Thursday, October 21, 2021

BMG's KCL (Kosher Council of Lakewood) covering up on serving treif cheese to our "kinderlach" in our Moisdois!

A Lakewood Moisoid under the KCL served Non-Kosher Laubscher Cheese . 
Note: Laubscher cheese has no hashgocha at all, it's not an issue of non-cholov-yisroel-it's non-kosher!

It was used by a few of their moisdois, served to "Yidisher Kinderlach."

BMG's KCL tried doing a (diaper) cover-up with the following letter. They write "MAYBE" they served it- They are lying to you, (Again).



  1. I guess Reb yudel is suggesting that:

    1 - KCL close down.
    2 - Moisdos should NOT appoint someone to double check deliveries - that kind of policy should throw a bit doubt on the editor's hashgachas as well - just saying.
    3 - The yiddisheh kinderlach from these moisdos should and MUST all go to their physicians and get some kind of throw-up pills to make sure the TREIF stuff leaves their bodies the same way it came in.
    4 - Last, but not least, there should be a list of all the kinderlach that ate this TREIF stuff so that in future no real yeshivah maan is meshadech with them because since they had treif they will never ever ever be a full and genuine Talmid Chochom and/or Godol.

  2. Syog leChochmoh ShesikaThu Oct 21, 02:26:00 PM 2021

    This is not a guess, it is fact. The first comment in this thread is one of the DUMBEST things I have heard or read in a long time.

  3. Is that the company that made the cholov akum mamash cheese for lowlife Gottesman? When he was alive he sued anyone talking about him, even if you merely said he self-certified his cheese or that he didn't follow protocols of Shulchan Aruch.

  4. Well, at least some Laubscher cheeses have the hashgocho of Rabbi Saffra which was a joke even when he was bachaim. It was taken over by his lawyer & doctor sons who didn't want to forfeit the revenue stream.

    But what business does Shimmy Bertram have farkoyfing this chazirei?

    Also interressant that he sells Hormel products. I don't see a hashgocho on the packinging. Could it be kosher when they are famous for pork products?


    Laubscher has "hashgocho" of SAI Global Certification Services.

    The CEO has informed the Lakewood Vaad & KCL that SAI is backed by a gadol, but kedarkoi he chooses not to divulge which gadol it is.

  6. [note: we have a confirmation from Laubscher that the don't have any hashgocha at all]

  7. to 1:51
    I guess now you know why you became OTD and you don't even realize it, Nebech!

  8. SAI is not a kosher certifying agency.
    They are certifying Laubscher that they are HAACP compliant.
    Yudel Shain is a certified HAACP and ISO inspector.
    HAACP compliant is just that they keep everything at the right temperatures to prevent bacteria, salmonella, etc.
    Laubscher is not an ISO certified facility.

    Laubscher cheese is just plain non-kosher.

  9. Bertram will sell anything that the customer will buy, just like NPGS sells OU-D items even though it's from cholov-treif. BTW- Today in the USA, due to the Veterinarian procedures done to cows, all non-cholov yisroel is actually cholov-treif per Reb Moshe Feinstein in a Teshuva.

  10. @ Thu Oct 21, 3:25 PM,

    The SAI post was obviously a parody of how the Lakewood Vaad operates with secrecy to force any agenda they want with zero daas Torah. Don't think for a second that the mechaber really believed SAI has any shaychus to kashrus.

  11. Syog leChochmoh Shesika

    Got to wonder about this guys suggestions.

    Something occurred - non retractable - like spilled milk.

    What the next move in a normal situation in order to avoid future occurrences ???

    Set up a second layer of protection which is exactly what the KCL did.

    Are they justifying anything ? NO.

    Did a 'incident' occur? Yes

    Do incidents occur in ones home every now and then ?
    If you say no your ignorant to what happens in your home.
    If you answer the truth - Yes, Then what does One do? You set up precautions. More Precautions then were in your home until the incident. Another layer of 'checks and balances.

    Thus this time the KCL did the logical thing.

    Is this a cover up? Of course its not. They quite publicly admitted to a kashrus incident.
    Does that delegitimize them? Most people would say no. Unless you have 'old accounts' to settle.

    So the "Syog" was set up here.
    The 'Shesika' part was quite loud.
    and the 'Chochmoh' section on the part of the 'Thu Oct 21, 02:38:00 PM 2021' comment.....
    lets leave it right there and not take it any further....

  12. It's not the BMG's KCL that caught it.
    The KCL's set-up is never to catch anything, they could all do as they please, BUT make sure you pay your protection fees on time "or else".

    It's scandalous what's going on by the KCL's hashgocha$, any one that care at all about kashrus would not be comfortable with almost any of their places.

    Let's leave it at that.

  13. I was looking around for information about Lakewood's Yeshivas Hashgocha, and I came up with the following.

    Very enlightening, so this treif cheese cover-up is just a normal day of business for Lakewood's KCL.

  14. What is Bertram smoking?Fri Oct 22, 01:09:00 AM 2021

    One way of translating (marijuana) leaves in Yiddish is Laub.

    In fact there was an old Saxon village called Laubisch which means leafy foilage, which the people who shtam from there have the family name Laubscher. It's on the way from Frankfurt to Dresden, close to Dresden. This far southeast corner of Germany was originally part of a country called Silesia. Most of Silesia was in Poland & Czech Republic. The people in this German corner speak an almost extinct language called Sorbian which is a mixture of old forms of German-Polish-Czech.

  15. cmon yudel you know that this was truthfully not a hashgacha issue and not a kcl problem.
    kcl may indeed not be a good hashgacha but this specific incident is not a case in point.
    its sad that it happened but your just using it to bash kcl.
    again im not saying that kcl is reliable or good (in fact i personally dot think they are anything) but this incident is not reflective of that & its time that you start thinking about din vecheshbon

    1. Sounds like your here the first time.
      Din vecheshbon ? The Chofetz Chayim and the Ramban and Reb Aron and Reb shrugs feivel are waiting upstairs to defend every post that’s up here. Or at least that what he’s counting on.
      Enjoy this site while your here

  16. Sat Oct 23, 10:27 PM sounds like Gedalya ben Achikam the 2nd.

  17. Like was pointed out before:
    The Chofetz Chayim and the Ramban and Reb Aron and Reb shrugs feivel are waiting upstairs to defend every post that’s up here.
    On appeal hes counting on Gedalya ben Achikam the 1st to defend him.
    Their in for a not such a big surprise. And they know it. But the tayveh to blog for them is beyond repair….

  18. The Chazon Ish wrote in his pirush on Shulchan Aruch there is no issur to expose corrupt manhigim because the Klal has a recht to know if they are keshairim or not. R' Shraga Feivel wrote in a 1923 teshuva a step further that there is a CHIYUV to be mefarsem on corrupt rabbonim.

    Even the biggest machmir the Chofetz Chaim is mattir letoyeles or even to get what's bothering you leshaim Shomayim off your chest.

    If anything is beyond repair it's the tzemisht thought process of the naysayer.

  19. The biggest issue that is trying to be brought out by this arrival is the gave that the kcl in their letter LIED by the fact that they wrote it may have been served when they know God and well that it was 100% served rachmana letzlon and nebach alot of the children ate this 100% for sure traifa food. As well the kcl didn't write we were giveing the hashgocha and it happened under our supervision. This news should shake the world like what happened in the other story with the meat. But no it was just tucked under the rug. And this letter was out out in a small 1/2 page article a few weeks after the story happened. AND NO THE KCL NEVER OWNED UP TO IT AND LET LAKEWOOD KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND NEVER TOLD THE PARENTS. AND THE WORST THING IS THAT THEY REMOVED THE HECHSHER BUT NEVER TOLD ANYONE THAT THE HECHSHER WAS REMOVED. WHY WHY WHY????? WHY WASNT A LETTER AT LEAST SENT OUT THE PARENTS OF THE MOSDOS THAT THIS HAPPENED AND WE REMOVED OUR HECHSHER IMMEDIATELY ????

  20. Everyone Lets do a call-in campaign to the kcl office and ask them about this cover up and what's being done about it for the future. Let's see if we can get them on the phone now for answers. I'm calling now. Please post response or if they answered the phone

  21. I called and they said the tikun was in place - see our news release.

  22. Thats a lie they did nothing they just did a hit and run they just took of hechsher and left. Nothing changed same traifa food going on.

  23. I would love when all of the mekatrigim can admit on a mistake they made!
    Remember what we were taught:
    הפוסל במומו פוסל

  24. There was never a "breaking news" bulletin that KCL MAY HAVE served fishy fleish under pressure from the Agudah-Lipschutz propaganda campaign or that they MAY HAVE served worms in lockstep with Belsky's bogus heter.

    Meh vart noch (sarcasm).

    1. He goes the “Agudah/ Lipshutz/ Belsky/ Jews in general hater once again.
      Just keep the sore loser posting here where can do no harm. It’s just free not so good entertainment.

  25. Oh.It MUST be a Breaking news bulletin.
    Just a notice to all the moisdos is not enough for this Monday morning coach.
    Where is it etched in stone that it MUST be a Breaking news bulletin ?

    Because you only found out about it via this blog? Missed it in the 'Mikveh News' (if you ever went to a mikveh).

    They (KCL) did what they were supposed to do. Let the Moisdos know and a suggestion how to avoid this in the future. Thats what any and all hashgachas would do.

  26. No they did not. And what does or would it help if they (?) Let the mosad know it wasnt the mosad that ate the food it was the children of the mosad so maybe let the children know or the parents know. But no we cant ruin OUR reputation (what reputation)

  27. Why do the parents or children have to know something that can't do anything about?
    The Mosdos MUST know so that it does not happen again - Duh.

  28. Wed Oct 27, 4:52 PM is an Agudanik numbskull who will do any mesiras nefesh to cover up for corrupt orgs. Of course it's nogaya for the parents to know!

  29. Of course it's nogaya for the parents to know!


    B'koovid goodol,

    Agidah Numbskull

  30. Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility ComplexThu Oct 28, 03:16:00 PM 2021

    Unless even that is too much for "Agudah numbskulls" (that's a good one) to handle because it might not be good for covering up, parents can help their kids make tikkunim for eating treif, Hashem yishmerainu.

    What the numbskull would for sure be against is parents being empowered by knowledge of the outrage that would allow them to band together in a stand to ensure it doesn't happen again. Chalila in Agudah-think that anyone dare tell an organizatzia what to do or to even have a negative opinion of the organizatzia.

  31. The parents in any school or moisad in Lakewood have absolutely, positively no say in anything. They are lucky the school accepted their Kaddish zoogeh and are happy to shell out what their asked for.
    Any parent making any type of noise, directly or indirectly will not have their zaddikel accepted the following year.
    Besides how would any Lakewooder know what Tikkunim to practice for anything let alone eating non Kosher??
