Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Alert "Kashrus scandal" Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower hashgocha NOT on infestation???? Hashgcha is only on the $$$$$$$



  1. At least they publish and publicize it. They don't come up with Two dinim in the checking procedure squeezing it into some Rambam or some Chofetz Chayim.
    Shvacheh Hypocrite here.

  2. Is there Any difference between Aaron's and Shor Habor? Noticed Bingo now has some Stuff from them?

  3. Please note that Bingo may have this chicken or meat (Shor Habor/Aarons) however these are NOT under hisachdis Hechsher since the are not in the Hisachdis section (usually against the wall).
    They are in their own packaging and says NOTHING about hisachdis hechsher.

    Of course we already know that Hisachdis is one of Yeedel's Favorite Hechsherim but Aarons and maybe Shor Habor have a special place in yeedls heart.

  4. 11:11:00
    That was a very important comment to post.
    Do you keep kosher? How about out of the house?
