Thursday, March 03, 2022

לזכר הקדושים במירון- NEW CD with all of the songs available at Shain's, 1140 forest Ave, opposite Forest BM $15.00@


  1. Al Menuchosom Yakdishu es ShmechaWed May 12, 11:28:00 PM 2021

    Itamar Glazer lives in the heart of Tel Aviv & fits the profile of the typical resident of his bohemian neighborhood but that didn’t stop him from visiting Bnei Brak last week to comfort families of Meron victims, Ynet reports.

    He took a bus from Tel Aviv to Bnei Brak & in 15 minutes he arrived at the home of Menachem Zakbach, z’l, after stopping on the way to buy 2 cakes with a Badatz hechsher. “At first I felt a little uncomfortable,” Itamar told Ynet. “I was a stranger & they were strangers to me. I didn’t even put on a kippa because I didn’t have one. But when Menachem’s father saw me, he immediately spoke to me & said that of all the visitors, he’s most moved to see me.”

    “At a point, we simply hugged & cried together. I remember I told myself what a shame I missed out on these people my entire life. It wasn’t like going to eat cholent in Meah Shearim & returning home. This was sitting opposite a bereaved father & speaking about life, with no one trying to change anyone. We saw that ultimately we’re not so different.”

    Down the street live the Levy family who lost their son Moshe z’l, just 14. As soon as Itamar entered, the bereaved father asked him to sit next to him. “He told me: ‘You already accomplished what you wanted.'”

    “What did I want? I asked. He responds: ‘You came to unite.’ I told him I came to identify with his pain. He answers: ‘1000s of Charedim came but davka you, who wasn’t obligated to come, shows how much we’re on the same side.’ I’ll never forget the things he told me,” Itamar said.

    Until now, Itamar knew Charedim mainly from his army service in Operation Protective Edge. “The ones in a van to give out candies, cigarettes & little Sifrei Tehillim,” he said.

    “They say Tel Avivians live in a bubble, they’re cut off light-years away from Charedim. It’s true I lived in Tel Aviv for the past 2 years but I’m from Maalot. There, when someone sits shiva, the entire city comes. It’s a place of togetherness. That’s how I grew up.”

    Following Itamar’s Bnei Brak visit, he posted it on Facebook, encouraging others to visit as well. “The number of messages I got from people telling me they went to visit the bereaved to comfort them warms my heart. They came from north & south to Bnei Brak-Jerusalem just to show support.”

  2. Tried to do this shidduch VERY quickly by sending a few pictures but they were retuned to me saying "he (she) is not ready (mature enough) to choose a nice picture.

    1. Orthodox Jew that reads the 3rd Parsha of Shma every dayThu Feb 17, 11:17:00 AM 2022

      Nebach on you.

  3. This Music CD must have a special Heter to listen to from Rabbonim such as Reb Moishe, Feinstein ZL and lbcl Shternbuch as well of Rav Elyashev ZL. Plus others…

  4. All of a sudden your favorite poskim are nothing because their pesakim are in you way. So who is the fraudster here?

  5. Non Fresser Not MashgiachFri Feb 25, 02:30:00 AM 2022

    I see a For Sale sign in front of the house. Where is Yudel moving to?

  6. Yudel is planning to move to Eretz Yisroel IY"H, if he sells at his asking price.

  7. Big time move. BMG's former CEO would gladly pay over a million bucks to get rid of him out of here.
    I bet he wouldn't post this one.

  8. Fri Feb 25, 07:45:00 AM 2022

    Feel bad for the Bedatz in Israel once Yudel moves there and he gets to see the real story.
    Don't forget the Bedatz is the sister hashgacha of the CRC Williamsberg.

  9. The former BMG ceo and the former BMG mashgiach are moving together to Israel.
    Good luck. One will supply the kosher food the other will supply the kosher money..

    1. Who's gonna be left on the block?
      Or is it that Yudel is going after him wherever he goes?

  10. Snake Oil SaleswomanWed Mar 02, 09:59:00 AM 2022

    If R' Yudel sells to one of those Booro Park Ingrisher feinschmeckers who pays double or triple the going rate to be close to derrr kinderrr, Queen Renee will go around crowing about it as usual, assuming she can brainwash the oylam into thinking that it's normal to way overpay in every instance.

  11. Wed Mar 02, 09:59:00 AM 2022

    Whats wrong ? Do you think the world's only kosher
    Hadasim were any cheaper ?

    How do you think one can afford a move and home in Israel ?

  12. Does the real estate venture arm of BMG still exist? Depending on who it suits, they could definitely way overpay for a property just like they've way underpayed.
