Sunday, September 12, 2021

HALACHIC DECISIONS COSTCO STYLE... Your Mesader Kedushin shouldcheck your Daled-Minim, not a Rav/Poisek..

 Congress and staff are exempt from Biden’s heavy-handed COVID-19 federal vaccine mandate

The Mishna directs each and every individual to make a Rav for themselves.

It is thus incomprehensible how certain individuals pasken halacha 
for the masses!

 Furthermore, the Mishna describes a Chochom as one who recognizes his place. 

There are regrettably those "Rabbi's" or "Rosh Yeshivas" who aren't poiskim yet freely and often publicly render halachic decisions R'l. 

Thus, being the case, the Tzibur is cautioned to ask halachah questions to their individual poisek!

Li’man Hashem

G’mar Cha’sima Tova!



  1. Was this post from Avrohom Wrona? The man's on target!

  2. When the Buchrim will start having their Rov / poisek as mesader kiddishin instead of their Rosh haYeshivas (they can get bracha achrita) maybe it would sink in that when it comes to Halacha you ask a poisek not a Rosh hayeshivah - unless he’s a established poisek as well - usually not the case.
