about the forced gittin, Phily mamzeirus fiasco, LGBTQ acceptance, and child molestation incidents, and the pathetic ensuing silence regarding such perversions? Do you think you can simply whitewash the Aguda's arbitrary agendas and claim that their "silence"
    is somehow "less of a bizayon"?? If so, then you're obviously NOT on the same page as the Gedolim you've re-quoted!

  35. Tue Jun 16, 10:52:00 AM 2020

    Its really strange that those same Briskehs who have a "Kabooleh" (shoin yeneh Kabooleh) not to join or have anything to do with Agidah know every detail about every agudahdist from what every member does, eats, earns parnooseh plus other narishkeiten.
    Whats even more strange is that if they really had SOME ahavas Yisroel as did Reb Chayim they would open their houses to all including their bedrooms - as is well known that many many nights Reb Chayim had nowhere where to sleep because people just walked in and ate and slept wherever they found food or a bed.
    Of course stories like those are not "convenient" for todays briskehs so they just deny it by saying "deh tateh this deh tateh that..."
    The Galitzyahneh couldn't figure out what Agideh was so they said no.
    The ingehrisheh were always wealthy and not so frim (Over half of all ingerisheh in deh heim didn't speak yiddish and were kohm frim). The Rebbehs all deny it but you as a briskeh nosy body of course already know this.
    The money intake with all its so called scrutiny is plain ol fashion propaganda. When push comes to shove you close your eyes and say "ain oid milvadoy" and follow by opening your eyes and say 'its all straight from shomayim' in es iz altz coosheh. There never ever was no food or no heat or no other Bit of inconvenience - even a 'mah shehoo' - in today's brisk. Wonder why ??

  36. ...Blah blah blah.......claim that their "silence"
    is somehow "less of a bizayon Blah Blah....

    Two wrongs (If it's wrong) don't make a right.
    First "tool koirah mebain einechah" then you can try to talk about others.

    You agree quiet well that the old Gedolim were/are against today's style of protests. One can correctly conclude that if one's Talmidim (or are they Students ??) block streets, get arrested, and then block more streets - and lets not to talk about the Holly language used against any one who tries to clear the roads - and they dont get bounced from their respective yeshivahs that their leaders condone their a actions not matter how much they sign plakaten against it (which they never did) and no matter how much they publicly say whatever to protect their koovid (which they havent done either).
    Don't be like the hAMI people and his cronies who suck up all opportunity to promote them selves and to criticize publicly all others in the name of Brisk. It almost sounds like those briskehs who they claim they represent are dead scared of their pen.

  37. .... the forced gittin, mamzeirus, molestation etc....

    There is plenty of that going on in your circles (why is it that all these "zadeekim" run to Israel to protect themselves ?? and it aint the govt protecting them its the heimisheh, chareidsheh (and Briskehs - yeh Briskehs - working behind the scenes - no one better behind the scenes then brisk) protecting and using the zadeekim in the k'nesset (did I say a dirty word? Did i reveal the big Brisk/netrureh Karteh secret?).
    Worry about your own before you bad mouth others.

  38. Cool it guys!!!

    Talk about all that bad-mouthing....
    No - I'm not a Brisker. (nor would you want to hear what I think of today's "modern briskers" [la'afukei the TRUE followers of Brisk])
    Nor am I a member of ANY faction or division. (not even the "peleg"). In fact I mentioned above something about this meshugassen vis-à-vis what Chaza"l say about Ikvesa D'meshicha.

    Yes - I DO see reason to defend Satmar chassidim and Rav Auerbach's talmidim (read TALMIDIM - not noisemakers) against the slurs and attacks of those blindsided by liberal "hareidi" newspapers and their modern trends. (As long as Rav Shach was alive and vibrant he was able
    to hold some degree of control against their ilk [albeit much less than people realize - these media pieces were garbage then, but in sheep's clothing] .)

    You guys don't know me at all...
    My original response was not posted. It read:

    "Firstly - I agree with you against name-calling. This is a means of perverting "kol Yaacov" in a counter-productive manner. It is done 99% of the time against those whom are not DIRECTLY involved in the g'zeiros against Torah learning. The real m'sisim u madichim sit in the knesset far away from the protests, and a proper mecha'ah l'sheim Shamayim does not allow for any personal divertsion of frustration.

    In the heat of the moment there is a nisayon involved, and a true ben Torah needs to be aware of this...

    But your claim - "If your Talmidim or your rotten apples use this term for anyone let alone those people who they disturb their daily routine to go to Kollel or to yeshivah by blocking streets and public transportation and their leader says nothing to them it’s a reflection in their gadlus" --- is similar to the man who was accused of waking up innocent neighbors from their sleep in the middle of the night when he saw a knife-wielding hoodlum running after a frum boy - oblivious to the "dinim of gezel sheinah"... Self evident to those NOT under the anasthesia effect of the so called "hareidi" media for all they're

    Afterwards, I thought to send a more leveled response instead - knowing that your gang would likely continue with all that diatribe...

    Yes - I absolutely HATE bad-mouthing. My shita is to stay away l'chatchila from bickering with others. But wherever I DO feel the need to respond I must hold my ground!

  39. For the shuls, yeshivas, chadorim, etc. we didn't see these protests-ONLY FOR THE CAMPS.

    Wonder why? Any time you wonder why "follow the money trail".

    Ask Aguda etc.

    Aguda's goal is to provide jobs for their shvitzers.

    The guys running the camps are out of work, Aguda to the rescue.

    Hope no Aguda convention this year, shvitzers? oi vei!

  40. Yanky the OU mashgiach was in full throttle yesterday with his 'holier than thou' attitude!

    If anyone says one word even when there is a chiyuv to speak negatively, Yanky is all over them that were just oiver kamma issurim and will be BBQed, microwaved & boiled all b'helem echod in the next velt.

    Yet a quick examination of Yanky's unstable ravings yesterday afternoon at 3:02, 3:16 & 3:23 pm, are the height of hypocrisy!

    He bashmutzes the Galitizianer as clueless which the Chofetz Chaim says that on a whole group is exponentially worse.

    He conflates the Status Quo Jews with the Charedishe Unterlanders, a huge lie so that in his dimyonos he thinks he can cheat to win an argument.

    Then at the height of azus ponim he bashmutzes the gedolei Brisk that their being medakdek bemitzvos is all fake. Einer fun der baalei Musser said that the geonus & charifus in Brisk overshadowed that they were just as groiss in tzidkus. But this tzebissener big mouth NOBODY who the OU should throw out on his behind is mevazeh these yedidim, mentchen vos zeinen gedolim ad meoid!

    Then the piece of garbage vos er iz ups the ante to accuse Brisk of being behind the harboring of fugitive child molesters in Israel. And the big conspiracy theorist throws in for kicks that Brisk has secret upmachen mit the rishei Neturei Karta. Wow he has some imagination too. The gedolim have said many times there was no ausgehaltener Yid in Neturei Karta after R' Amram Bloi. R' Amram was lshaim Shomayim, the later ones are posers. The Brisker Rov already broke all ties with Neutrei Karta. You don't have to take Brisk's word for it. You will hear it from any normala non-Sikrik in the Edah. The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe said it when he sharply criticized the chayos spitting on maydelach in Beit Shemesh.

    So who is really accomodating the molesters & sabotaging their extradition? It's already been proven many times over that it's the Agudah durch Ger. Which is exactly what Yanky is creating smoke screens to divert from when he tries to frame Brisk.

  41. Wed Jun 17, 08:22:00 AM 2020

    In a nut Shell.....

    .....My shita is....
    .....I DO feel the need....
    .....I must.....

    Tzahd Hashaveh: I.

  42. No camp
    No dinner
    no convention
    No siyum (real one - not the concert)

    We are all out of business.

    Instead of fressing we will have to suffice with Erev Shabbos Koidesh BBQs snacks.

  43. One of Rav Schach ztl's big talmidim who is mishpocho of R' Amram has himself publicly said the heintiga "leaders" of Neturei Karta are frauds, "all six of them". And that the Brisker Rov turned down the offer to become NK's posek because besides R' Amram they are not interested in amitoi shel Tayreh, the second he poskens l'halacha in a way they disagree with politically, he would also come under attack from them.

    Come to think of it, Chaim Schwartz & Yanky operate much in the same way as Neturei Karta!

    Chaim Schwartz boasts of the Queens Vaad's (lo haya velo nivra) "Mehadrin" kashrus while putting on some big rabbonus act. But he will do anything to 'neutralize' those who uncover the lies and speak up. And while he's at it, a whole bunch of innocent people get harassed because he figures if he covers enough 'maybe efshar that's the culprit' bases, he will surely eliminate the troublemaker. And who gives a darn about 'collateral damage'!

    Yanky who purports to be a 'kollel' yungerman, and he would have you believe a real 'heiliger' yungerman at that, while conducting bull sessions in an empty basement and who is ostensibly an OU 'mashgiach' while blogging from his phone, has a long history of throwing rocks, both the physical objects and all his vicious metaphysical rocks of oynoas dvorim.

  44. Noch ah Daiya zoogeh.

    The Agidah and the Neteereh Karteh seem to be be in bed together according to our Coogardn choochim. The Briskeh bubbeh mayseh he quotes supports that 'taireh lishmah - ein oid milvahdoi' theory.

    This "non" Briskeh chamor thinks he knows it all. Im sorry - he knows that he knows it all.
    Maybe one day hell find how many wrong trees he was 'hee-hawing' up at.
    He'll die from embarrassment and wont know what to do with himself.
