Friday, March 26, 2021

CRC ALERT: Romaine heaviy infested- Therefore, Buy only the Positive or kosher Garden brands

March 25, 2021


Please be advised that in recent days we have been finding romaine lettuce to be more infested than usual.  In particular, we have been finding more thrips than would be expected. 

Accordingly, extra care and diligence should be used when preparing romaine lettuce for the Seder.  The “thrip cloth method” (  remains effective, but the procedure may have to be repeated several times to remove all insects.  

An alternative method is to separate the leaves, soak them in soapy water, and then rub all parts of each leaf with a sponge or scrubber. The leaves can then be used as is.


The above concern is, because of the unusually high levels of infestation in romaine lettuce, we have just determined that the usual washing process has not been sufficient in some instances. 

Therefore, we recommend that the whole leaf romaine lettuce be rewashed by placing the leaves into soapy water and then rinsing each leaf front and back under running water. The chopped variety may be used as is, without additional washing.



  1. Chopped being "ok" sounds like the Star K who they are probably parrotting it from.

    Show us scientific or empirical evidence that all bugs having a feast will beat it just because the pieces are now smaller.

    Pork also comes in chops by the way & it's less issurim than a thrip.

    1. The washing process is more thorough when the pieces are smaller


    They should publicize the names of the heimishe agents who conspired with the goyishe landlord ganovim!

  3. I bought stop & shop brand hearts of romain lettuce. Using a light box & magnifying glass, I found 3 bags to be very clean, and one bag had about 3 bugs

  4. Fri Apr 02, 03:21:00 PM 2021

    According to this site you still need much training.
    There is no such thing as Romaine other then Postive and or Kosher Garden being clean.
    If you say its clean it only proves that you need more traing and and approved eye test.
