Monday, August 16, 2021

Why is the BMG's KCL Mashgiach in StarBucks? see undated letter

BMG's KCL Mashgiach, found "only" one item in Starbucks that's not kosher!



  1. A BMG's KCL employee "recently" saw a serious kashrus violation at one of their certified establishments. He alerted the owner, we might have to.......?
    The owner counted out one thousand dollars and handed it to him.
    Problem solved.

  2. Was this KCL.Mashgiach in Starbucks by himself ?

    or was he there with his Girlfriend?

  3. Was this KCL.Mashgiach in Starbucks by himself ?

    or was he there with his Girlfriend?

  4. No, he was teaching her how to be a Mashgichata, Star-K style.

  5. Rubashkin Truck DriverWed Aug 18, 09:07:00 PM 2021

    Is there a maximum when paying Wiesner in chulent? Or does he take $1000 equivalent in an 18-wheel truck?
