Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The chofetz chaim outside his house on a chair


  1. This is not a real picture it is a major fake....
    Proof:there are women in the picture. Hashem would NEVER allow a picture of the CC wogether with Women CHAS VESHALOM.

  2. The young boy in the picture lived in Boston after the war and I met him there 10 years ago (he was not a young boy anymore). His family lived in Radin next to the CC and he remembered when the picture was taken.

  3. The alter Radiner in Boston is Savitsky?

    He would give you an earful about all the gedolim of his dor in the 1950s assering participation with KVH to be machshil the rabim in maacholos assuros.

    No ptur for KVH's 'star' disciple Chaimel Schwartz in Kew Gardens either.

  4. https://matzav.com/rabbi-yosef-folger-zl/

  5. How many other times did something like this happen yet Philly was hocking that R' Chaim poskened like them?


    לביתו של הרב קנייבסקי הגיעו היום שני אנשים בעלי תפקיד: ה-1, ראש עיריית י-ם משה ליאון. ה-2, מנהל מוסד בי-ם הרב פינזל. שניהם שאלו: אם יהיה סגר, מה לעשות עם הלימודים? לפי מקורות בסביבתם, לליאון נאמר לסגור. לפינזל לפתוח. איך תסבירו? מקורביו של הרב בתגובה: אין החלטה רשמית

    Yaki Adamkar is the Walla! News reporter covering the Charedi sector

  6. Wed Jan 06, 09:56:00 PM 2021

    The hatred for the VHQ is so blatant here.

    Savitsky deh Raddineh Zaddik
    Chaimel needing pturs

    Savitsky Deh Zaddik --are you nuts????
    Say he was a gaon. Say he was a nice guy. Say he was a illuy but.......

  7. Welcome to Yudel/Drexel Hock numero UNO.

  8. Whaddya know? The OU mashgiach doesn't like an alter Radiner.

    It's just fine with the mashgiach to say lushen hureh & motzi shem ra when he doesn't like someone.

    And if you talk about ganvening or molesters in the mashgiach's mishpooche, shreit er you are oiver on every issur chomur.

    According to the 'holier than thou' mashgiach, only he can say such things against others, a 'right' which he exercises daily, even when not true!

    Now as far as Chaimel is concerned, we need to introduce him to a new Maggid to give him musser about the Boston-Queens protocols of collaborating with Conservative koifer clergy for non-kosher food. Just come on down to Rosenblum's & grab a hand basket to navigate the obstacle course aisles.

  9. Trying to figure out who is/more kosher?
    Rosenbaum’s or savitzky? We are not even talking Glatt here.

  10. Coocoorico. You meant Rosenblooms not Rosenbaum.
    From Qveens Chosid.
