Monday, June 07, 2021

Kellogs Cereal is in the forefront of LGBT movement-Ban all kellogg cereals/products from your home 

Corporate America’s alliance with LGBT activism has been brought to the breakfast table with the rollout of a new Kellogg’s gay pride cereal that encourages children to choose their own pronouns.

The “Together With Pride” cereal, which went on sale in stores across the US last week, features rainbow-colored hearts “dusted with edible glitter,” according to Kellogg Co. It was produced in collaboration with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). Kellogg’s is donating $3 to the activist group for each box purchased when buyers upload their receipts through a special promotion.


  1. Sounds delicious! Where can we buy it.

  2. I would totally buy glitter cereal

  3. That train has already left the station. This is not even near being "in the forefront of LGBT movement"

  4. Amazon is worse than Kellogg’s & they put their billions of dollars where their foul mouth is. The baal habos is oichet an anteh-Semitt & is destroying the world’s small businesses. If you know how to navigate Google shopping & the rest of the internet you can often find lower prices than Amazon.

  5. Finally coming back to haunt us

    corporatism and capitalism is just as much Beyond a certain level an enemy as communism
    the difference is basically largely semantics
    whether the big corporations control the government & media/ public sphere
    or the government has control of corporations is basically always as the left figured out inherently semantics ludicrous ludicrous and largely ludicrous

    We have inherited still corporatism and capitalism are somehow our Ally

  6. Yudel, You got cold feet on Brian Levine? Why did that post disappear?

  7. "Sounds delicious!"

    R' Yudel is AGAINST so it follows that yener OU mashgiach is FOR.

    The mashgiach, while trumpeting his krumma deyos out of KG, must hold there is hoyroas shaah to even fress the cholov akum varieties, just to stick it to "Shain".

    There is also an added bonus that the first long time certifier of Kellogg's is KVH where Queens Vaad's Chaim Schwartz was previously shik yingel for his rebbi muvhok Halbfinger from YU & his Conservative "rabbinical" associates.


  9. CCRC is VERY happy today. Seems like instead of missing his candies he ODed on them.
    The heimish cereals are also as happy as CCRC. They are printing more stickers to 'klaib oon' on the cereal boxes to make them heimish and only available in 'Bloomies' where CCRC has a prepaid-sponsored Chesed account for free food. If he has any leftover cereal he sends them to the West Coast Poipe in case the Einikle runs out money after all those "heimish style" bankruptcies that he specializes in.

  10. The alleged bashmutzer OU mashgiach, who has been outed by name on that blog after an investigation by the blog's mechaber & his helpers, is son of a convicted embezzler & relative of other assorted criminals. He of all people has the chutzpah to attack someone who had a single bankruptcy in business? Bankruptcy is legal and when the money is later paid back is also lehalacha.

  11. Maybe if the OU mashgiach wouldn't be downing every variety of cereal vee a hingrik vulff, he would burn a few calories ...

    Bloomies mit chazzonus

    The Rebbela who bankrolls the mashgiach can tell him all about the Chassidishe minhag to be koineh goyishe niggunim!

  12. Tue Jun 08, 10:46:00 PM 2021

    A LOT of assumptions here to get his Pope into Heaven.
    You always can bribe Peter at the door by closing down some more moisdos HaTorah. Paulie is a mumcheh on that.

  13. Attending all fresser opportunities including the weekly BBQs including the early 'toiamehoo' BBQ which starts on yom Riv'ee and with the chesed cards recieved and USED by CCRC, he wouldn't know what ah ingrik vulff is. The Rebbeh'leh must of taught him the lingo. Sorry. Your attempt to get on his payroll failed once again. Try your boss the POPE. Maybe Efsher he'll redirect some of that "halachik Kosher" g'naivahs to you. If the Shitef did not spend it already.

  14. It's a shame how the OU mashgiach native to Kew Gardens twists everything into devious sheker vechozov.

    Mendlowitz did not "close down" Torah Temimah. He did stop the 40 year fraud of them protecting the roidef Kolko & got him locked up in jail where he belonged. The gedolei Eretz Yisroel agreed with this. The American Agudah will not answer what they think about Kolko & his protectors Margulies-Belsky being mesarvim ledin by BDA, Mechon Lehoiroah and even the Agudah's own beis din. The most the Agudah will say is they are not mechuyev to farentfer anything because Kolko & Belsky working in 1960s Camp Agudah is ancient history. And then if the person inquiring is a heimishe instead of a journalist, Shafran will lace into him with all kinds of nasty insults for daring to question the infallible Pope complex Agudah.

    This nonsense with the barbeques is more indication that the mashgiach really has it in for Chaim Schwartz and lets him have it whenever there is a passive aggressive opportunity to do so. While ridiculing the tzebissener old timer, it doubles as a reminder that the Queens Vaad's Executive Gabbai has himself relished a few wings & beers too many.

    1. When is you Paulie movie coming to Broadway so we can keep track of all sepiray Paulie mahsehs?
      I’m not even sure if it’s good enough for moitzay Shabbos marsh zadikim. Besides Paulie, the shitef (we hope) and all the bishops are out to town on “Saturday night” - no time for masehs.
      Also, in the West Coast it’s OK to send emails on Saturday it self, as the proof is available.

  15. Not by Feivy M's doing, Torah Temimah essentially did close as R' Yaakov Kaminetzky ztl predicted in the 1970s it would, veil a yeshiva geboit oif sheker und genayvos vet nisht hobben a kiyum.

    Even the Hungarian feinshmeckers eventually had little use for all of Margo's corruption that was hardly limited to little boys being violated in the basement boiler room, not just by Yidi Kolko, but also Weingarten who was thrown out of Satmar, and one more chassidishe animal. There was also all the financial chicanery, draconian punishments for bochurim, and more.

    It got to the point that not a single mishpocho was applying for the upcoming year. So some baal habatim got together to give Margo an exit payout & grant the proud shvantz's classic condition to leave his name on the letterhead.

    1. TT has plenty kiyom. They get Groiseh gelteh from all your heimisheh places using his place.
      Thus there is no deficit in the Lakewood branch.
      Paulie is always clean except when he’s not - as in most of the time. There is no genuine godol who ever agreed, agrees or will agree with the mizrach vant crook from the wild uncontrolled west.

  16. The mashgiach is always defending Yankel Bender when all the rabbonim in FR-5 Towns are appalled at his shitos because Darchei is the only yeshiva that takes the mashgiach's nephews, aineklach of the molester auf ain zeit & the embezzler auf der anderra zeit.

    Now that the mashgiach is defending Margulies, bifrat in his Lakewood sniff, we can deduce where the mashgiach's Lakewood nephews were accepted. Flush with all that dirty cash from embezzlement, they speak the language of Margulies, who says kim arein!

  17. CCRC with the Poipe's Shitos are not to accept into any school any relatives of alleged molesters.
    In the Paulie school of thought, molesters, alleged molesters, accused molesters of revenge or anyone deemed a molester by the "non existent" gedolim that Paulie claims he knows are not entitled to any form of schooling and are patur from Learning, studying or practicing torah.

    In truth there are no genuine gedolim in Paulie's book because he curses them all out with the grubsteh nivul peh (which is probably not subject to any type of mechila)

  18. Shoin, another incoherent attack on "Paulie".

    The OU mashgiach must've not had his Wheaties for breakfast in order that his lies should sound at least somewhat plausible.

    (Wheaties run mit Bloomies sticker affixed & shtempel fin heimishe shgooche)

  19. The OU Mashgiach couldn't have wheaties with "Bloomies sticker affixed & shtempel fin heimishe shgooche" because its only available in stores with no hashgacha and absolutly no telling whats in there. Its all based on some owner's decision. Which is why hashgachas are in place.
    But for nudnicks and nivul peh people, especially the one who keep on getting advised by non-existing poskim.rabbonim and rosh hayeshivahs - thats just what g-d and the zaideh requires.

    My qusetion is can anyone be yoitzeh with Raisonettes instead of some other LGBT sponsoredcereals?

  20. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Fri Jun 11, 02:55:00 PM 2021

    Feivy was going with the psak that molesters must be stopped which can be found in teshuvos from R' Shlomo Zalman, Rav Waldenberg, Rav Elyashev, Rav Wosner & lehavdil bain chaim lechaim Rav Sternbuch, etc.

    But the OU mashgiach & the Agudah Fressers he idolizes go with the shita of the Vatican to protect molesters at all cost. Part of the mashgiach's M.O. is to dismiss the above gedolei hadoros as 'not existing' in the same breath that he mumbles more of the filth he likes discussing - LGBT aka Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual. Talk about nivul peh! Is this some kind of new 'progressive' speech that the mashgiach cleared with Genack?

  21. Friction has cursed each and every of the gedolim you mentioned AND YOU KNOW IT. He cursed them out with such grubeh nivul peh that Reb Yudel could not post it. Now this sie bishop claims he followed the Torah.
    He has absolutely no interest in following anything in the Torah unless he (paulie and CCRC plus his whole gang) can shroiffe somebody and get some coverage on it. The psak that the gedolim paskened was twisted so much that the average layman questioned the motive of this nut job einikel.
    You know it. Every one else knows it and. Paulie klopped zich in Beigeleisen together with his ignorant shitef.

  22. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Mon Jun 14, 10:10:00 AM 2021

    The OU mashgiach who lives in Queens lies & keeps making it up as he goes along @ Jun 13, 5:05 pm.

    Feivy never cursed or criticized any of the gedolim listed here on erev Shabbos. Feivy in fact complained on his blog that the Agudah Fressers are not listening to the anti-molester psak of the gadol hador Rav Elyashev. This is a double layer that makes the OU mashgiach insane because the mashgiach will do anything to cover up for both molesters altz mechuton Bryks & the Agudah where his own brother is a Fresser facilitator.

    "The psak that the gedolim paskened was twisted so much that the average layman questioned the motive of this nut job"

    Actually, the only nut jobs are the OU mashgiach & some other die hard Agudah Fressers who think Margulies has every right to shield Kolko while he puts his filthy hands down the hoyzen of 6 year old boys. When any little boy complained, Margulies screamed "SHAKRAN!" & frrrasked them azoy violently in punim that they had red marks for hours from his fat fingers (& emotional trauma for life).

    The OU mashgiach continues throwing out code words to insult & be metzayer a giyoress that Chazal say such behavior gebt em a din oived avoidah zara which fits with his Agudah-Vatican shita of protecting molesters.

  23. So the giyrores’ talmid choochemleh never posted the following: ( if Reb Yudel has the guts to repost the Pope Paulie’s “RESPECTFUL” posts) ??

    "So why couldn't/didn't the Ayatollah Ely…Cockamaime issue a fatwa...."


    Don't give me the yeshivish b.s. on tosfos, o.k.? The Talmud is rife with passages denigrating women. Cut the crap.” “The gemora has viewed women as "inferior", not just different…..we may "dung zich" with a gemora, rashi or tosefos.

    But He deh Oom-mench Chaya decided who is and who is not a molester. Deh Oom-mench decided what constitutes a molester. And lies outright about his support of Poskim ( other then the ones he either lied to or out rightly bribed in whichever way)

  24. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Mon Jun 14, 06:53:00 PM 2021

    I never saw that stuff on that blog.

    And the OU mashgiach has zero credibility so he is the wrong guy for the job of finding fault with anyone.

    Look at his most recent post above, scribbling anonymously at 11:45 this morning. He accuses gedolim of taking bribes to be megaleh ponim baTorah shelo kehalacha! If there was ever ein zog that says it all!

    The OU mashgiach-missionary doesn't even make sense. Teshuvos of the gedolim were quoted which means whoever follows the teshuvos is behaving in emessdik fashion, which the mashgiach-missionary defines as "lies"(!)

    Go figure ...

  25. The Krankeh Neshoomelh admits he did not see or know something. Yoy.
    Of course that automatically means it never occurred - Only from a Krankeh...
    Please your and your Mom's full name so we can post it all over to bring you a full Refeeooh Shlaymoo - including the Neshoomeleh.

    For the record, there is plenty more "respectful" posts from Pope Paulie about many many Gedolim... (who aVadeh he'll meet upstairs and be buddy buddy with.
    Then again, he may be in some big hot surprises.
