Sunday, June 12, 2022

Who is OJPAC? Don't be fooled

 Their intentions may be have been great, but when they join up with Kapos and Anti-Torah, they don't

represent the real klal-yisroel, in any way shape or form.

לא לחינם הלך ...אלה שהוא מינו


  1. OJPAC is led by Satmar hocker Yossi Gestetner who was thrown out as NY State Republican Committee liason to the heimishe velt after Democrats tummelled that how can Republicans claim to be pro-Israel when Satmar is anti-Israel.

    Lipa Geldwerth is a hypocrite who is not one to judge but he was publicly moyche in Ami / Mishpacha that Gestetner has such poor English & bichlal presents as a za slob, that it's a chilul Hashem, so whatever Rebbes or askonim use Gestetner as a figurehead must remove him.

    Also hocking around at OJPAC is Benny "Colossal PR" Polatseck who is probably a stooge of the 5 or so greedy, corrupt Chassidishe developers who literally control Town of Ramapo & are responsible for almost all the corruption & chilul Hashem there.

  2. Isnt OJAPC another of the Pope's Cardnals aiding him in accusing anybody and everybody of Abuse?? Sexual or financial??

    Waiting for CCRC clarification on this - as if anything he says really means anything....
