Saturday, August 01, 2020

Rav Kopshitz re: Corona


  1. Oh come on!

    You know that R' Elya Ber has long identified with Peleg, who while losing their kep, are pro-virus infection.

    Talmidei Chazon Ish & R' Aharon Kotler have written the opposite of this pro-virus insanity from Peleg, Philly & some of the Rebbes.

    The Belzer Rebbe is currently under criminal investigation in Israel for the illegal, massive chassuna he made. He wrote to his chassidim that the "mitzva" of coming to his chassuna (to get infected) will make the virus magically disappear.

    Don't hold your breath!

    1. At least Belz will make money in the wedding AND the fine. Every Chosid will send in lots of Money to pay the fine.
      The Rebbe will end up with millions.
      But REB and the talmedei ....
      What’s their excuse???

  2. What a shame, and a dangerous one in many ways, that anti-vaxx & pro-Corona infection Philly have managed to hijack the whole agenda of Agudah & TU, down to the embarrassing misgareh b'Umos with the frivolous lawsuits against Cuomo.

  3. Bs"d

    I had intended initially to write this on erev Shabbos; then decided to wait until the typical bird-brains would pound on their keyboards, trying to "cancel out" Rav Kofshits' letter...

    Aside from the obvious; - that Gestapo Cuomo has all but prided himself for eradicating the virus - when we know that his policy was only to eradicate those infected with the virus (thereby saving a hunk of money from all the medical aid that these "old timers" were costing the State of New York); unlike the Germans, he still refuses to apologize retroactively for this onslaught. Those who accord any esteem to this American-style Nazi would have been the first ones to"condemn" Mordechai for ignoring "dina d'malchusa" by not bowing to Haman.

    The offbeat attempt to combine the Peleg with filthy-Philly is like comparing Rav Aharon Kotler zatza"l with Ben Gurion; - as they both worked to repatriate Jewish refugees after the second world war (obviously for opposite reasons concerning their Yahadut).

    But the main point I want to bring out here is the obvious - which all you bird-brain commentors have been brainwashed into denial along with your political "mentors' agenda": that there IS a known cure for this virus, which has been repeatedly and relentlessly dismissed - as it was publicly touted by the president (their punching bag), and is rather cheap and non-profitable to big pharma - after spending billions of $$$ trying
    to discover a profitable vaccine.

    (The combination of hydroxychloroquine and zinc given at the onset of symptoms has been over 95% effective. All contrary evidence is based upon skewed treatment; such as overdosage, late term starting points, and failure to take zinc-sulphate supplement - the active ingredient. In addition, hydroxychloroquine has been safely in use for over 65 years, and its risks are being widely overstated.) Just to offer a glimpse into how far this "deny and let die" policy has gone; a couple of weeks ago the videotaping of the White Coat Summit in Washington D.C. (watched by over 15,000,000) viewers was suddenly cut by Facebook, Twitter, etc. after the reknowned experts began explaining to the public their success with HCQ.

    Like one of the previous commentors said, "No money - no honey!"

    (As a side point: Rav Kofschitz's message that "excessive fear and panic is known to be harmful and to weaken people's resistance, R"l" is clearly visible here politically as well; otherwise the Gestapo of NY [Induce Cuoma] would have been impeached by now!!!)

  4. 12:15 pm is making some valid points yet makes some of the same mistakes as many others. Just because the Dictator in Albany is a krum hypocrite it does not make him wrong about the overnight camps which have indeed had virus breakouts across the country at both frumma & goyishe camps.

    12:15 is also mistaken about Dr. Zelenko's drug cocktail. While it is true that Liberals have corruptly banned it only to hurt Trump, it is not a "cure" for the virus. What it does do is it prevents death in almost all infected patients who took it at the right time.

    It is insane to purposely infect yourself even if you have access to the cocktail because while you may not die, there are already up to 80 known side effects from the virus with more emerging every week. We don't know yet how many of the side effects are life long. We do know that some of them are severe, like damaged organs & damaged blood cells which will spark their own tzroiros d'tzroiros of side effects. That is a rather miserable way of "living".

    Frankly, Rav Kopshitz offers very weak arguments for his shita and Rav Kopshitz is shlogged up by the teshuva from Rav Sternbuch where he gave it to R' Malkiel over the head for even having a hava amina that the Philly meshugassen are rational. Rav Sternbuch brings raayos that even a small percentage with debilitating side effects makes it a chiyuv Oraysah to take preventative measures. There is no difference between vaccinating against measles or harchokos from coronavirus. This will probably lead to some nudniks to make hairsplitting chilukim that don't exist. But you are upgefregt al kol ponim from the kisvei R' Akiva Eiger that prove Rav Kopshitz is wrong when he claims to be feering zich like gedolim did in previous epidemics.

  5. When are you running for President or at least for vice president together with AOC and that clan?

  6. Vos vet zein mit der kinder?Mon Aug 10, 01:07:00 AM 2020

    "offbeat attempt to combine the Peleg with filthy-Philly is like comparing ..."

    Ober fort, both Peleg & Philly show complete reckless disregard for the virus, so why do you defend Peleg when they behave in such an indefensible manner?

  7. Bs"d

    I had intended initially to write this on erev Shabbos; then decided to wait until the typical bird-brains would pound on their keyboards,trying to "cancel out" Rav Kofshitz' letter...

    Aside from the obvious; - that Gestapo Cuomo has all but prided himself for eradicating the virus - when we know that his policy was only to eradicate those infected with the virus (thereby saving a hunk of money from all the medical aid that these "old timers" were costing the State of New York); unlike the Germans, he still refuses to apologize retroactively for this onslaught. Those who accord any esteem to this American-style Nazi would have been the first ones to "condemn" Mordechai for ignoring "dina d'malchusa" by not bowing to Haman.

    The offbeat attempt to combine the Peleg with filthy-Philly is like comparing Rav Aharon Kotler zatza"l with Ben Gurion; - as they both worked to repatriate Jewish refugees after the second world war (obviously for opposite reasons concerning their Yahadut).
    But the main point I want to bring out here is the obvious - which all you bird-brain commentors have been brainwashed into denial along with your political "mentors' agenda": - that there IS a known cure for this virus, which has been repeatedly and relentlessly dismissed - as it was publicly touted by the president (their punching bag), and is rather cheap and non-profitable to big pharma - after spending billions of $$$ trying to discover a profitable vaccine. (The combination of hydroxychloroquine and zinc given at the onset of symptoms has been over 95% effective. All contrary evidence is based upon skewed treatment; such as overdosage, late term starting points, and failure to take zinc-sulphate supplement - the active ingredient.

    In addition, hydroxychloroquine has been safely in use for over 65 years, and its risks are being widely overstated.) Just to offer a glimpse into how far this "deny and let die" policy has gone; a couple of weeks ago the videotaping of the White Coat Summit in Washington D.C. (watched by over 15,000,000) viewers was suddenly cut by Facebook, Twitter, etc. after the reknowned experts began explaining to the public their success with HCQ.

    Like one of the previous commentors said, "No money - no honey!"

    (As a side point: Rav Kofschitz's message that "excessive fear and panic is known to be harmful and to weaken people's resistance, R"l" is clearly visible here politically as well; otherwise the Gestapo of NY [Induce Cuoma] would have been impeached by now!!!)

  8. The main thing that concerns me about "Mayseh Rav"s comment is NOT anything which he challenges me personnaly about; rather his mistaken interpretation of Rav Kofshitz's letter, as if he were arguing Rav Shternbuch's strict admonition not to be anti-vaxx.

    Rav Kofshitz shlit"a's letter makes no such mention, nor does it give any such impression of argumentation regarding this.

    If you're afraid that my (previous) response is potentially harmful and could sound off a negative signal to the public, chas v'shalom - But don't allow others to misread Rav Kofshitz either! It certainly doesn't add anything to kvod shamayim or the chiyuv of "v'nishmartem" to make such errors..."Mayseh Rav" simply needs to re-read it the letter! You can't leave the readers (whom either don't fully understand the Hebrew or don't have the patience to read it in its entirety) with such erronous approach!

  9. Oy nebich! It's unfortunately the Peleg defender who cannot or will not see what Rav Kopshitz actually says.

    He writes the coronavirus pandemic is "lo shecheechee hezeika" & does not enter into the equation of pikuach nefesh, which is a gross distortion of reality that will cause many deaths among the shepselach listening to him.

    The oyfan that Rav Sternbuch attacked the anti-vaxx is that even by measles that has a tiny percentage of death and a tiny percentage of life long debilitating illness we have to take evasive action. Extrapolate from that the 1000s of Yidden who already died from this virus and exponentially more who will have the side effects. There was no preventative vaccine before & now during the pandemic so avadda if the way to avoid dying is to daven byechidus then that is what the Torah is telling us. I didn't make this up. Speak to the roshei yeshivas Slabodka and many other gedolim.

  10. Bs"d

    Aside from the obvious; - that Gestapo Cuomo has all but prided himself for eradicating the virus - when we know that his policy was only to eradicate those infected with the virus (thereby saving a hunk of money from all the medical aid that these "old timers" were costing the State of New York); unlike the Germans, he still refuses to apologize retroactively for this onslaught.

    Those who accord any esteem to this American-style Nazi would have been the first ones to
    "condemn" Mordechai for ignoring "dina d'malchusa" by not bowing to Haman.

    The offbeat attempt to combine the Peleg with filthy-Philly is like comparing Rav Aharon Kotler zatza"l with Ben Gurion; - as they both worked to repatriate Jewish refugees after the second world war (obviously for opposite reasons concerning their Yahadut).

    But the main point I want to bring out here is the obvious - which all you bird-brain commentors have been brainwashed into denial along with your political "mentors' agenda": - that there IS a known cure for this virus, which has been repeatedly and relentlessly dismissed - as it was publicly touted by the president (their punching bag), and is rather cheap and non-profitable to big pharma - after spending billions of $$$ trying to discover a profitable vaccine. (The combination of hydroxychloroquine and zinc given at the onset of symptoms has been over 95% effective. All contrary evidence is based upon skewed treatment; such as overdosage, late term starting points, and failure to take zinc-sulphate supplement - the active ingredient.

    In addition, hydroxychloroquine has been safely in use for over 65 years, and its risks are being widely overstated.) Just to offer a glimpse into how far this "deny and let die" policy has gone; a couple of weeks ago the videotaping of the White Coat Summit in Washington D.C. (watched by over 15,000,000) viewers was suddenly cut by Facebook, Twitter, etc. after the reknowned experts began explaining to the public their success with HCQ.

    Like one of the previous commentors said, "No money - no honey!"

    (As a side point: Rav Kofschitz's message that "excessive fear and panic is known to be harmful and to weaken people's resistance, r"l" is clearly visible here politically as well; otherwise the Gestapo of NY [Induce Cuoma] would have been impeached by now!!!)

  11. Can the oihev Peleg do anything besides chazer ibber his same talking points again which have already been addressed and largely shlogged up?
