Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Party planners and kashrus

 I,  have been giving Hashgochas to events, Pesach hotels, weddings, etc for the past 45+ years. I
always found that party planners be a serious issue of concern, therefore I make it very clear to all parties that I am the only one in charge, not the caterer, chef, party planner, etc.

Reb Dovid Feinstein, Z”L has instructed me a few years ago not to do any Shabbos or Yom Tov hashgochas if there is a party planner involved, as there will always be serious Isuirim transgressed.

July 7, 2021

Party Planners Must Adhere to Strict Kashrus Standards, AKO Mini Conference Concludes

Chicago…The caterer is known as a reliable kosher caterer; the event is held at a well-known venue and the party planner is known for doing an outstanding job in pulling it all together. Yet, say leading kashrus authorities, it is the party planners who frequently allow certain products to slip through the cracks, namely with questionable products and ingredients. This was the conclusion of a cross section of kashrus leaders at a Mini Conference sponsored by the Association of Kashrus Organizations (AKO) that deliberated on how to deal with non-certified Home Food Businesses, Party Planners, and Community/Shul Backyard Events. The session was led by Rabbi Hayim Arking, the Administrator of the Jersey Shore Orthodox Rabbinate. According to Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, Executive Director of AKO, “all the agencies agreed that the biggest undermining entity to kosher food-service are “party planners”. They get away with things those under certification cannot do but they are able to hide behind the “we are not cooking anything”.

The rabbis agreed that the only way to remedy the situation is through education, primarily rabbis of communities. Rabbi Fishbane announced that AKO will be establishing a sub-committee to put together educational materials and practical solutions for rabbis and their communities


  1. I was at a Shabbos week-end where Rabbi Yudel Shain was giving a Hashgocha to a "high-end" week-end Bar mitzvah with a party planner involved. At the Friday Night Seudah, the party planner went to the host crying, the Host asked her "did you have a run-in with Rabbi Shain"?, she said yes.

    He told her, "you will never win with him, and he may throw you off the premises on Shabbos, just go along with everything he is instructing you, don't try anything with him as he will catch you and it will be a very embarrassing moment.

  2. You forgot to mention that the host deducted some 'dineros' because she not deal with Reb Yudel Shlit'a
