Tuesday, July 07, 2020

ORB kosher certifier in Florida notice- [See the ORB kashrus scandals in other posts]

WOW- ORB does not certify anymore the 2 closed restaurants- The kosher consumer is elated

(From Kashrut.com)          Kashrut Alerts ORB (Broward County, Florida)

July 1, 2020 from the ORB:
Please be advised that due to the COVID-19 pandemic: are no longer open for business:
  • Garden Grille: 7100 Fairway Drive, Suite 52, Palm Beach Gardens 33418
  • Sardina Kosher, 801 N Federal Hwy #116, Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 Are no longer open for business.
Effective immediately Garden Grille and Sardina Kosher are not under ORB supervision.

ORB is a Florida kosher certifier that has shown that they are not reliable in food service, butchers, supermarkets, infestation issues, etc.


  1. No money. No Honey.
    Its that simple.

  2. I hope you learn your facts yudel. It’s good to see that hate is alive and well right before the 3 weeks. To bad will all this hard times people are going through the only thing you can come up with is lies a pure Garbage

  3. Oh.Yanky.
    Why do have to get involved with Florida.
    There are no boys for you to be mashgiach down there. Only seniors which is not your cup of tea.

    Kew Gardens CB Chosid.

  4. 6:41 pm is a typical establishment hack using a guilt trip in tandem with backhanded insults in an attempt to shut down hard hitting kashrus discussions. It's like when the OU tried to scare people that they are maligning the dead when it emerged that the huge fish processor near Winnepeg had a mashgiach who for years was "checked out", either shloffing or playing video games on the job.

  5. https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/1880441/ots-begins-to-certify-orthodox-moraot-horaah-in-wake-of-ags-decision-allowing-women-to-be-rabbis.html

    there is garbage alright, and it comes in the form of ORB founder Kenny Brander who is now ordaining women after he instigated the Attorney General to make this pritzas geder the law of the medina

    real "solid foundations" Kenny set up at ORB, the poser hashgocho that even covers up CHOMETZ on PESACH

  6. Wed Jul 08, 02:08:00 AM 2020

    Some genuine love here.
