Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Some stores often purchase items close to or after the expiration date, and sell it at full price.

It should be put at "Reduced items".

We don't pick one item that happened to  be an expired item, just "one of the recent ones".

See also;


  1. Prices are governed by supply and demand.
    If the customers are willing to pay full price, they have every right to buy it and the seller has every right to sell it.
    If it was very fresh, then they more then regular price as is evident from the 'shvitzer' stores.

  2. Non Fresser Orthodox JewThu Feb 10, 03:31:00 PM 2022

    Ok it seems the Oilam gas to be educated a little about simple facts.
    Almost EVERY kosher store here in Lakewood sells food that have mold or are rotten. Including the high end stores that have Groise problems regarding Yidishkeit and over indulgence of Gashmhyus.
    I can't keep count of how many times I had to go back to return moldy cheese to the high end stores. And not all of them give you an easy time returning mind you.
    And you have a problem with canned food that nuch says Klur the official legal expiration date.
    You gotta be clear, not beat around the bush. Just post I have NPGS. Nisht mer

    1. Ah. I am NOW an EDUCATED consumer.

    2. Thank you. And now after Yudel works non stop to hock against specific stores don't just go now to any other store and think it will be fine. Know what wherever you go you gotta check out the dates. It's All the same.

    3. The point is to be an educated blogger. Not stam hock in di velt aran just because you have a sinah. Even though you try to sound so smart and knowledgeable. It's gets back to you in the end.

  3. Only some stores are constantly getting "deals", og expired or almost expired goods.

    The claim to be cheap, because of their "deals", be an educated consumer.
