Monday, June 20, 2022

Shul Rabbis- Perhaps it's not your fault, but it's your problem- If you do nothing, then it's your fault

Shabbos Kidush, Sheva Brochos, Bar Mitzvahs, Parlor meetings, etc.

Seen constantly in Lakewood, (and other frum areas)

No (qualified) Mashgiach in charge.

Mashgiach is not sober.

Goyim are in full control of the kitchen-בשר שנתעלם, טריף, יין לא מבושל, חזרה, בישול בשבת 

Meat & Dairy utensils and ovens being used interchangeably, etc. 

Deliveries, pickups being made on שבת.


  1. Queens Vaad rabbi who gives a shiur with kiddush that rotates between member houses, led his flock to a member with these triple plus whammies:

    A mechalel Shabbos befarhesya homeowner (driving a car). Can you be somech on his wife's kashrus for the home cooked grub? She schedules her groceries to be delivered on Shabbos & runs outside in her pants to sign for them. Another Queens Vaad rabbi who is also getting money from them is at least honest enough to say that people eating from her should let the cholent cool off before partaking because she is choshud on bishul but refuses to say anything about the mashkeh without hashgocho they serve which is problematic. Rabbi #2 also can't explain how you can eat her food even when cold. Rabbi #1 is still looking for the cat who got his tongue.

    Not a word from either rabbi about the kiddush-shiur in that family's "sukkah" that was built completely under a tree with a gigantic leaf canopy!

  2. Sounds like these kiddush immm deprived CCRC from his total fress festival. Didn’t know that one can not be yoitzeh “free fress” with cold Chulent.

  3. Who promoted Horav Yudel Shlit’a to the Rabbi’s Rabbi ????

  4. He was always the Rabbis Rabbi, the experts expert, etc.
    You didn't know?
    That's not your fault but it's now your problem.

  5. Teaching Zohar to Goyim is fort ParnoosehMon Jun 20, 10:19:00 PM 2022

    If Philip Berg, original name Feivel Gruberger, and his son who was arrested for molesting a goyta still lived in Kew Gardens they would no doubt be Made Men in the Queens Vaad. They would even get 1st dibs over Bryks to be in charge of the veiber mikvah. Bryks just wouldn't cut it next to them with their Hollywood 'Kabbalah" edge.

    (Philip's 2nd wife likes to go in shvimming pools on Shabbos so Philip 'poskened' a 'chiddush' for her that women can use Takonas Ezra pools to be metaher in ruchniyus just like men.)

    It's too bad the OU mashgiach bought his crash pad from Franklin instead of hooking up with Mitra Hakimi. Mitra, in her usual overreaching with quadruple the value, was farkoyfing Berg's shteebel for years, pretending it wasn't waterlogged while you choked over all the mold spores. When you bring up that 'slight' defect, she tells you with a straight face that it's no problem, you can break open the walls to remedy it. She is to real estate what Joe Isuzu is to used car sales & what the OU mashgiach is to kashrus, like when he tries to mach avek all the insect infestation that the OU wants you to Fress abee they get paid to put their shtempel on fish, berries & veggies.



  7. Correction:

    She is to real estate what Joe Isuzu is to used car sales & what the OU mashgiach is to kashrus,

    and What CCRC is to Free Fressing and Free Erev Shabbos BBQ toiameh ad bli daiy.

  8. AKO Party Planner Committee
    Rabbi Nesanel Snow - Kof K CHAIRMAN

    Rabbi Yossi Eisen - Vaad of Five Towns

    Rabbi Sholem Fishbane - cRc

    Rabbi Eli Markowitz - cRc

    Rabbi Dov Schrier - OU

    Rabbi Mattis Stebben - COR

    Rabbi Dovid Stern - Star K

    Rabbi Yehuda Welton - Sunrise Kosher

  9. BIG BEATLES in the salad.Wed Jun 22, 12:25:00 AM 2022

    Dov Schrier was involved in the lynching of the OU mashgiach at Le Marais and/or Mt. Sinai Hospital's cafeteria, to punish for blowing the whistle on shrecklich kashrus violations covered up by the Chiefs.

  10. Ess passt Schreier is also a Queens Vaad member

  11. Wed Jun 22, 12:25:00 AM 2022

    Thank you for some more non-toeles yakking.

  12. One corrupt OU flunky + Qveens landsman rushes to protect another!

    Yanky R would have you believe there is no toeles (kaviyuchel) to expose bums like Dovy S who cover up kashrus fraud to be machshil the rabim.

    It all boils down to the Chaim Schwartz shita of the "LIVING WAGE" koidem koil!

    The Bostoner Webbe, currently the Queens Vaad Exec Dreck-tor & kvoid kedeeshas Admoir of the KG Bucharees couldn't have said Wed Jun 22, 12:25 AM better himself

  13. Wed Jun 22, 02:13:00 PM 2022

    The LOVE for the truth 'shprotzed' here to no end....
