Friday, August 26, 2022

CJV-Coalition for Jewish Values

 CJV Healthcare Council Joins Important Win for Physician Conscience Rights

August 17, 2022

Coalition for Jewish Values Healthcare Council (CJV-HC) scored a major victory this week, when, following a letter from Catholic Medical Association (CMA), the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, and the CJV-HC, the World Medical Association (WMA) rejected an effort to prohibit conscientious objection by medical professionals who refuse to engage in procedures they regard as harmful and unethical. 

Had the WMA accepted such a proposal, physicians could have faced serious consequences had they acted in accordance with their personal views on appropriate and moral medical care, rather than follow the progressive agenda.

“If these proposals had been approved, the impact on the ethical practice of medicine would have been profound,” said Dr. Tim Millea, Chair of CMA’s Health Care Policy Committee. “Physicians would be required to provide or directly refer patients for physician-assisted suicide, abortion, transgender surgery, and other unethical measures.”

“It was critically important that we join in this letter,” added Dr. Yehuda Mond, Chair of the CJV-HC. “Jewish medical practitioners would be harmed as much as anyone were conscience protections removed. It violates Halachah, Torah Law, to perform an elective abortion or remove healthy reproductive organs, much less to ‘assist’ in suicide, and thus such rules would impinge upon our religious beliefs and obligations.”


  1. Hi.

    can you please post some geshmakeh "MUTAR" Loshon Horah so that we all can walk into El0ul with "our pants worn right" Otherwise I wont be able to do Rosh Hashana Kol Shekain Yom Kippur?
    Thank you and waiting.

  2. Look in the mirror and you'll a fraudster smiling at you.

  3. I looked in the one way mirror
    I won’t mention what was there….

  4. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachMon Aug 29, 11:01:00 AM 2022

    The "Big Baal Musser" admonishing on lashon horah in his self-righteousness from Queens dort, is the BIGGEST Baal Lashon Horah & Motzee Shem Ra when he doesn't like someone.

  5. The self-righteous shtick must have come from the kisvei Galochim that he is such an avid collector of. You can just see him yanking that tumah out of his seforim shrank to prepare for every of his many slanderous attacks & disruptive insults, many of them on Yudelstake over the years.

  6. Biggest or smallest we all need FREE FRESSER loshon hora, which is way geshmak then MY loshon Horah, To make Elul Have an effect on us. The BIG day is right around the corner not so much Rosh Hashanah but ZOIM GEDALYA. How can anyone go into Yom kmippur without all those mitzvah'dik Loshon Horah, Moitzee Shem Rah, and Rechilus?
    Wha will MR Bunim say if we are missing this great Mitzvah/ What will Reb Shragah Feivel say...or Reb Aron OR REB Yudel Sahlit'a ???

    Please please Please Post lots of loshon horah NOW.

  7. OU Mashgiach, you just did it again.

    How do you lecture on lushen hureh when in the same breath you tell the rabim that one of your identifiable opponents is, as you claim, rosho verubo into "free fressing"? You have of course given enough description of him over time that the KG oylam knows who you are belittling.

  8. Yechee meets OU in QueensTue Aug 30, 03:14:00 AM 2022

    @ Mon Aug 29, 02:11:00 PM 2022

    Chabadsker Meshichistim bellow Moshiach NOW! And Yanky from the OU bellows lashon horah NOW!

    The Rebbe's Ohel is not far from one of Yanky's hangouts in Queens. Maybe they can all get together for a hybrid niggun.

    "We want to bash Yudel & followers NOW & we don't want to wait! Yechee Agudah Convention Smorgasbord catered by Schick, leOylam voEd!"


    These items under Queens Vaad shgoocha are a perfect compliment to the Galochishe literature collection of the OU mashgiach in KG!

    Besides that this must be another "heilligeh" mussag that Chaim Schwartz brought with him from KVH Boston. You couldn't make this up if you tried!

  10. Just like there is that infamous OU Mashgiach ploppeling about everything & anything, there is a free fresser in QG or anywhere else including any and all conventions.
    Anay l'ksill k'ivalto....

  11. Tue Aug 30, 12:50:00 PM 2022

    The owner is Christian. He can bake whatever he wants.

  12. ...catered by Schick, leOylam voEd!"...

    B"H the free fresser couldn't make into the last convention. Schick would not let him in. B"H.
    The fact that schick did not cater is not noigaiah. IKf it would - the ploppeller is out of business.
    Why do you think he draid arein the mashechisten ????

  13. And the Queens Vaad has a G-d complex so they think as long as they are RAKING IN $$$, they can certify even the most inappropriate things. No one is forcing them to certify a grubbah tzeilem. This is beyond "living wage" and beyond the pale!

  14. Oh.
    Yudel would give a hechsher but would tell the baker if you decorate a cake with a grubeh tzailem (or a moogin Doovid) you must say that this cake is not kosher (but everything else is)
    Get a life and open your alef bina

  15. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachThu Sep 01, 03:01:00 PM 2022

    Any normal hashgocho would not allow to advertise that a Cross is kosher under their supervision even though it would need to be for side reasons. Why is there a hostile attack yesterday 4:49 pm on the fellow raising the point? Why should the Queens Vaad be exempt from following the same behavior pattern as any normal hashgocho?

    Nor vos ..............?

    "Thank you" once again to the OU mashgiach in Queens for "contributing" with his inside out, upside down, BACKWARD LOGIC.

  16. The OU guy has been hanging around this blog for years. He should be very familiar with this upside downside inside outside yenehside deeside and all sides
