Tuesday, August 24, 2021

What is really bothering many individuals about what I publicize?

 When they are all "zocheh" to appear at the Bais-Din shel Maalah and they will  be asked,

Why did you consume these items and these items, etc?

Normally they would give a shrug with their shoulder, and say "But, I didn't know".

Now, I'm taking away from this "teretz".

Sure many will discount what I say, with various unsubstantiated reasons, 

but will the Bais-Din accept those empty reasons?

I'm sorry


  1. If you present you no no items without explaining the Terertz to the Bais Din will be excellent.
    Especially if the root of your publicity may not be justified in either what you say or how you say it.
    Not so sure if Rav Schwab, Reb Aron or your other so called back ups will be able to defend you especially if taken out of context or out of halachik territory.
    You may be as wrong as you think they are if not worse.
    It’s 50 - 50 at best.

  2. In the 45 + years that Rav Shain has been in the forefront of uncovering kashrus scandals and shortcomings, he was never proven wrong.

    You will have a very tough time to defend your position by Bais Din shel Maalah.

  3. Proven wrong to Yudel and his cronies is probably something "NEW" even to the b"d shel Maalah (K"Y).
    Seems like you do not know this gang.

    In the same breath lets be clear. Yudel has been single handedly instrumental in making the oilom aware that is plenty fraud out there. But, that does make him right all the time.
