Friday, December 30, 2022




  1. He is not allowed to sit on any Din-Torah's, he must be removed from being the Arligton Shul Ruv. The New York based Bais-Din must also remove him from being on that Bais-Din.

    Is that caused by narcissism?

    1. He's allowed to sit on whichever Din Torah if wants.

  2. Who else is on BD Meisharim?
    Sounds geshmak. Can someone fill in details about the case and what his side is

    1. The case is that someone was caught sending inappropriate pictures to a minor. Which is illegal and considered abuse. The rabbi of the neighborhood warned the parents of the neighborhood about it. The accused called him to the Bais Din me Knoffler for defamation. The rabbi went to the police and showed the phone. The accused was subsequently arrested. The Bais Din continued calling the rabbi to Bais Din for defamation.
      According to most commenters here I would conclude that the rabbi is right and the Bais Din is wrong. Maybe some people would even accuse them of being Fressers! Can you imagine? Actual Fressers! Not only them but also their Gantze Mishpoocha! And here goes the worst of all name calling maybe they're afilu OU mashgichim.

  3. The Siruv is on a narcissist that did not respond due to his haughtiness, arrogance, disdain, pride, egoism, self......etc.

    That type is very dangerous to be a Ruv, A Dayan, Head of a Bais Din, etc.

    Will the Botei Dinim do what the Shulchan Oruch says to do, or are they just as gulity?

    Will the Arlington Shul do what the Shulchan Oruch says to do, or are they just as gulity?

  4. Will every Nitvah/Defendant take the position that if the Ruv, Dayan, Rosh Bais din does not see the need to submit to a Din Torah, nor to respond to a hazmonah, why should they?

    Time to have Shuls without Rabbonim, close the Btei dinim and use the secular courts, ..

  5. One with a Siruv may find that some prospective shiduchim shrug their shoulder ad have no interest, unless they have their own skeletons.

  6. Did this Dayan tell chaim walder he doesn't have to appear in bais din nor even respond to them?

    Did he also tell him that he may .....?

  7. Does this mean the plaintiff(s) may go to the secular Court?

    The Sheriff should be made aware of the sarvans' standing in the community, a Rav, A Dayan, Rosh BD, etc.

  8. At least there is Bais din that follows the halachah as is clearly stated in Shulcha Oruch e.g.לא תגורו מפני איש וכו' .

    Would they also send a summons(s) to certain Roshei Yeshiva and follow up with the Halachos as appears in the Code of Jewish Law?

  9. Now the other renegade Kahn needs to be nailed. The one who pretends R' Meir Stern is backing him.

  10. Google/facebook dovi kahan he stols the contract for arlington and was mesarev to R Finkel (Z"L) bais din

    1. Please post the link. I didn’t see it.

  11. First is they need to learn how to spell Lakewood correctly in Hebrew. Is this real anyway?

  12. There are so many was to spell Lakewood.

    Others spell it "corruption" with a capital C.

  13. Who signed it? It's hard to tell..

  14. B"H there is a Torah and at least one Beis Din in Lakewood which still seeks to uphold the Torah!

    Rabbi Kahan led a campaign against a fierce man without even meeting him once, based only on allegations made by Chaim Gross and Moishy Tress! Kahan directed the neighborhood teenagers to smash his windows to pressure him into running out of town.

    The young man sent Kahan several Hazmanos to Beis Din simply to get him to the table for a discussion. Kahan utterly refused to even respond at all.

    Unfortunately the day has now come to declare our Rav to be Mesurav L'Din.

  15. A Mazkir of a qualified Bais Din send out Hazmonahs based on sufficient information from claimant(s) that there is a claim that warrants a Hazmonah li'din.

    The defendant opts not to respond at all. I asked if they sent a Hasroas Siruv, and they responded yes they did.

    Food for thought-
    How will a Secular Judge look at this Re: Jewish Botei Dinim?, not favorably at all. The Judges decide the the Orthodox Jewish people do not respect their own Judicial system, therefore perhaps their arbitration should not be acceptable.

  16. Can it be that Rabbi Kahan a hypocrite??

    1. "Rabbi" and "Kahan" are hypocritical words either he's a Rabbi or a Kahan

  17. Rabbi Hunter and Co. at YRCB proved you can ignore a summons from a B"D with little or no negative consequences. Could it be that they irreparably undermined the B"D system in America?

  18. Rabbi Hunter and Co. at YRCB proved you can ignore a summons from a B"D with little or no negative consequences. Could it be that they irreparably undermined the B"D system in America?

  19. What is BMG's position on this?

    There's hope it will be reasonable now that Aaron has been 'encouraged' to "retire".

  20. Yankel Reisman from 5 Towns also feifed on a beis din, claiming to be more choshuv than them. He got away with it for years because Shmuel "Boom Boom" Bloom was protecting him. But they eventually threw Reisman out of Agudah of Long Island when it finally dawned on them that Boom Boom is all talk & no substance and that both Reisman hashgochos are a farce, ARK & the supposed monitoring of 5T Vaad.

    Chaim Berlin wasn't stam mevazeh a beis din, but R' Moshe Feinstein alein! That's why no beis din would hear their taynos when they tried to bully the Veretzky Rebbe.

    Belsky was allowed back into the Agudah for money reasons after being quietly banished for years. He's also a mesarev ledin for ignoring the beis din that took issue with him being roidef Eli Greenwald to punish Greenwald for trying to stop Kolko.

    It filters down to more junior Fressers. Agudah archivist Moshe Kolodny also ignored a beis din. One rav put the published siruv on his website & announced: "Hey Moshe, archive this!"

    1. And all this was Litoeles? Or the Torah and it's laws don't mean anything to you?

  21. We all know minhag is doicheh halooche.
    And according to this jokster who only knows all Rabbonim and stam people who don’t go to Bais din but know no one who goes to a Bais din, hence it’s a boba dude minhag which is doicheh all the joksters shulchin oorich.

    However, if we let him join the fress party - any fress party even at Bloomies - then things may change.
    It’s unfortunate that ARK is out of business because that is where he was the head fresser.

  22. BMG Roshei yeshiva say they never authorized Kahan to open Maysharim or any other self appointment. In fact, his Top Dayan Lieberman just passed away and Mayshorim is fundraising for the family without any BMG endorsement. Proof, that BMG does not hold of Maysharim

    1. And you care about BMG endorsement? They definitely did not authorize Knofflers Bais Din!
      So Rabbi Kahan saw sexual abuse and went ahead and warned the community about it. What does the accused do? Goes to Knoffler to save himself. Aha.

  23. Upgelernt fun MargoTue Jan 18, 08:56:00 PM 2022

    I think the yishuv of readers arguing on an earlier thread if Dovy Kahan is a Mirrer or YTT talmid is that he went to Torah Temimah for mesivta.

    Margo probably holds the record of the most seruvim on the same ferd. For the Kolko scandal alone there are at least 3 seruvim on him by Machon Lehoyroah, Beis Din of America & national Agudas Yisroel's beis din. Although the spineless Agudah did not want to enforce a seruv on him, the halacha is that it happens automatically min Hashomayim after spurning the hazmonos.

    With the much earlier scandal at the founding of YTT, Margo didn't yet have enough gall to snub the beis din back then, ober fort because he was such a mechutzef who stole the Torah Vodaas donor list from the office when he was employed as bus driver and originally stole the YTV name, R' Yaakov Kamninetzky angrily said "a yeshiva geboit oif sheker und genaivos vet nisht hobben a kiyum!" Margo was recently pushed out by baal habatim when not a single mishpocho applied for the upcoming year.

  24. Chaim Berlin = My Way or the HighwayTue Jan 18, 09:04:00 PM 2022

    Fruchthandler tried to spread a cover up rumor that R' Moshe removed the cherem on Chaim Berlin. R' Dovid Feinstein was publicly moyche az tze nisht emess.

    Schlechter thinks that as head of a de facto Chassidus, he can get away with any thuggery he wants from ba'avaling the adam gadol Rav Carlebach to having a child kidnapped & forced to eat treif & be mechalel Shabbos in Jamaica. The father of that kid is the weirdo BT who Chaim Berlin installed as their stooge at the helm of Flatbush Hatzolah. He was also the Agudah's proxy suing Google to find out the identities of whoever posted an anti-Agudah comment on several blogs (until that case was thrown out of court before it could even start).

    1. What was that story with a kidnapping in Jamaica?
      Never heard of it

  25. What ever happened with Lakewood's yeshivas Dayan Rubelow, the alleged womanizer, etc?
    Was he moved out of Lakewood?

  26. R' dovy

    חזור בך חזור בך חזור בך
    Contact Rabbi Shlomie Klein he will help you

    1. He should not retract from exposing abusers in the community!

  27. Beis havvaad is a compitent beis din they the get from beginning to end including legal divorce withing 2 hours for under 1400 shekels

  28. Do these Berkeley I’m in Allen Monday KOSHER Loshon Horah know some nice people ?
    Nice Gedolim we already know that they don’t exsist. But can we here about some other nice KOSHER Loshon Horen zoogers??

  29. There's a new clown in town. Yoel Asher Labin, he's based in Hickory area, Toms River. He ran a chesedfund for a kolel called Ezer Mishpot, claiming to train Dayanim for post-divorced situations. Anyone know more????

  30. This Rubelow posek took advantage of women that came to him with shalom bayis issues, the rest is history. Did BMG askonim force him to divorce his wife, chase him out of town etc? Oh, he's part of the establishment and he doesn't challenge the corrupt establishment.

    1. Loshon horor and moitzi shem, all these "allegations" are pure tabloid talk. Nothing eve r happened. Rubelow is a talmid chochom, tzadik, and NOT anything accused of in these comments

  31. Some camps shouldn't open or rather should be closed up, those that harbor and cover up for molesters, e.g Aguda, Bnos camps, Dora Golding, some Chasidishe camps, etc.

  32. Are you also one of the protectors of chaim walder?
    And you have no problem with the not protecting the attacked women, etc?

    1. Are you?? Knofflers Bais Din! That's what this
      all about!

  33. At least some had to divorce due to this Tzadik of yours.

    1. Really? Please provide details of inappropriately acts. I am intimately familiar and know that this tza dick didn't do anything at all. It's mamesh a bizoyon talmid chochom what the blogs did to him

    2. Some had to divorce. The other side blames the rabbi that intervened and decides to get back at him with Aron Kotler leading the war with fake allegations and forcing "admissions"
      But you guys hate Rabanim so much that for this you'll even go to Aron Kotlers side.

  34. All you guys can do is write Loshon Hara???
    That's the best you can come up with??
    I'm sorry but this is one of the most immature blogs I have seen in my life.

  35. How much detail do you want?

    Did you ask for those details by Chaim Walder, Kolko, Weinberger, etc?

    Would the texts do? or you want the pictures as well?

    How about hid admissions, and his threats to the women?

    1. Bring it all on
      R Forschiemer did not withdraw haskomo to his sefer
      Good enough for me

    2. Well according to Knoffler exposing texts of abuse is considered Moitzi Shem Ra


    The JCW beis din poskened to be mefarsem on Rubelow. No one is posted on their site without the go ahead of the JCW beis din, Ab"d R' Elchonon Tauber.

  37. Your reference to a blog is not persuasive. Name a woman was divorced!! The halacha is that divorce is public knowledge. Same with Oorah allegations, no named divorce, is not accepted. No matter how many loshon horo blogs you reference.


    Where is Rubelow now?, still a BMG POISEK? Sue BMG, they have plenty of Shekalim, they paid someone ten million to leave.

  39. The Lakewood Police have the records. Did your wife use Rubelows services? then give her a lie detector test. But you'll say it's still not two kosher witnesses. At least you have fodder for your next chaburah you'll say in BMG.

    1. The Lakewood police has the records about the abuser that rabbi Kahan exposed too. And Knoffler calls his out as a Motzi Shem Ra

  40. He was defintly a BMG Poisek at that time, so they are liable. The ladies would never have gone to him if he was not being a BMG Posek.

  41. אברהם מגייר האנשים, שרה מגיירת הנשים
    That's the way it should be.

    We remember, The Debriziner Rav and many other Rabbonim had the women bring their shailos to the Rebbetzin, and she brought it to the Ruv, any qustions he had he passed it via his Rebbetzin.

    That's the way it should be without the Ruv having direct contact with the ladies.

  42. If you fools think there aren't plenty of chaim walders, meshi zahavs, etc in every community, you will remain the gullible fool, as Chazal say, כבדיהו וחשדיהו, וחשדיהו
    אין אפטרפות

  43. Why be choished s/o simply because some blogger says so?????
    Name a rabbi who directed her to divorce????

  44. "R Forschiemer did not withdraw haskomo to his sefer"

    He is fort a Philly boy who the father-son Cover Up Kings pull his strings.

    Remember when he poskened during the onfang of the pandemic not to daven in indoor minyanim? That threw a wrench in Philly's anti-vaxx + pro-infection agenda so the father-son sat on him & twisted his arm to make sure he was quickly choizer from his psak.

  45. The Code of Jewish Law required him to divorce, you don't need Rabbis pisakim for that.

    If your Rebetzin consulted this Rubelow posek, you should do a DNA on your kinderlach, perhaps?

  46. Does it really make a difference if Rabbi Forscheimer gave a haskomah or not, and if he withdrew it or not? It carries zero weight, just like in space.

    No it has no relevancy to anything pertaining to....VDL.

  47. We understand that you could find/create a heter not to divorce, as there aren't two kusher aidim that saw....and there was no kinah of all tistri im ploni, but at least do a DNA. We are sure Rabbi F. will give you heter, it's furt his talmi and he even gave a haskomah to his sefer. Most probably he gives a Haskomah also to all of his talmud's mitzvos vi'maasim toivim.

    Lakewood at it's best, don't worry Moshiach has nothing to come for in Lakewood.

    Eliyahu Hanavi will point fingers on .....Eliyoinim Li'maatheh, etc.

  48. He wants to see the evidence, the x-rated ones? look in the mirror.

  49. Why is this a topic now?

  50. Why did "we" take off the post to daven for yenne cholanis? Is there a change in the situation? Bother updating?

  51. Listen up!
    Nobody has set forth any specifics at all. Simply calling his name has no value in halacha. You want to bashmutz someone? Put out some credible and verifiable information.

  52. Who ever had the misfortune that their bnei bayis utilize the services of this Rubelow, would have some serious thinking to do, i'd rather not tell you what other things you should be ware of. It doesn't make a difference who't talmid he is.

    But if he has to go to "Gallus", he rebbie must also go to "Gallus".

  53. Verified: Rabbi of Westgate, Zimbal, says "boruch shechoshud v'ein bo" meaning there's no basis to al these loshon horors. Mamesh a shande, as if Lakewooders have nothing better to do than moitzi shem on a posek and mechaber sefer.

  54. The Rabbi of Westgate says that chaim walder, etc. is also loshon horah. Well the Lakewood police have an open file on him "and on some other Lakewooders". Too bad it wasn't publicized timely, it may have saved some of his korbonos.

    Don't be an ostrich.

  55. לא תעמוד על דם ריעך is the second half of the Posuk Re:The molested individuals.
    The Molester, We wouldn't try to protect him, only to publicize his evil actions just to satisfy his cravings, with a Haskomah of his BMG Rebbie, shame on all of you.

    1. According to this Bais Din posted here it's considered Motzi Shem Ra to publicize

  56. 60 posts and not any details. Such shtisim. Why if a wife asks a sha'alo does the husband have to be choishsesh anything????
    Walk into cheder horaah Beis in yeshiva, the table is literally littered with "sha'las" the Rabbis dont even bother to clean up
    Such shmutz

  57. And all this is after learning the relevant Halachos that this whole discussion is mamash Litoeles I assume.
    Come on guys! This is all you guy can do with your life? Blogging about the most people you can get your keys on?

  58. With blogging these items, we prevent abuse on children, minors and adults.

    Publicizing these items is in a mitzvah rabbah in accordance with the Chofetz Chaim, the Rambam, etc.

    1. There has been abuse for as long as people existed.
      There has the mitzvah seekers of publicizing the molesters for as long as there were people.
      The mitzvah seekers failed to contain molesting for as long as people existed .
      The mitzvah seekers are all getting seats right next to the Chofetz Chayim.
      The molesting will still go on one matter what.

  59. Really? Where precisely does the Ch"Ch say it's a mitzva to talk and Hamarbeh harei meshuboch?

  60. Here is the Chofetz Chaim and the Rambam

  61. see

  62. In this case you're actually taking the wrong side. A Rav that was mikayem Lo Saguru Mipnei Ish and was mefarsem an abuser - is called out by Knofler as a Moitzi Shem Ra and you guys all fall for it. Oh my

  63. Must start "ME-TOO" in the frum communities.

    Publicize the abuser, molesters, etc.

    Hopefully many will come forward to the authorities, and we will bring this to an end.

    1. By publicizing abusers and reporting them to the authorities - what will come to an end?
      That is the 'Aveira' that Rabbi Kahan did!
      And Knoffler is calling him out on that!

  64. Well in this case rabbi Kahan did that - saw the abuse, warned the parents against and went to the authorities. Comes Knoffler and wants to
    Prevent him. Comes the commenters here and side with Knoffler and rally against Rabbi Kahan all in the same breath as saying you should expose the molesters etc.
    It seems that the agenda here is not to protect the minors from abuse. Rather to speak against anyone from the so-called establishment. Even if it's for doing exactly what you guys are preaching he should do.

  65. Excuse me, Rabbi cahan encouraged the school children to throw rocks on those that expose corruption. That is abbuse of minors by this Rabbi cahan.

    The rabbi cahan only went to the authorities "after he received a summons to the bet din", a full two weeks later.

    Those rabbis must be publicized, they are plain and simple narcissists.

    Of course the abusers as well.

    1. "on those that expose corruption" you mean those expose minors to pictures? Sir. Rabbi Kahan exposed the corruption. Wether people here would like to admit it or not. Knoffler called his out as a Motzi Shem Ra...

    2. Regarding throwing stones, do you know that as a fact that he actually instructed boys to do that?
      Regarding reporting to authorities, so you're problem is he should have gone earlier?? It seems he preferred not to report him to Goyish authorities and first warned the neighborhood. When the accused went to Bais Din he realized that warning the neighborhood is proven not to be enough

  66. Inquiring Minds Vant to KnowThu Jan 20, 09:39:00 AM 2022

    What is the whole story with the prusta pictures on the phone? Did the corrupt askonim not induce a minor to frame the adult? Are the criminal charges against the adult still in effect?

    1. "A minor to frame an adult"
      And the adult gets framed. Who's responsible?

  67. Some of those kids admitted that they were instructed by that rabbi to demonstrate at the house and that they could throw eggs and stones, etc.

    It's what's called "kids say the darnest things". Or what did your mother tell you not to tell any-one? Well the pointed their fingers at his "pisak".

    What happened when he was summonsed by the Arlington shul, and he never responded then either, as the Bais Din writes in the siruv "he considers himself above all, holier than though.

  68. The Zaidie had no problem in throwing his einekel to the dogs by making him the head of the clan of terrorists.

  69. So in essence, Lakewood's "pinai-Hador" are thriving on corruption.

    1. Yup and his name is Knoffler.
      To go and call a Rav exposing abuse as a Motzi Shem Ra shows what this Bais Din is all about

  70. rabbi cahan had no interest in reporting pedophilia at all.
    he first authorized teroristic tactics against one that was exposing corruption. rabbi cahan knows first hand all about that parsha.

    Only after two weeks went by rabbi cahan did nothing in exposing pedophilia.
    only after this summons was sent to rabbi cahan, only then did this rabbi cahan go to the authorities with the photos, first class corruption.

    1. Did nothing?? So then why was he called to Bais Din for Hotzoas Shem Ra?
      He informed the community. And held that at that point no need to report to police.
      When he realized what he's dealing with he realized there's no other option other than police.

  71. He was called to Bais Din for the riots and demonstrations and the egg and rock throwing, not for shem-ra.

    After the rabbi went to the authorities, the accused also went to baisdin for shem ra.

    One must get the facts straight, before making a chulent.

    what came first, the chicken or the egg?

    1. First the chicken was created. And then the chicken bore eggs. See Chumash.

    2. So you're saying that the Hotzaos Shem Ra is that he went to police to report abuse?
      You call that a Bais Din?

  72. חלום פרעה אחד הוא
    The politicians and the builders had to get rid of the ones that are exposing their under the table deals. Yes, they took a minor to entrap one of the ones that's exposing the under the table deals, just like Schwab did to two of them recently.

    Some way to rid yourself of those that are exposing your shenanigans.

    יש דין, ויש דיין

    1. Can you please clarify how he was "entrapped"?

    2. unclear of all the details, but one thing is obvious if the Tress boys were involved it would seem fairly clear which side is more full of dirt and responsible
      even if that nebach was guilty

  73. Kahan has a long history of mesarev l'din, and he bought the Arlington property against the Ikul of R Finkel. He was also told by the Rosh Yeshiva in BMG and others, not to proceed until he follows B"D he answered he doesn't recognize any B"D other than his own the Roshei Yeshiva answered they don't recognize Mayshorim. It is a self-appointed B"D. So, whnen Kahan issued a siruv against Manies in the Cheder fiasco, (yes, he was on the NY b"D that issued the siruv) Manies rightfully ignored it and walked away with Millions'!

  74. It was two separate cases, one for sending terrorists to demonstrate and to throw eggs and rocks and to breakk windows and other damage.

    another case was the Shem Rah, to report it to the authorities without first establishing the allegations through abais din.

  75. Is a siryuv subject to a defamation suit?

    The courts in both NJ and NY, et al decided that it isn't.


    Chaim Berlin only backed down in the Jamaica scandal under tremendous pressure from media exposure, R' Zelig Epstein ztl screaming at them & Dr. Pelcovitz from YU threatening to expose them on some secret shmutz.

  77. Jamaica scandal = fried rice.

  78. Chaim Berlin = My Way or the HighwayWed Jan 04, 10:00:00 AM 2023

    Island of Jamaica scandal

    Chaim Berlin, who are agav the mesarvim by R' Moshe Feinstein after the avlah they did to the ish tzadik & talmid chochom muflag Rav Carlebach, have a bizarre relationship with a weirdo BT named Hersh. CB pushed Hersh to be President of Flatbush Hatzolah who later terminated him. Hersh had his own son kidnapped at 4 am from his bedroom by thugs who with CB's blessings flew him on a private jet to a prison-style reformatory camp in Jamaica where he was beaten for any non-cooperation including not wanting to eat the treif food and not want to do the slave labor on Shabbos. Even when the gedolim ordered askonim to rescue the boy, CB tried to sabotage them.

    CB & the Agudah later used Hersh as their proxy to sue Google, demanding it unmask the identities of various blog owners plus thousands of obviously frumma comment authors who had criticized CB & Agudah. CB & Agudah were intending to unleash a Putin style reign of terror against anyone who spoke up and their kids in whatever yeshivos. But the Judge saw the evil CB-Agudah charade for what it was & threw the lawsuit out of Court.

  79. Wed Jan 04, 10:00:00 AM 2023

    Why did you omit all the chasiddishe personalities involved - Chasidim and rebbehs?

    Why ? They paid you off ?
