Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Bags of water keeps flies away- It does work


  1. It keeps them away because they hang around the bags only to feed on the bugs in the water.

  2. The tzebissener establishment kashrus trolls are late to the party.

    Come on guys, surely you have an angle on how R' Yudel is profiting off this!

  3. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/11/felon-votes-swing-2020-races-409495

    As many as 2 million formerly incarcerated felons are poised to regain their voting rights ahead of the November election, an influx that could swing critical races in states like Florida, Nevada, North Carolina and Iowa.

  4. Mega Community SpreadSun Sep 13, 05:18:00 PM 2020

    Starting with last night's Selichos, is every shmayoichel who doesn't come to minyan the rest of the year, starts coming out of the woodwork until motzaei Yom Kippur. So the places are jam packed with chevra shouting the verter, which for each mispalel is producing as many virus particles as a non-stop coughing attack. Then the arba minim moichrim in claustrophobic basements or other confined spaces have all the medakdekim milling around for hours. Then Hoshana Rabba, then Hakofos.

  5. The Agudah Fressers added today 6 new Moetzes members which at least some of them are actually major gedolim.

    Too bad that the Sekretaren running the show are going to be mevazeh them, k'darkam b'Fressing.

  6. The Agudah Fresser kol koraye for Yamim Noyraim may as well have been signed by RSK alone because that's how he talks, to make up new frumma looking shtick, that if anything adds to the danger.

    Don't skip even a single piyut by davening he says? For years the most Toradik yeshivos have skipped piyutim simply because they started going overtime. Many poskim have already called for minimizing the time spent in batei medrash this year even at the expense of parts of actual tefilla that can be skipped during emergencies.

    This is similar to RSK's shtick when he created a new taanis a few months ago - farkert from the bfeirush halacha in Shulchan Aruch assering a new taanis during a pandemic. The gedolei Eretz Yisroel were moyche against him in writing but did not name him. They really should start naming he who for years has never met a public danger that he hasn't exacerbated; mamzerus, measles, coronavirus. Vos noch?

  7. It was a VERY BAD day for the Paulie/CG group of meenim apeekoorsim.
    THEY did NOT get elected to the Moetzes. Woe to the world.

    Nebach. Nebach. Nebach.

    Paulie and CG just lost another golden fress/BBQ opportunity. They have to keep on 'Truckin" on the Molster Satisfaction.

    Another loss for "Takreevay Avoideh Zooreh".

    To add to their TZOORIS, the Convention price will rise for the Pope and Co. to keep the fress level at P/CG level

  8. Philly may have tricked the other Moetzes members into signing the latest bilbul by farentfering that they are only handling the ruchniyus aspect. While Philly-Agudah's handpicked shyster doctors are, supposedly, signing off on the medical aspect in a separate tzettl. The shyster doctors are 95% Modern Orthodox and Open Orthodox because Charedishe doctors, including even those who hang out at the Convention refuse to go along with sakonnos against Yidden, which in the velt arein is also in violation of their Hippocratic Oath.

    If a 2nd tzettl is even issued, those fraud doctors are not following even watered down medical guidelines, like what they've been telling all the yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs to do.

    A Florida rabbi who is talmid of alter Slabodker R' Zelig Starobinski and someone in Boro Park who is head of a frum medical organization have both Tweeted to ask if Philly-Agudah want everyone to die as there is not a single word about masks, social distancing, hand sanitizer. The Baal Tefilla, Baal Tokea & Baal Koreh testing negative. And that the last time the Agudah mentioned the virus was in their frivolous lawsuit against Cuomo while being misgareh b'Umos, publicly insulting him several times!

    The Federal Judge actually threw out the Agudah's childish lawsuit last week which even the normally shameless Agudah has been silent about.

  9. Shoin. More dayos.
    Not only is the Pope and CG deciding who is a godol they are trying to decide who is a “Real” Doctor. Their decision is based on “Old Tales” unverified and some self appointed organization lead by some “protektzia” connected guy who Nebach needed a job and is now plappeling all that the Pope and CG dictate your him.

  10. The Florida rabbi is NOT "self-appointed". He headed an Agudah division for 13 years until taking a better paying position as head of chinuch for the Jewish Federation in the suburbs north of Miami.

    I won't disagree that he has "protekzia" however, as his rebbi R' Zelig who gave him semicha is talmid of R' Aron Kotler's rebbi, R' Moishe Mordche Epstein.

    The "connected guy" rabbi is aligning himself with the biggest rabbonim of this generation who took a stand against the Agudah because the Agudah is wrong.

    So who is this fool who is putting so much effort into complaining & belittling the messenger of these great geonim Batorah?

  11. Smicha from all the big shots just like your most favorite musmach HoRav HaGaon Rebbe Shloimeleh zata’l

  12. Pope Paulie could use some of this water to keep the frum flies away.
