Sunday, August 08, 2021

It's NOT kosher! Art Scroll's SHABBOS TABLE are Advertisements & on shabbos-

Call them at 1-800-637-6724- or write to them at  
to state you objection to the chilul shabbos.



  1. Who says their are a advertisement?
    They finally gave something back to the oilom for free and you call it advertisement?
    It’s like saying don’t learn on Shabbos because you may or WILL find it geshnak and you’ll start learning during the week also and you’ll buy Seforim on what your learning THUS ADVERTISEMENT.

    What does Rav Shternbuch say about it? Do you have a letter or 2 from the bygone poskim? What did Reb Aron or Reb Shneur tell you (only) about this?
    Or is this your own invention?

  2. If you apply the same type of rigorous lomdus to kashrus, I see why you pasken that everything is treif.

  3. Ohn a Mesorah Heritage FoundationMon Aug 02, 10:52:00 AM 2021

    Artscroll is one big money making operation that has few principles if any. The so called charity division has come under heavy criticism. They bring the Manhattan socialite prutzos to their dinner & would throw poor R' Dovid Feinstein into the photo ops, making him grimace to stand next to women wearing hardly anything. Check out the IRS filings. Why is the place one big patronage scam to put all the Fruchthandler & Pinter extended family on the payroll with 6 figure salaries? How many of them are no show jobs which is completely illegal? This is besides the chilul Hashem & smug attitude that they condescendingly brush off all kinds of mechabrim that they are "controversial" but publish that thieving ferd who has been in prison more than once. That they farkoyf him as a Baal Musser just proves what a corrupt farce they are. They also publish the child molester that Ner Yisroel was forced to remove from their hanhala. And they had to edit Paysach Krohn's fairy tales after he whitewashed child rapist & embezzler Brenner as a tzaddik. Brenner is the shver of Krohn's molester shvogger Bryks.

    Artscroll completely ignored Rav Schach assering them to publish the English Shas & wouldn't give back haskomos of rabbonim who had charotta. They are oyver on the mitzvas asai of Maggid Devorov leYaakov for each of the millions of goyim who learn it.

    1. Paulie is alive and not so well mentally.
      What Artscroll did no one can match not even oz vehadar.
      The CooCooRicoo Chasidim are waiting for their Muslim style oilom habah for their “every one is a molester” motto. But the disappointment will be overwhelming even on
      Muslim terms.
      When you learn in Nach about the neveay Sherer who destroyed the Jews of their generation think Paulie.
      And they have the audacity to comment on Artscroll.

  4. So now:
    No eating....
    No Learning....
    At least on Shabbos.
    Lets coin the new idea as : Yudel Shabbos. are you doing this weekend ?
    I'll be Yudeling....

  5. Chinuch Ferd StableTue Aug 03, 03:41:00 AM 2021

    Nosson Scherman, before printing a few bentchers that was forerunner to Artscroll, was part of the Kolko cover up at Torah Temimah, and even before that at Stolin. When Kolko was finally arrested, Scherman jumps out excitedly screaming: “I tried to stop him!” Isn’t that weird?! Because no one ever remembered Scherman uttering one word in protest of Kolko, including eidim who were at Margo’s Hanhala meetings. This gets him on Yated’s Chinuch Round Table.

    1. More Paulie/Muslim/Naver Sheker comments.

    2. Sherman used to hit students 50 years ago and he has the gall to write about a book on chinuch!!!

  6. BS"D

    My Dear Most Esteemed Rav Moshe Yitzchak Shlit"a,

    One of the chief gurus of Talmud Artscrollista is an accessory to the Jesus of Lakewood,

    Refoel of Nazareth, who has partnered with The Prince of Peace of Philadelphia, Sholom,

    to foment a new Chareidi-lite style religion, centered on Taoist metaphysics filtered through

    the Theosophist new-age missionary milieu -- and you're complaining about THIS? :-)

  7. Hard to believe some of these comments, considering we just ended the 3 weeks a few weeks ago, Rosh Chodesh Elul is next week, and Rosh Hashana and Y"K are just over one month away. Hashem Yishmor!

  8. And yet more Christian theology by Paulie and Co.
    Abee nisht yehadus.

  9. The Prince of Peace is of course son of Philly's anti-vaxx Guru.

    Who do you think sent the order to yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs nogaya Elul to not allow any more remote learning period despite that there are immuno-compromised kinder when Delta, the most dangerous Covid variant yet is raging out of control?

    Philly long ago merged anti-vaxx with pro-corona. The old rebbitzen must've veiter found out from a crackpot conspiracy website, either neo-Nazi or Leftist anarchist, that it's a mitzva min hamuvchar to infect everyone with a vascular disease that causes a lifetime of problemmen from damaged organs. The Brisker Rov & his pikuach nefesh shitos be darned because he didn't let R' Elya learn by him.

  10. What's this talk of molesters? Don't know you that the OU mashgiach who hails from KG has poskened there is no such thing and that anyone harassing a so called molester has a din of terrorist?

    The mashgiach evidently forgot to tell this to his own brother & nephew whose law firm is advertising in all corners of Agudah Fresser Land that the oylam should hurry & sign up for their lawsuit against Dr. Reggie Archibald for years of "molesting" his patients. They are in a hurry before the window closes on NY's Child Victim Act enabling to sue further back than the Statute of Limitations.

    One second! The Child Victim Act is what the Agudah with their Vatican & Satmar shutfim were sabotaging & fighting for years to stop it from becoming law! And the mashgiach's mishpooche halten zich Agudah Fressers?

  11. A snif of that bizarre Theosophist avoida zara attributed 8:45 this morning to Sholom Kaminetzky is Anthropomorphism which is the religion of the traditional Waldorf schools & the 100 acre cult commune in south Monsey. They are unvaccinated at a higher rate than the Chassidishe oylam & almost as much as hard core Philly sycophants.

    The farm at the Monsey commune is selling eggs that heimishe are buying at the cult's co-op store on Route 45. This is a huge problem! They also own a farm in Eretz Yisroel that was interested in profiting off cholov Yisroel consumers. The Edah checked it out & disqualified them as they are avoida zaraniks.

  12. It comes from same ‘kelumpish” place as do the avoideh Zara sheitels.

  13. Loi Sachsoim Shor bedishoiWed Aug 04, 01:28:00 AM 2021

    Yener OU mashgiach is jumping up & down grepsing once again about "Paulie" & foreign religions.

    The mashgiach loses control whenever anyone calls out the very menuvolkeiten & other shmutz that runs rampant in his gantze mishpooche, ie molesters, embezzlers, etc, etc, etc.

    It was even a gotcha mit Pinter because the mashgiach's fetter Georgie was selling Pinter components for those infamous TREIF sandwiches that a Congressional investigation revealed that Pinter was labeling as "KOSHER". This is exactly the kind of (treif) Baloney that the mashgiach gloats over on behalf of Artscroll. The TREIF Baloney-Cheese combo meister is farkoyfing his TREIF hashkofos through an Artscroll "MUSSER SEFER"(!)

    The warped hypocrisy doesn't even end there. Pinter claims in his "sefer" (sic), that he was once an airline passenger when mitten fressing a fleish sandwich, he had to take a toilet break. He claims upon returning to his sandwich, he refused to continue fressing altz nisaleim. He continues that a goy sitting next to him tried to encourage him to fress veiter, which prompted him to give the goy a shiur in nisaleim. At that point Pinter claims the goy was moyde that he switched out his fleish for treif during the toilet break. Now if you believe this Pinter Fairy Tale, you probably just finished reading the Artscroll Fairy Tale series from another mashgiach associate-kurev, Paysach Krohn. So sure that the animal who was machshil the rabim in TREIF is such a nizhar in nisaleim - NOT!

    It's like the holier than thou mashgiach who fresses all the chazirei from OU & Queens Vaad that he knows is specifically problematic while he makes a theatrical production of heimishe shgooches not being genig kusher.

    1. We told you so.
      CooCooRiCoo believes in nothing.
      Except Paulie religion. Ah fahtayveteh religion.
      Any tayvah goes. They mistameh molest others - male and female - but it’s not OK if you molest out of the Paulie religion.
      Anything that anyone does to be a bit more religious or knowledgeable is dangerous to the Pope Paulie foreign religion thus you’ll get a mouth full.

  14. When you DO write to Hisiger please bring Moshiach a bit closer by stating that your letter is in the name of'Horav Yehudah Shain Shalit'a'. If one states his message 'b'shaim Oimroy - maivee Geoolah....w

  15. Harav hagoen posek hador moreinu r' Yudel, I think you need to add a post on not reading toras avigdor on shabbos as they have ads by their sponsorship section
