Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Non-Mevushal? Tzedaka pushka, your cleaning help, helping themselves-your microwave for their pepperoni pizza?



  1. Flatbush Fressers IncThu May 13, 10:21:00 AM 2021

    They've also been caught using good old fashion regular ovens.

    One bezunder weirdo goyta who has been fired by baal habustas in Marine Park will even use your toothbrush to brush her teeth!

  2. Missed the Pepperoni part [if it ever occurred].
    It seems like the camera did its job and the 'non mevushal' is no longer in this person's home.
    Not saying that cameras are Halachically OK [we will leave that for Reb Yudel to research]
    But surly the cleaning help is no longer cleaning at that home.

  3. Tzorus Ayin ConsultantThu May 13, 12:32:00 PM 2021

    Get ready! The tzebissenna who imagine a R' Yudel conspiracy under every stone, must be gearing up to say he has a "money making scheme" to farkoyf cameras off this fearmongering.

    It must be a very sad existence for dishonest kashrus "professionals" who are still stinging from something R' Yudel caught them on years ago. They are reduced to parking themselves on the blog to put every word he says under a microscope with a tzorus ayin tinted lens.

  4. "dishonest kashrus "professionals" who are still stinging from something R' Yudel caught them on years ago"

    The fiasco with West Side's trucks must've really hit a raw nerve with 'someone', who ever since has been squatting on this website to write nasty remarks.

    Mashgiach, du shlofst? There are already a few comments on this post that weren't littered by your keyboard

  5. BTW- Yudel says that West-side is certified by the OU and is a reliable establishment.
    West-side could upgrade by having the OU replacing the Mashgiach with ne that doesn't swear his allegiance to the head of the Queens Vaad.

  6. Anoicheeyus of an OU mashgiachThu May 13, 09:30:00 PM 2021

    The mashgiach flew into a rage many years ago from some tayna or pikpuk R' Yudel had at that time.

    And the mashgiach, after having self-styled himself as posek acharon of the dor, has a meshunnedik sinah of those disagreeing with him, even if they are the multitudes that are not R' Yudel

  7. Seems that CCRC thinks , sorry CCRC does not think, claims all shiksahs, cleaning or non cleaning come from West side Kosher and are under the OU. For CCRC that’s a great Binyan Av and a gezunteh drei mitten gohr grubbeh finger.

  8. Episs Tzedreit in KG is the Efess manFri May 14, 03:58:00 PM 2021

    Not just it seems, from Thu, 11:32 PM, ober tze doch klor that the OU mashgiach mechaber fun dem does not think coherently. He just rambles on mit grubkeit with nothing constructive & nothing of value above 0, gohr.

    1. But he has a paying job with benefits.
      What can CCRC say about that?
      He also has a job. Generating Rachmoonis from all in Metro Area area to donate a few Agurut for him to eat and keep him alive (so he can criticize all his supporters and others).

  9. Eww! I would never have an aino_Yehudi in my house

  10. Non yehudim in one's house - alone - automaticlly Assers - prohibits - one pots, dishes, utensils and all cooking or dining paraphernalia. Cameras are a b'dieved according to most opinions.

    Check it out with a KNOWLEDGABLE Rov.



  13. The Jealous Krankeh Neshoomeh back at work...
    Sounds like he already had his Toiahmayhoo BBQ sample yesterday before the big bong BBQ today.
    The Shtick Fleish (Kosher? maybe yes maybe no) got to his fleisheneh Kup in a hurry...
    Must of watched his favorite Molester "Mashgiach" pretty closely.....

  14. OU mashgiach, du kenst freggen Schwartz. Kew Gardens is where all the action is.

    Loi kam bYisroel kSchwartz oid, mumche bBBQ, Beer vZinc supplements

    1. Your doing just fine for the amount of “vina” you have.

    2. It’s your dream to take over west side.
      However you are thinking manhattan.
      And Schwartz knows kashrus that’s why he’s still there.

  15. This OU Schwartz mashgiach is still at WestSide?
    They should get rid of him once and for all.
    He's an incapable mashgiach, gotta tell them all about him-bout time.

  16. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun May 23, 05:39:00 PM 2021

    While it's understandable the OU mashgiach sometimes regrets being the center of attention despite bringing it on himself, it's really low of him to now pretend (Sun May 23, 2:41 PM) that Schwartz has the OU mashgiach's shteller instead of being errand boy for the modern orthodox rabbis in Queens.

    OU mashgiach, do you think that's nice to treat a one time friend like that, to throw him under the bus?

  17. Spotlight on the Queens VaadMon May 24, 02:14:00 AM 2021

    Schwartz is still there because he's happy to do their dirty work a bee for that LIVING WAGE & all the other perks they tried to keep quiet like home renovation "loans", then "subsidized" tuition, etc, etc, etc

    How much can Schwartz know already when he wrote himself in the Queens Vaad propaganda magazine that "everything he knows" was taught to him by YU boy Halbfinger from that 'stellar' and 'ausgehaltena' hashgacha KVH.

    You know, THAT hashgacha KVH that was contaminated by koifer non-orthodox clergy.

    THAT hashgacha KVH that R' Moshe Feinstein, R' Aron Kotler & the Suvalker Rov signed tzuzamen is machshil the rabim in maacholos assuros.

    With supporters like the OU mashgiach popping off these 'brilliant' sort 'defenses', Schwartz doesn't need enemies!

  18. Whew. What a Chofetz Chayim Guy - not the Yeshivah - Shmiras Nekamah and Netirah plus ahavas hasheketz of his own proud creations.

    One Darn Jealous dude.

    He's mamesh plotzing.

    For a 'briah' that has no life or income or living wage or perks or home or renovations or tuition to pay even subsidized or anyone to back him or defenses for his no life style...
    He is doing pretty good.
    The free BBQ's, ah chaticha of fleish, the free internet in the Library just to mention a few are all Rachmoonis hand outs for a fellow briah.

  19. Flunky for Boom Boom BloomMon May 24, 02:02:00 PM 2021

    To Chaim Schwartz or his angry OU mashgiach sidekick at May 24, 12:34 pm,

    That's really rich that you attack someone for using library internet. Wasn't it the Agudah - who 20 years too late - came up with the brilliant idea of shmiros, such as lechol hapachos not having access at home?

    If anyone remembers Schwartz when he had his first low paying job that he kvetches about, it was at Agudah HQ as a foot soldier for Shmuel Bloom. And wow was Schwartz ever anti-internet in the good old days. Even the word internet by him had a din of Loi Yishoma al Picha!

    But this is just like Schwartz & the OU's "Yanky Doodle". When it suits them, they use frumkeit to mock someone.

  20. “ they use frumkeit to mock someone”
    CooCooRiCoo couldn’t of describe himself any better. That kal shebekalim, if frum at all, knows it best. Just looks in a mirror and spews whatever is there upon all others.
    As we all know his “fardorbeneh mehalech”.

  21. Yenner OU mashgiach alein, der rishon verosh of degenerates who slandered 100s of victims on the internet, is lecturing who is a fardorbenner?

    For those of you just tuning in, the mashgiach was much worse behaved in the years before he was identified & outed. He thought he could type any smear & sheker with impunity. And it was way worse in azus punim than even the overwhelming azus & entitlement that he currently displays. He was also blogging his poison back then when he was supposed to be on the clock for the OU & the fake "kollel".

  22. Does 11:12:00 make sense to anyone??
    He must of taken his family candies instead of his prescribed candies toady.

  23. Yanky Doodle went to townTue May 25, 02:46:00 PM 2021

    (KG, Queens & da Bronx)

    Reap what you sow, OU mashgiach @ May 25, 12:11 pm.

    cf Novi Hoshaya

    It must be really inconvenient that you got caught as the big mouth who's been writing all the vicious blog attacks for several years on more people that you can count.

  24. 2:46:00

    Still incoherent. Nothing new.

  25. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachWed May 26, 03:36:00 PM 2021

    At May 25, 9:06 PM, he can keep saying it all he wants, but most people have his number.

  26. They have my number in case they need hashgacha work.
    Who has your number? They have your address to drop of leftovers for your family...

  27. Hothead fanatic OU mashgiach @ May 26, 10:45 PM,

    when you were fort mechalel Shabbos to throw rocks at hafgonos in Eretz Yisroel (despite your tzedreiter kuntzen to supposedly circumvent chilul Shabbos), how exactly do your violent hanhogos have any kashrus value?

    And vaisst men doch you are not bichlal Rachmonim haim when you try to undermine the Rambam's top darga in giving food shtilla hait to a nitzrach, when you try to publicly shame the recipient to readers from Kew Gardens, following up your unproven theory that he is one of the commenters exposing your corruption

  28. We only follow Rambams, chofetz Chayims and other important halachik rules that suit us.
    We had, have and always will have such 'frummer then you' people to look up to such as CooCooRiCoo, deh Heiligeh Paulie, deh bnon shel kedoishim and his missionary followers who pick and choose all things in life especially Rabbis, Poskim, and halacha to what their agenda requires, ignoring main stream halacha and poskim.
    We try to be good 'students" but we are not up to eating Raisonetts and other goodies just yet.

  29. Which library does this anti queens guy type his messages on the computer durt?
    I would very much like to see him in action.

    1. I think by now he realized that can too oif a lot more by just getting a smart phone. So now he's busy frantically typing all day and night on his smartphone anything he could about "the OU mashgiach".

  30. Must of poured the non mevushal wine on the pepperoni and used the emplty zedakah box as a plate in the non existing microwave. At least on the video it was not touched or used.

    1. Please do not confuse us with facts.
      You're just being disgruntled.

  31. Can anyone please decipher how to read this headline?

  32. This 'please' guy reminds me of the 'thank you for your opinion' guy. That reminds me the guy that is NOT the OU mashgiach.

  33. Which language is this? I do not know who the code-names refer to, but I wish Google translate worked on this dialect.

    1. Google should not be your source of information for anything.
      If it would be you would look like certain individuals on this site.

  34. This whole site, from head to toe is based on info from google or worse.
