Thursday, December 21, 2023

Get your Shatnez clothing at EMPORIO- with a Non-Shatnez label attached- Emporio has professional "Bouncers" in food establishments "if you question the fraud Shatnez system

ALERT: The Kreitman Shatnez checker [and their fraudulent Bais-Din] are totally unqualified, all of his checked clothing must be re-checked by a qualified shatnez mumcha!



  1. Emporio shutef Josh Szpilzinger is a heisseh chussid of Yudel's 'favorite' shaatnez 'checker', Kreitman.

  2. Was Yudel also appointed by Reb Shneur Z'l as the Shaatnez checker in the Yeshivah??
    Otherwise what are his credentials determined by Reb Yudel himself ???

  3. Ich Bein Ein Chaim BerlinerThu Aug 19, 03:20:00 PM 2021

    I never tried to nickel & dime David Rappaport or Josh. Then one day I see one of the Fruchthandlers bargaining down the price. I figured if a za gvir can do it, I can at least ask if it's the best price. Looks like R' Yudel just gave Frucht ammunition to bargain down even more for alterations expense.

  4. Yudel worked for a long time alongside Mr. Rosenberger at the Willy Shatnez lab., so he must know what's he's taking about.

    Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky told people in Monsey that they may not rely on the Monsey Shatnez center. That place has the same last name as the Emporio tester.

    They are both certified by a Bais Din for shatnez that do not know the fiber identification required for a qualified tester.

  5. But if you were not appointed by Reb Shneur ZL to check shatnez in the Yeshivah you are worthless in Lakewood.
    Maybe in Monsey. Saying maybe because no one can confirm what Reb Yaakov said other then Anonymous - or is it Horav Yudel himself postin under Anon - that would sound right.

  6. Reb Shnuer accepted Shain's Shatnez Bedikas.

    Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky said their shatnez bedikas are unreliable and not to use them.

  7. Reb might of accepted other Shatnez bedikas as well. Might is key here…

  8. These suits are for 'loy niskabel' kids only.

  9. Looks like in the kashrut world all is OK.
    The boss had to find some 'alteh mayselach' to post once again.
    Nu. Nu.
    One gotto keep the bakshish coming in...

  10. It's not alteh zachen, It's DE JA VU.

    They are continuing in deceiving the customers.

  11. How could they be deceiving everybody if everyone reads this site and knows what’s going on??

  12. Vos zogt Horav Yudel?Wed Jan 17, 08:11:00 PM 2024

    I hear that Kreitman put his eidim in charge of Emporio's Route 9 Howell-Lakewood location and while Kreitman alein is a scary prospect, people trust the eidim.

  13. Emporio Teaneck despite being the closest location to Monsey is no longer using Kreitman's services
