Friday, November 19, 2021

The Truth must be heard regardless of the sound or the consequences

He writes:  

"Certainly, there will be hundreds of rabbis and others encouraging me privately, wishing that “if only we could say this.” But you can, you all can, and you must, once you realize that right is right, Torah is Torah, moral is moral, ill is ill.

Either we can join the battle, or we can mistakenly conclude that we can passively outlast it. The latter is tantamount to surrender, and the effect on our children and their appreciation and acceptance of the Mesorah and of traditional Jewish family life will be devastating. What is the triumph of Chanukah but the celebration of our salvation and the preservation of Torah from the decadence that was mainstream Hellenism."


  1. regardless of the consequences
    A classic Mayseh yaitzer.
    And boy do I know a blog that fell for this pituy Malach hamavet head over heels.


  2. Kudos to the Rabbi . It's well overdue

  3. "Mayseh yaitzer"

    Funny that Jacob R. is criticizing Pruzansky, who despite living in Teaneck, is a member of the Queens Vaad. Now that Jacob R. was called on it he will be choizer to defending Pruzansky if anyone asks while getting bent out of shape denying that any of Pruzansky's criticism applies to the Queens Vaad or OU.
