Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Alert: Jays School buses close their flashers and drive off while children are still crossing the street

JAY's Bus # 202 shut off his red flashers and drove off while children were still crossing Forest Avenue.

JAY's Bus # 245 shut off his red flashers and drove off while children were still crossing Forest Avenue.  Numerous times- His CDL should be revoked, The bus should be pulled from service for 30 days!

Stolin-Karlin bus shut off his red flashers and drove off while children were still crossing Forest Avenue.

Jay's bus # 252- went right through a Red-Light on Forest and Ninth St. with children on the bus.

# 212 Bus closed his doors and lights and drove off before the children reached the sidewalk safely.


  1. They don’t shut the red lights actively.
    As soon as they close the doors the flashing lights automatically go off. Driving off is done actively - we hope

    1. Silly comment.
      By closing the doors too soon, they are “shutting the lights actively.”

  2. if you see such a thing why dont you take out your phone & get a video or at least a picture?????
    If this bothers you ( and it should) then get the picture . That will do something

  3. The parents should call the schools to complain.
    I thought that the LPD was supposed to take a more active role in the school buses actions.

  4. A woman crossed at Madison Avenue and Eleventh St. about 7:00PM with dark clothing, no reflector and the cars had to screetch to a halt-she was literally not visible, a near tragedy r"l.

    1. Pedestrians are always right ( even when dead).
      They’ll still sue you big time.

  5. please be careful posting bus incident even dangerous ones. If these 3 buses no longer run due to this post, all the schools will close due to lack of bussing. We don't need gridlock where you get to school at lunch time, drop of your kids and you pick them up when you come around the building in order to get home on time.

    1. Hey don't you dare tell hagaon hamootz harav Yudel what not to post. If it has anything negative about anyone he will post it. Wether nurmale mentchen like it or not.
