Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Take action NOW!


July 20, '22 / Tammuz 21, 5782

Leaders and all,

Disclaimer: Even though a House "Resolution" is technically not a "bill," and generally not binding - my understanding is that - in the hands of a leftist judge - it could  potentially be exploited as if it was binding. And that may also pose a threat regarding expansion of Selective Service to women as well. 

In any case, this Resolution is a terrible precedent - and must be assiduously opposed, especially by republicans. Given the record of 47 Republicans voting to undermine the Defense Of Marriage Act yesterday, we can expect more of the same if we don't employ the means at our disposal now, including any leverage we have due to the upcoming elections, along with potent talking points on how advancing the transgender agenda enables the escalation of the ongoing crime wave of deviant males purporting to be female against women and children. 

Lee Zeldin in particular should be pressured, inasmuch as he's running for N.Y. governor and needs support of religious communities. We need to clarify ro the public (including to the morality-blind Republican First voters) that supporting Zeldin as the ostensibly lesser evil in that N.Y. race would ultimately render Zeldin, as a pro-homosexualist, pro-transgender republican, the more dangerous evil. This is especially true since it's not that he has a genuine solid position that happens to be bad. Rather, it's that he will consistently be increasingly worse, as long as he'll be ostensibly better than the Democratic alternative. Supporting a treacherous, back-sliding "lesser evil" of that nature is suicidal.

 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi could hold a voice vote on House Resolution 1209: Recognizing that it is the duty of the Federal Government to develop and implement a Transgender Bill of Rights to protect and codify the rights of transgender and nonbinary people under the law and ensure their access to medical care, shelter, safety, and economic security.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 95-0)

The “Transgender Bill of Rights” will unleash the most radical, antireligious discrimination America has yet faced. In addition to the full panoply of LGBTQ, this resolution also includes abortion.

Worse than the Equality Act, this resolution attacks religious freedom, free speech, privacy, and women’s rights—all in one resolution! And it includes abortion. Its impact will be widespread—affecting churches; religious colleges and universities; public, private, and Christian schools; curriculum; religious and private organizations; employers; employees; individuals; foster care and adoption; shelters; local, state, and federal entities; privacy; women’s rights and much more! HR 1209 is anti-science. Transgenderism is a mental disorder, wrongly labeled as a dysphoria by the DSM 5 of the American Psychiatric Association under political pressure. This will enable and harm those afflicted with this mental disorder and serves no medical or ethical purpose. 

Contact your U.S. Representatives NOW to VOTE NO on H. Res. 1209 NOW!


  1. https://vinnews.com/2022/07/19/israel-says-us-sex-offender-wont-get-citizenship-amid-lobbying-by-prominent-american-rabbis/

    The OU Beis Din had poskened to fire all the bums in the organization who covered up for Lanner but some of the enablers are still there many years later.

  2. There are sex offenders and then there are SEX offenders.
    Touching is one thing but having
    “relations” that’s a SEX offender.
    Let’s not put those two on the same pedestal.

  3. Wed Jul 20, 10:26 PM is the OU mashgiach in Queens peddling his stale propaganda for the umpteenth time to cover up for mechuton Bryks.

    There are a number of fatal flaws in the mashgiach's "argument".

    A child molester has the same din roidef as a child rapist even if touching is less on some levels than rape. R' Shmuel Wosner's beis din, in a teshuva written by Dayan Sillman, explains that touching - and yes, it is SEXUAL touching, despite the mashgiach's attempts to deny it - cause immense damage that ruins the child for life, hence the Torah also considers molesters to be roidfim.

    Even without the roidef designation, the molester is oiver on several issurei Oiraysseh, which are unsurprisingly downplayed, even completely ignored by the mashgiach.

    Bryks himself is believed to have raped a boy who later committed suicide on erev Yom Kippur as per Canadian police detectives and a frum Federal Judge in the Southern District of NY who threw out a lawsuit Bryks filed that he was being "slandered" by anyone repeating it.

    Interessant that the mashgiach tried to borrow the classic Tzvei Dinim from the "Briskehs" that he has so much envy & contempt of to protect the mechuton.

    While there is no "just touching, then there is relations" in the scope of roidef, there is stam cover up lies & then the DESPERATE COVER UP LIES of the OU mashgiach in Queens for mechuton Bryks AND all other molesters at large.

  4. Where is Yehudah Levin when you need him.

  5. Sun Jul 24, 10:16:00 AM 2022

    What do mean !!! We Got CooCooRiCoo doing a great job.
