Sunday, July 10, 2022

Only (Heimish) from Guatemala, All OU ones are clean-just rinse the Heimish ones.



  1. Everrrgrrreen Everrrgrrreen Yederrr Einerrr Geganvaed a HeenMon Jul 11, 12:49:00 AM 2022

    One of the Evergreen branches has been selling these legumes that they package themselves that are brown from rot & infestation, but not before they take gezunteh looking green ones to place on top to disguise the shrotzim & dreck they are pawning off on you!

  2. Consumer beware:
    The Heimish distributors and the Heimish Hashgochas are actuall our problem not the solution!

    1. You always can eat with no hashgacha as a syag not to Chas veshoolim eat or even let into the house a Heimish hashgoocheh.

  3. Trrrust us!

  4. Yeshivishe can scam too. And they are pulling a scam at many seforim & Judaica gesheften in Brooklyn. Their websites state you get free shipping if ordering over a certain dollar amount. But they don't tell you that free means the US Postal Service's "Media Mail", intended for library to library use with very deep discounts, but which others can also chapp arein as long as they follow the rules. Because it's so discounted it's treated as a lower class with slowed down delivery. It can take more than a month to arrive even when points A & B are within the same NYC borough. Then after being oiver on genaivas daas & other issurim in Choshen Mishpot, they are defrauding the government & taxpayers by hiding items in the Media Mail shipments that are prohibited from inclusion. Only non-catalog, non-graphic books with no ads (and CDs) are allowed. Fraud & misuse of Media Mail is investigated & prosecuted by Federal Postal Police. I don't want to think about what kind of chilul Hashem it would be if the government finds out how many Yiddishe gesheften are abusing Media Mail on a large scale.

  5. Fraud & misuse of Media Mail is investigated & prosecuted by Federal Postal Police.

    Woe! CooCooRiCoo now has a new agenda of investigating stuff that is non of his business. Just like his fressing which non of anyone else’s business.

  6. Tue Jul 12, 12:38 PM aka the OU mashgiach in Queens,

    Is there ANY kind of illegal and/or slimy behavior that you DON'T defend?

    The seforim stores breaking laws must be protected at all cost according to you as a means of sticking up for der gantze mishpooche! These gesheften you see are farkoifing the Fairy Tale series, the Maggid Reeks, from the mechuton's shvugger, Paysach "Gomco" Krohn!

  7. Thats why we spread the good things about people I.e. providing you with unlimited free fress AND ah shteineh toiamayhoo BBQ each and every erev Saturday.
    The Groiseh mitzvah of Loshon Horah in all and any form we leave for kofooy toivahs that gang out on Leffers gesheften looking and surfing for more “mitzvahs” to post about anyone and everyone.

  8. Which "yeshivishe" moicher in Flatbush is guilty of that fraud? Oh, you must mean the ferd farkoift tzum $$ on Ave M who sells the kefirah from "Even Yisrael" Rock Salt Shteinzaltz! The letzonus & bizyonos that Shteinzaltz (Rav Schach ztl emphasized he's mister, not rabbi) made from the Neviyim should also give his stuff a din of comic books which are not allowed in media mail.

  9. Post new stuff not old political stuff with a long white beard and on Social Security.

  10. These Gutamaelen sugar snap peas are new to most people but you are a זקן ורגיל.

  11. The snap peas were mistommeh harvested by the same shleppers who got deported from Agri in Postville, that R' Sholom Mordechai specifically sought out because Guatemalans will work for 40% less pay than even Mexicans.

    Pinny Lipschitz does such a great job picking a falshe Moshiach that his BFF even has tremendous business acumen on how to shaff the billigsteh working stiffs!

  12. Even though the guados work for less money it’s worth more in Guado Homeland then the Mehicos in Mexicano homeland.

  13. Some Agri employees were told in their contract they would be paid absolutely nothing.

    (Any Shubim caught informing outside rabbonim about kashrus scandals)

  14. "Only (Heimish) from Guatemala"

    Does that mean the gerim who were produced by Lev Tahor?

  15. Are you allowed to ship Media Mail any kinds of kisvei galochim? This is very vichtig for an OU mashgiach in Queens tze vissen, nogeyah his not so secret stash! He was already moydeh bemiktzas on his "Old" Testament matmoin, so ver veisst what kind of oitzros he's guarding, ken zein afilu alter klaf megillos from the Massah Hatzlovniks?

    1. Didn’t know that Paulie, the hoipt Pope fin the “vest cost” worked at one time for the UO and lived on some Qveens gaas!!!
      CCRC clues only fit for the Pope.
      He must of tooted his Zeideh card in order for the OU to give him a job. But then when he started they saw their misdeed to the kashrus world at large so they must of shipped him off to the Wild West where he eventually declared a few bankruptcies, was mesh Alaina his his Rebbitzen, as is fit for a Pope, and got himself a Raisonette and he no longer needed the UO.

  16. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Mon Jul 18, 04:47:00 PM 2022

    When it comes to the Notzri clergy, the OU mashgiach in Queens fiercely guards the kesovim, lehavdil elef havdolos, like a "Briskeh" guards the kesovim of the Rov ztl.

  17. Is this logic (greps) pre-fress or post- fress ? Only CCRC could and would equate notzri to Brisk - Rachmana Litzlan.

  18. OU mashgiach, it's just like you from your perch in Qveens to deflect your own chesronos back at others. And, as always, with your 'refined' shprach mentioning bodily functions like grepsing. Is that some kind of Bucharee minhag you've become mushpa from after the kiddushim by kvoid kedishas Admor Chaimel?

  19. Uzbekistan LeffertstanTue Jul 19, 02:20:00 PM 2022

    Adderabba, the Bocharians were influenced by the mashgiach!

  20. Tue Jul 19, 11:40:00 AM 2022

    CooCooRiCoo. You gotto come up with something better then just use you "Maalot" against others. Besides, there is no way you keep on fressing oif yedek vinkel -- Bucharee or otherwise -- and don't keep grepsing.
    We know the truth hurts, but this is a good truth - Ah Maaleh that no one can follow...
