Thursday, July 22, 2021

Anti'semitis'im in todays age

It is unfortunate that at this time and age there are still companies that have very antisemitic attitudes. Seems like Unilever hates everything related
to the Jewish religion and state.

We the Jews have been persecuted since the era of the Egyptians, going further to the inquisition and going again further to Germany Nazi's, 
nobody helped us, the world only watched. Unfortunately it is happening again, most of the companies that Unilever owns used slave labor during
WWII, now again they are coming out with their antisemitic sentiment like Ben and Jerry's ice cream, what else does this miserable board of directors
have under their sleeve against Israel and the Jewish community around the world? Another persecution or free labor like they had under Nazi 
Germany, this company is antisemitic.

These people forget that most of the technology (cel phones, Microsoft etc) in the world came out of Israel or Jewish people, Medicine etc., Unilever's antisemitic stance should abandon the use of everything that came out of Israel or created by Jewish people/companies.

All the stores that the CEO's are getting these emails should decide which way to stand, either against the Jewish people and its state of Israel, 
showing your true antisemitic colors or showing that you are not antisemitic and/or racist against the previous. Unilever products should be removed 
from all non antisemitic stores, remember there are other forms of buying produces from non antisemitic organizations, we the jews have grown and 
do not need any of the above stores that hate Israel and the Jewish people. 

The CEO has not come out to apologize or anything of this nature, he and the BOD have shown their true antisemitic colors.

Hopefully all the above receiving this email have a conscience and ban all the products from your shelves, antisemitic companies have no place at all.

I have informed my family, store that sells Ben & Jerry's product, leave your kart and buy elsewhere. 

Alan Jope should show his respect to the state of Israel and the Jews world wide and apologize, remember we do not need any of the products 
Unilever produces, simultaneously remove the whole BOD from Ben and Jerry's and again apologize to the whole Jewish community of the world. 
I do not care what religion he has, remember Soros hates the Jews, he has to apologize.

It is incredible that the only company that gave any response was Publix Supermarkets, their response was that they would continue to sell Ben & 
Jerry's ice cream, willing to place a bet that if it would have been a Jewish issue but a BLM issue, you all would have bent backwards to please them, 
you all are the same like the world when we were being massacred by the Nazi's all looked the other way.

I am also writing to all the rabbinical organization that give the K or UD for your products like Coca Cola, Tropicana Juice, Pepsi etc., to see how all 
the previous can lose this certification.

This email was previously sent to Publix, Cvs, Winn Dixie, Walgreens, Unilever and all the others not mentioned on top, there is a limit of email 
address, hopefully the certifications of the stores/ products not standing with Israel and the Jewish should lose all Jewish certification. 

Show your faces in favor of Israel and do not be coward, this is for the store and or manufacturers.

We the Jewish community have a large buying power.

Thank You
Robert Dirnfeld (Holocaust survivors son)

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