Friday, July 22, 2022

Funds raised for a Moisid's building, etc

 Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky's (and Reb Moshe's) opinion was:

When funds are raised for a Moisid's building fund, either through the parents or the Tzibur, the building belongs to the Tzibur, not to the head or family of the Moisid. 

If parents are made to contribute for the "Building-fund", they have a right to use the simcha hall, etc.

The "Building fund" is not an additional tuition.


  1. I bet the Israeli gedolim differ.
    And here it’s established that all is done as the Israeli Gedolim

  2. If one donate a catering or Simcha hall to a school or other moisad on the “smach” that it will be rented out and bring in income to the school or Moisad, it’s highly doubtful that this “psak” applies. The only reason he donated the money was to get his name on the hall

  3. 'All is done'? Come on,Who's kidding? Only when it conveniently will suit those with the predominating agenda

  4. The building fund is not an additional tuition when it is voluntarily. Once they make it mandatory, it's the same as the 'registration' fee, dinner fee and all the other names they use for tuition. If it's mandatory, they can claim that it's solely for the use of the school.

    Obviously it should not be to enrich anyone. Everyone should get a salary, and not more. Besides for fundraisers who raise money from people who have no obligation to give to the school. They take a percentage.

  5. There is a default to Eretz Yisroeldik gedolim after R' Moshe & R' Yaakov when you have to look hard to find any gedolim in America, and when you did, they have been on the same side as EY, which means not like the consensus of the daas baal habatim Amerikanner Agudah.

    Not that the facts will satisfy the cynical OU mashgiach in Queens who made that cheeky comment at Fri Jul 22, 4:20 PM.

    The mashgiach keeps fighting to keep gedolei EY out of everything because otherwise the gantz OU is out of business with their manufactured bogus heterim from Belsky. And because Rav Elyashev was moyche against the Queens Vaad destroying 1000s of kivrei yesomim to resell to freya Russians, which the corrupt Queens Vaad think they can present themselves as a collective bar plugta on the gadol hador so they can line their filthy pockets with millions of dollars $$$.

  6. Sun Jul 24, 09:53:00 PM 2022

    ...destroying 1000s of kivrei yesomim to resell to freya Russians...

    In Brooklyn they destroyed ALL kevorim in order to sell to Russians, But thats no noigeah because CCRC has no gain by just plopeling what going on in Broolkyn - no FREE FRESS for him there or what Rav Elyashev said or didn't say.
    One thing is sure: it highly doubtful Reb Elyashev said anything without hearing both sides.
    CCRC is forced to admit that this did not occur.
    Keep on practicing your specialty of free fressing and just stay out of anything else.
    The more you plopple the more the readers figure out who and what you stand for.

    Also CCRC, when have a few seconds between fresses come up with something original instead of just attempting to defend yourself with mirrors and make up.

  7. If the OU mashgiach could read he would see that Brooklyn was not excluded from the Queens Vaad bizayon meiss scandal. Some of the bad actors from Queens were in fact in cahoots with the corrupt Flatbush Vaadnik who fled to Israel to avoid arrest for reselling the Brooklyn kevorim. (The mashgiach must feel like a landsman of the Flatbush Vaadnik being that the mashgiach's gantze mishpooche also fled to Israel when Queens DA detectives / NYPD Fraud Squad were closing in to arrest disbarred Totty Larry for embezzling from his own clients!)

    The mashgiach needs to stop fibbing about Rav Elyashev. Zoynah Zohn of the Queens Vaad flew to Israel to present cover up propaganda & was caught lying and therefore thrown out THREE DAYS IN A ROW.

    There were so many millions of dollars that Zoynah Zohn & other corrupt Queens Vaadniks were stuffing in their pockets from the immoral kevorim scam (who knows if Chaim Schwartz could've gotten that home improvement "loan" without it?), that they would stop at nothing to protect it. The expert geneologist who had all the grave desecration evidence sought by the NY Attorney General was murdered execution style 3 days before he was set to testify at the special State Tribunal. Then Queens Vaad's Peretz "the Sheretz" Steinberg (an old pal of Mendel Epstein & Belsky) threateningly screamed at Mirrer kollel yungerman Moish Handler who had brought the evidence to Rav Elyashev that he would have Italian Mafiosos knock him off too.

  8. All we know is the fresser is safe so lets keep on supporting BoomBooms so we make sure the free fress continues.
    B”H CCRC does not have to row his way to Israel in order to take advantage of all the free “soup kitchens” there meant for true bnai Torah.

  9. Vos hockt der OU mashgiach a tchynik vegen soup kitchens? As if the mashgiach has never "fallen in" to Masbia in Queens on occasions when they have HEAPING PLATES OF FRIED RICE!

    Masbia, besides attracting the mashgiach's shnit so that he feels right at home, now has enhanced attraction for the mashgiach, having switched from heimishe shgoocha to the OU. (Even a soup kitchen like Masbia knows that the Queens Vaad is REALLY bad news!)

  10. I was wondering why "I" never ever met CooCooRiCoo at Masbia.
    It has a Hashgacha, period. UO or Qveens Vaad makes no difference as long as it has no Hashgacha.

  11. Looks like these two gedolim are discussing Kreitman
