Friday, October 16, 2020

Daas Torah

דעת -תורא


  1. Here is authentic Dass Torah

  2. Another authentic posek shlita


    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky

    On March 29, he ordered his followers to pray individually rather than in group services and wrote that those who violated social-distancing and health rules, endangering others, were AKIN TO MURDERERS in the eyes of Jewish law and MAY BE REPORTED TO ISRAELI AUTHORITIES.

    The week before, Kanievsky and Edelstein issued a call to follow the health regulations. A letter from them, which was publicized by the Health Ministry, called on the ultra-Orthodox to only hold prayer services outdoors, while observing social distancing and while wearing masks throughout. The letter said the health rules should be kept without exception and said the Sukkot holiday must be observed with one’s nuclear family only. Kanievsky also told his followers that they should take coronavirus tests if necessary during the festivals since this was an imperative for pikuah nefesh (saving lives).

  4. To Ahem:

    Kol hmivzah Talmud chochum sofo lvasos es h'torah.

  5. 9:34 am is 100% right what he quotes, which is exactly why the Agudah in cahoots with a certain relative should stop manipulating R' Chaim every time after he concludes daas Torah with Rav Edelstein, trying to get him to flip from the daas Torah to Agudah daas sheeamum. And after those chevra got poor R' Chaim infected at age 92, they should stop lying to the rabim that he feels like a million bucks & propping him with a sefer - even when he is blacked out - so they can stage fake pictures as part of their lies.

  6. Ah. So this all about the ISRAEI Agidah! Not the American Agudah.
    According to 10:22:00 PM the next move of the ISRAELI Agidah is to come with guns to change peoples minds.

  7. V'asa Toirah V'shasa L'mayah (like the stuff in front of 1140 Forest).....
    V'asa Ha'Shoichayt v'shachaht L'Toirh (with special 1140 Hashgacha)...

  8. Rav Sternbuch's psak here is completely out of context. He was only speaking in a very narrow metzius where it is impossible for anyone to be harmed by a technical violation of lockdown. Otherwise the Rav himself has teshuvos in the sefer that would be a steera to this.

    The out of context may have first appeared on a website owned by a Philly boy. The anti-vaxx are really getting desperate!

  9. The American Agudah Fressers are of one (insane) mind to be pro-virus with elements of Israel Agudah.

    The Gerrer Rebbe has BH now taken two huge steps back from the Agudah gameplan after all his sons & his gabbai became very sick. The Rebbe has since assered indoor minyanim, assered yeshivos-chadorim from opening, and has even put the kibosh on troublemaker Litzman from rejoining the Knesset where he was scheming with the rest of the usual suspects until he oddly quit a month ago.

    Litzman, who not everyone is aware is an American from Boro Park who learned in Beis Hatalmud, has enough on his plate in any case, being under several criminal investigations.

  10. Compliments of AgudahTue Oct 20, 12:40:00 PM 2020

    An askan speaking on condition of anonymity, said that he’s received unflattering comments about unzerra in recent days from top hospital officials & elected officials.

    “I was never so depressed in my entire life,” the askan said, saying he had a hard time explaining to his children why they couldn’t go to the Simchas Beis Hashoeivos blaring from all sides during Chol Hamoed.

    “The problem here is that there are 1000s of government officials — legislators, state senators, assemblymen, state judges, federal judges, prosecutors, you name it — who live in the state of New York. They don’t love us, they don’t hate us, they have no opinion about us. But this is not the first time they’re getting a certain view of us as a community that is reckless & that has no problem being mass spreaders of illness.

    “Take, for example, a judge in the 9th District of the State Supreme Court. He reads what’s going on, and he says, ‘Okay, I see what kind of people they are.’ Tomorrow there will be a case before him — let’s say the development the chassidishe community filed against the town of Chester for not allowing them to build there — and the judge will say to himself, ‘Those people don’t want to live next to Jews? Well, good for them. I wouldn’t want to live next to Jews either, because I see what they're all about.’

    “Years after COVID is gone,” he said, “the community will still be suffering from this.”

  11. Shame on Yochanan Donn writing in Hamodia who does not challenge top NJ Agudah Fresser, Avi Schnall, for deceiving Gov Murphy with two faced lies, showing the Governor kol koreis from anti-Agudah rabbonim AGAINST the virus while covering up that the Agudah does the exact opposite while trying to undermine those rabbonim!:

    Schnall has also unremittingly made sure that Murphy was kept up to date on the community’s efforts to control the pandemic. He forwarded every kol korei from gedolim, every robocall, every doctor’s letter, every notice from a yeshivah that voluntarily closed.

    All the efforts paid off, Schnall said, when Murphy nixed a plan to follow Cuomo’s lead and crack down hard on the frum community. That cooperation manifested itself in a tweet that Murphy posted less than an hour before Simchas Torah praising the community for their work to limit spread of the virus. The governor was fascinated, Schnall said, when he saw a kol korei by Lakewood’s leading rabbanim calling for hakafos to be minimized — fewer than five minutes each, they advised.

    “He was very impressed that here’s a Jewish holiday with customs that are thousands of years old, and the rabbis, the leadership, put out a letter changing those customs in a big way because of the situation,” Rabbi Schnall said. “And he showed his appreciation for that.”

    “We make sure that every little blurb that comes out from the rabbanim, that the governor is aware of everything,” he said. “So he knows, he feels, that he has a partner ready to work with him.”

  12. .... being under several criminal investigations.

    The bluff this guy gets away with....
    Under investigation by the Tziyoinim for helping the Chareidim!!!!
    Thats what you push as "being under several criminal investigations"????

    And that the Gerrer Rebbe pulls away from the psakim of ALL poiskim in Ertez Yisroel what does that have to do with American Agudah or Americans in general.

    Of course the Rebbe can't be part of the fresser team otherwise your out of business.
    Of Course the Rebbe Can't be wrong by going against the All Israeli Poiskim because then your just a fraud - which you are in any event.
    It seems when you and your family and close friendare about to die its a whole different game.
    But when you use all these Poiskim against the American Poiskim ( which you know by definition as Fressers) then its all OK.

    Fraud is Fraud is Fraud.

  13. The 3 core Litzman investigations where prosecutors have asked the Attorney General to indict him:

    Litzman in it for personal gain, allegedly getting a large bribe from Goldy's restaurant that was having legal trouble. Litzman is also known to fress sandwiches from that restaurant on a regular basis.

    A 2nd scandal where Litzman "helps Charedim" is where he interfered with the deportation of a molester from Israel to Australia. Since when is Australia a "Tzioni" entity? Certainly the DOZENS of victims in Melbourne are not Tzioni, they are all Charedi.

    A 3rd scandal involves Litzman improperly securing release of many other molesters from prison. The molesters were incarcerated in the prison that was specifically shtelled avek to function as a Charedi yeshiva. Gedolim have said not to advocate for release of criminals from there as there is nothing else to do so they learn & are productive, but if released back to the streets they commit more crimes.

    4th Litzman scandal: Satmar was actually mefarsem on him for taking $25,000 for a Hamodia interview. He quickly cancelled & returned the bakshish before he could got in trouble.

    Some might argue that this 5th Litzman scandal is helping Charedi yeshivos. But since when are yeshivos allowed to take filthy money generated by fraud?

    1. All these accusations are by Jew hating ziyoinim ym’s.

  14. Weights and measuresWed Oct 21, 01:37:00 PM 2020

    The OU mashgiach Tues 1:29 pm, is sneaking his thumb in to press down on the scale in favor of the Agudah Fressers.

    The mashgiach keeps cheerleading for his "winning" team purposely killing Yidden with the virus, which the adam gadol in Nistar Rav Mustafi & the Stoliner Rebbe have been crying befarhesya they are mamash roytzchim. R' Ezriel Auerbach has written they must do tikkunei teshuva, same as someone who stabbed a Yid to death:

    Philly led Agudah Fressers
    Satmar, while conferring with Philly, coordinate a group of Hungarian Rebbes
    Bobov 45

    Vs the 'good guys' advocating for pikuach nefesh:

    All the Sfardi gedolim
    R' Ezriel Auerbach
    R' Yitzchok Zilberstein
    R' Yehuda Silman
    R' Sariel Rosenberg
    R' Shevach Rosenblatt
    R' Chaim Eizik Landau
    Bobov 48
    R' Asher Weiss
    Rav Perr
    Rav Jaeger

    (At least 3 in Agudah who do not hold of the shitas Philly to infect everyone: Gerrer Rebbe, R' Yeruchim Olshin & R' Moshe Tuvya Lieff)

    1. Once again mixing ah Gerrer BMG MIR cholent. And he’s not even good at it.
      All the pros and cons have personal negious just like the Paulie commenter.
      Breslov - had to get to Uman
      Pelegrín - just against the Yeshivah establishment.
      Bonobo 45 - needs a audience at the Tish.
      Lubavitch is against. It’s the mishegoyim - same as meshechistin - and the loose cannons hanging out in 770 who know everything better.
      The rest of the list are only anti because either they or a family member or a fine supporter had it and almost died - meaning they’ll lose they “Kemach” source.

  15. Most rabbonim on the anti-virus list had the same shita from the beginning.

    A "family member" died or almost died takka, altz kol Yisroel areiven zeh lozeh.

    The OU mashgiach will hock a tcheinik to say the opposite of anything on Yudelstake even when he's playing with lives.

    And watch the faker who he is, always admonishing not to poke fun at rabbonim, yet he calls the Peleg rabbonim the pelegrin species of waddling penguins & refers to the Bobov 45 Rebbe as Bonobo, a pygmy & exceedingly ugly species of monkey.

    What a hypocrite!

  16. Wed 8:27 pm - Keep covering up for Litzman, it's right up your alley to protect all molesters (& advocates for molesters) along with the molester mechuton.

    All the maydelach from the Chassidishe girls school in Australia who were molested are now Tzionim because you say so.

    The other molesters, even the ones that Charedi beis din poskened against, are also oiss molesters now, because at your say so, once Tzionim also call them molesters, tze ken nisht zein.


  17. There are two people commenting on the opposing sides, except one of them has no idea what he's talking about even as he tries hard to support the virus spreaders between finding excuses to be critical of der bayde tzdodim + everyone else except his narcissist self, who is the real cholent macher.

    The list composer is being consistent & evidently caught on that some of the spreaders put out letters & statements pretending to be anti-virus because they are trying to deceive the government into thinking they are behaving. Bobov 45 is a sad example of talking out both sides of the mouth depending on the audience. They have a 'good' example from Satmar & Agudah who are guilty of same. Agudah is the most puzzling as they bizarrely put out occasional anti statements even when addressing frumma. They might only be doing it because Avi Schnall gallops over to Trenton vee a ferd to keep showing misleading items to Phil Murphy so that he doesn't shut down Lakewood-Passaic.

    770 came out strongly 'against' because of the huge chilul Hashem by the "loose cannons" commandeering the whole Kingston Ave on Chol Hamoed, or in Crown Heights parlance, what they call a "chilul Lubavitch". Meanwhile they don't stop the meshugoyim from breaking every rule inside the building. 770 knows exactly what to do when they want to stop something. Whenever ainer fun der Elokistim, the 2% offshoot of Meshichitim who are apikorsim mamash, yells the altered Yechee nusach that the Rebbe is the Borai Oylam kaviyochel, they are immediately surrounded by dozens of yungerleit / bochurim & physically thrown out to the sidewalk.

    Watch what 770 does, not what they 'say'. 770 has been coming with Satmar & Bobov 45 to all the Agudah meetings on comparing notes how to outsmart police looking for illegal overnight camps to shut down. Hecht was running his overnight camps with no harchokos & must have had some big problem with outbreak he was covering up or otherwise from inspectors, because even in a State he ran to that didn't asser much, he had to get up like a thief in the night to suddenly with no warning transfer all the kids to a new location.

  18. According to 6:41 All Tziyoinim are molesters. As poskened by the Poipe fin deh Maarav together mit deh Raiderette shitef.
