Thursday, December 30, 2021

Fresh / Frozen Blueberries Need Extensive Washing and Checking during an season of the year, regardless of the source

 We checked and verified with the major growers of blueberries and other experts, and they confirmed that all blueberries are to be considered "highly-infested".  Contrary to other reports.


  1. Ahron Duetsch affiliated with Mivakshei Kashrus and the Feingold group say, It's news to them how there are now fresh blueberries, because they only last for two weeks and the season was over in early September.

    But all Blueberries, frozen, fresh, canned, etc. are all to be considered infested at this time.

  2. I placed an order early 2021 for 250,000 Lbs of blueberries, the only criterea was- 100% no insects, zero tolerance.

    This order was placed with all of the major distributors, no one was able to deliver the goods.

    In conclusion, there are no clean blueberries.

  3. National Association for the Advancement of InsectsWed Nov 17, 03:03:00 PM 2021

    Vos helft all the washing & checking in der velt when blueberries are infested with 3 different species of shrotzim, including maggots that live inside the flesh??????

  4. Yoh, yoh. Un ven mehn est dem blueberry mit de alleh shrutzim di shrutzim fangen ohn essen eire flesh!

  5. Wed Nov 17, 11:39:00 AM 2021

    If you would NOT of put a price in the order for 125 tons of blueberries they would of got it bug free. The issue is for the price that you may have offered it was not feasible.

    For money EVERYTHING is available in this country.

  6. So now not only is Star-K am haratzim so is CRC - Chicago. Who’s next?

  7. however the Am Haratzim are winning and the wanna be veggy posaik achron is going nowhere except on this/his blog

  8. If it’s highly infested then a regular household is not capable of washing them acccording to the old yudel edict.

  9. We are actually waiting for Paulie “shtick leach tairah”. Seems like he is a bit senile these days talking about other non of his business issues.
    What we don’t have wait for is the nivul peh which was still up recently on Reb Matisyahu Shelit”a.
    That’s the special Paulie method of “praying” for the sick.
