Sunday, June 13, 2021

Ei Kligman Shomer Shabbos all the way


1 comment:

  1. A Yid who was learning in a Novardoker cheder but escaped the alter Heim altz the pogroms ended up in the city that had the A class farm team for the Brooklyn Dodgers. It was never his kavonna to play pro-ball but the Dodgers scout heard that some Yidden playing in a park were baseball metzuyonim so he went to check it out. He immediately made offers to a pair of Yidden. The Novardoker later refused the upgrade to AA class in Kentucky where there was no Torah, no Shabbos & no kashrus. After he got married, he sent his son to learn by a talmid of the Avnei Nezer. His grandson learned in BMG. The other Yid nebich accepted the upgrade & ended up off the derech. He was the famous Goody Rosen, not just a Dodger but a Major League All-Star.
