Monday, May 23, 2022

OU-Mashgiach needed Bakery/Cafe Near Passaic, NJ.




The Orthodox Union is Hiring
Mashgiach needed Bakery/Cafe
Near Passaic, NJ.

Five days a week 3:00 PM - 11 PM.

Checking of vegetables/herbs
part of responsibilities.

Good pay.

Please Submit Resumes:


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  1. Yudelstake needs another OU mashgiach? It seems R' Yudel actually enjoys it.

  2. Sounds like Pati's that has locations in Teaneck & Lyndhurst.

    The OU is of course allowing infestation-prone ingredients without remedying them to the satisfaction of non sheretz consuming bnei Torah.

  3. Patis also has Tartikuv R' Shmiel Teitelbaum, with chimras ind hidirim, etz vilt kashrus oich?

  4. Mon May 23, 01:38:00 PM 2022

    New and better loshon horah comment posted.

    Thank you.

  5. City of Bug LibertyMon May 23, 03:09:00 PM 2022

    Let me get this straight, is that one of the Philly Rockoves looking to direct a mashgiach to allow full beriah protein as per what OU mashgichim must allow when clients demand it?

    To paraphrase R' Elya, vos vet zein mit der OU mashgichim?

    1. No. That is not what he is looking to do.
      I hope now it's all straight.

  6. Yudel says the OU is the best hashgacha for Peasach Kal vochomer for insects.
    The Badatz relies heavily on the OU year Round.
    This the liberty bug must be liberated fromTorah and reality.

  7. City of Bug LibertyMon May 23, 11:05:00 PM 2022

    R' Yudel speaks of OU items that don't need bedika for infestation. And his point is that he holds that for those items the OU is more on top of manufacturing than many heimishe shgooches.

    But the OU cheerleaders will twist anyone's words, no matter how critical of the OU, into something completely positive that is only shayich when completely detached from Torah & reality alongside Alice in Wonderland.

  8. So is OU a reliable certification? I am getting mixed messages.

  9. If shitas Philly is you can even be mattir mamzerus, so then why would a talmid who drinks their Kool Aid have a problem with some bugs?

  10. ... will twist anyone's words, no matter how critical of the OU, into something completely positive that is only shayich when completely detached from Torah & reality alongside Alice in Wonderland....

    Above sounds just like CCRC nuch'in Snoring full shloof...

  11. Rabbi Shain, why not take the job?

  12. Are you getting a commission for finding someone? Also would they hire Mr. Feingold, the self declared world kosher expert?

  13. Yenner OU mashgiach in Queens will be very upset if he learns that anyone else besides himself halt zich the velt's mumche in kashrus!
