Thursday, October 07, 2021

Update: Beware: Real Estate Prices in Lakewood area "exorbitant "? Who is causing it?

Real Estate agent$ are "agent$ of the $eller".

Therefore the agents feel justified in telling the sellers "I can get you x dollars" (an inflated un-justified sum). Agents are not willing to list houses at fair and reasonable prices, the agents refuse to present a buyers resonable offer, etc.  Hence "exorbitant inflation".

Solutions; Use a "Buyers agent" i.e. Nathan Mermelstein,Realtor etc. Use a "nisht fun unzereh" Real Estate agency.

Now there are what is called the "squad of 7", they work together in shafting the buyers by upping the prices. It's alleged that they even share part of the commission.

In Gateshead, only the Rav, approves the sale price, the buyer, etc.
Lakewood does not have an "Independent- Rav". They have many Rabbonim that must tow the line with ....... or else, no perks.

Rav Shach, Z"L, told me and others years ago there will be many serious problems in Lakewood, as "they" want to control everything, and not allow an Independent Ruv.


  1. Lemberg was specializing in Jackson because she had the most oomph in telling the goyishe sellers that Jews will pay prices in the sky.

    Her other shtick is overdramatizing to every buyer how a once a blue moon Boro Park Hungarian paid 3x or 4x the going rate by 14th St or some other shpitz geggen, thinking she can brainwash the oylam into believing it's becoming the norm.

  2. This problem exsists in all Jewish areas in all cities in the whole world. It’s is not unique to metro Lakewood.

  3. 3 or 4 times the real price was AFTER the undercover scheme by PG & the sleazy BT lawyer to dupe the whole neighborhood into the infamous monopoly.

    At least PG was relatively honest compared to Queen Renee & some of the other machshayfos, lesser in rank to her. If he sensed you were smart enough to work around his schemes to inflate neighborhood-wide selling prices, he would be upfront & threaten to blacklist you from access to all of his listings. He knew he could lose his license but figured you won't masser on him.

    But with Renee, the knives come for you fun der alleh zeiten & punkt from the directions where she thinks you aren't looking!

    1. I have had many dealings with Rivka Lemberg and found her to be fair, responsible, knowledgeable and good to all sides. Please watch what you say.

  4. Nebach on all these wanna be home owners who can't compete in this day and age.
    If a Trailer Park opened in Lakewood that would be the best solution. But, the wannabes only want what the other guy has not what he can afford.

    Once again - NEBACH.

  5. Chevra Chazirim - Realtor divisionWed Mar 17, 02:00:00 PM 2021

    You lowly peons will just have to get it through your thick skulls that Lemberg is your master, you will shtell tzu to HER idea of 'home sweet home', or else! If you dare not immediately pounce on whatever listings she shovels at you to pawn off at rip off prices, you have already aroused her ire.

    If you have the audacity to want something specific, or the chutzpah to look on the internet & find she sold the same house a month earlier which is now being flipped for double - then RUN - because she will bear her fangs in a transformation from Little Red Riding Hood to the BIG BAD WOLF! And did you look at any homes without her, even if for sale by owner? She will eat you for breakfast without any nominally polite introduction.

  6. This is just silly and ignorant. If they can find buyers who will pay, then that's the market price.

  7. This article needs updating from old cases to newer ones, but the sad yesoid remains

    R' Feivy blowing the whistle on a Lakewood network of greedy real estate agents & real estate investors who place dangerous goyishe criminals in rentals in the middle of frumma shechunos. The criminals are preferred because they pay inflated rents in all cash stuffed into crumpled up paper bags. The corrupt agents have lists of the available drug dealers, pimps, molesters, and other criminals

  8. Another Frum chumrah learned from the Zaideh (c”v) as is quoted by the Pope’s cardinals in gveeens.

  9. 14 Strrreet shoin ausgeshpielt.

    Besserrra mentchen vee inz voinen in Toms Rrriverrr.

    A mechayeh vus alleh soivlim derrr sam hamuvess vus ligt in errrd

  10. Been there done thatFri Mar 19, 02:41:00 PM 2021

    While they are fort better than some of unzera heimishe piranhas, some of the goyishe agents are bezunder anteh-Semitten. You can feel their hostility oozing out of them even when they don't lash out some rude zog. They hate us enough that it even overrides their tayva to make money.****

    Thanks in part to the greedy ones fun unzera, part of the sinas Yisroel in Jackson is the belief that Yidden really do have the ability to pay any price that's magiah ad outer space, whether from kosher funds or from some laundered scheme in suitcases stuffed mit mezuman.

    In one case where the buyer used a cell phone from a not heimish place & came clean shaven in a baseball cap, the anti-Semitic agent did not chapp he's a Yid. But the seller is a smart lawyer & he figured it out. All of a sudden, the price leapt up an extra $70,000! Plus the agent became hostile overnight.

    **** There is an adam gadol who says that stam anteh-Semitten will not allow their hatred to put a dent in their wallet. So when you see over the top anteh-Semitten who are happy to lose money while hurting you, it's almost always because some of unzera loi aleinu have been irking them with chilul Hashem behavior.

    Did you hear that, some of you Lakewooder agents who operate in Jackson?


    Toms River connection to the FBI raid on Tibor's under the Cleveland Vaad Hakashrus.

    Did the Lakewood rabbonim know about these chevra when signing against unscrupulous individuals farkoyfing marijuana?

  12. The agents, the home owners, the banks, the lawyers, the underwriters are lining their pockets very well and really don’t care what anyone says or posts especially on this site.
    So stop wasting your time. One can’t even call posting on this site VENTING.

  13. Sun Mar 21, 01:58:,

    They Do Care
    They're obsessed with their Publicity

  14. They are Americans (money people) not Israelis ( kovod - publicity people)


  16. If your out of the “daled Amos” of the original BMG.
    Your not a Lakewooder. You may be a Lakewood resident. You may have the zechus to be paying all your taxes to support the genuine Lakewooders - or Torah b’laaz - but your not and never will be a alteh Lakewwoder.
    Thus all the narishkeit such foodies, mansions, empty homes for pesach, davening after the Zman - IF you Daven - v’chooloo - are not noigaiah to Lakewooders.
    ps the daled Amos are a bit expanded then in the days of Reb Aron Zatzal but not by much.
    Such is life.

  17. Is she a Lemberger or a Limburger (the notoriously smelliest type of cheese)?

    She is just nasty when you are too smart to swallow her bait mit the line & sinker. I didn't have to move to Lakewood. I was very turned off by the general corruption of multiple brokers. But she was the straw that broke the camel's back. I finally said to my wife we are not moving here after a few outings with that agent. Just listening to her attack the competing yentas at other brokerages was too much to stomach. Then she started angrily attacking me to my face because when I'm looking for something specific it meant she wasn't getting an instant sale with no work. She doesn't get it that I'm the customer. Shoyn. I heard she was even more combatant against some other buyers.

    She has knife, will travel. And there's more drama with her than at the opera.

    “Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings.”

    ― Robert Benchley

  18. When SHE gets angry at you, she really knows how to shoot herself in the foot. She runs ahead of you into the next homes to bashmutz you to the owners that you're not a serious buyer. She whispers loud enough for you to hear it. As she becomes increasingly angry, she makes faces at you & apes you behind your back like a little kid, but in full view of your mishpocho, guaranteeing that they will never call on future days to see another property with her. By the end of that day she will usually anyway be screaming false accusations at you.

    So what gets the shefifoin so angry? Pretty much anything can set her off. When an honest seller starts telling you chesronos of the house, she runs behind you & frantically waves her arms at him, attempting to shut him up, but if you listen & lose interest, you are now a bad guy in HER view. If your lawyer told you to avoid houses with a certain feature, you are a bad guy for denying her an instant sale at the 1st place she took you. If the State Police note a convicted child rapist living in a house next door, she deems you a bad guy for putting the safety of your kids ahead of some instant cash in her pocket.

  19. I noticed a few people making negative comments about a certain lady.
    We should not forget the story of Peninah and Chanah. Causing pain to another person is not a simple matter at all.
    Also another example , the donkey that gave Mussar to Bilaam, Hashem took away that donkey so Bilaam won't get embarrassed.

  20. There was the Litvak being questioned by an Immigration officer at Ellis Island who said in response to a question he couldn't remember, "shain fargessen". His name was then entered into the record as "Shane Ferguson".

    While you are not forgetting, be advised that a real estate outing with that woman is something you will not easily forget between her abuses and greed. Maybe she is not in gantzen going to make you into a Gedalya ben Achikam, but aniyim are chashuvim k'maiss. She is certainly not chass on mammonam shel Yisroel. Farkert! She uses all her manipulation abilities to get both the Yidden of Lakewood & the goyim of Jackson to jack up the price on you! And her verbal abuses on you feel like sharp weapons.

    Where does it say by the way that Hashem cared about Bilam's feelings? I heard from 2 alter Mirrers b'shaim R' Itzel Ponivizher that the donkey was the only animal ever given daas to speak & was only allowed to speak a single time because animals are SELFISH, ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES, it didn't even care when knowing that Bilam wanted to exterminate all the Yidden. Therefore, animals prove by their essence why they are not zoyche to koyach hadibur. If there was ever a selfish woman ....

  21. A new Era. Post AK. The Land-grabber days are over. RE around yeshiva has already dropped dramatically. Pashtus, LW will keep falling, and the Oilam will invest out of this corrupt board of Unzeres.

    1. Pashtuns you can already apply for a ‘Tzetil’ for Zedakah. You’ll be losing your money and every one else’s money with your “cheap” investment around the Yeshivah.
