Thursday, March 25, 2021

UPDATE: Shatnez Alert: Don't buy clothing from Lakewood Emporio stores, until it's checked by a Lab affiliated with the International testers

SUITS sold in EMPORIO- Lakewood has been found to contain Shatnez. Therefore, all of their suits must be re-checked by a qualified shatnez Lab.

Shatnez has been found in David Oliver suits sold at the Suite Shoppe.

All shoulder pads that have been put in by the right place may contain Shatnez and must be replaced.

GEFLOCHTENE SILVER ATOROS sold by Judaica Plaza have been found to contain linen within the Atorah.


  1. Geflochenneh, with an L & no T, not gifochtene.

    The Rebbishe wannabes don't stop with the ataros. They also have the strip down the middle.

    1. How about the ahtooreh in the kittle?

  2. Mit Tmimuskeit Kilayim MinayinFri Mar 26, 03:24:00 PM 2021

    Emporio shutef Szpilzinger is a good salesman, including his innocent demeanor to defend his shaatnez "checker" Kreitman. Does it boil down to who has the billigste preizen for wholesale volume checking?

  3. Remember:
    It’s only Shatnez according to “International Testers”.
    Other Shatnez professionals say it’s not Shatnez.
    Not to imply that international testers are wrong just saying there are other testers out there with different shitos,
    Thus when headlining that 3 or 4 places were found to have Shatnetz what they are really saying it was found to be Shatnez according to International testers only.
